GMG Color

GMG Color


Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg 11.387 Follower:innen

We know color


GMG ist der führende Entwickler von High-End-Farbmanagement-Lösungen. Das Unternehmen wurde 1984 in Tübingen, Deutschland, gegründet, wo sich auch heute noch der Hauptsitz befindet. Mit mehr als 35 Jahren Erfahrung im Farbmanagement ist GMG ein Branchenpionier, der buchstäblich die Standards in diesem Segment setzt. Das Hauptaugenmerk von GMG liegt auf der Entwicklung von Komplettlösungen zur Standardisierung von Farbmanagement-Workflows für verschiedene Druckverfahren und für unterschiedliche Substrate. GMG ist mit über 12.000 installierten Farbmanagement-Systemen auf der ganzen Welt zu Hause. Zu den Kunden des Unternehmens zählen unter anderem Kreativagenturen, Prepressunternehmen, Offset-, Flexo-, Verpackungs-, Digital-, Tiefdruck- und Großformatdruckereien. GMG ist sowohl mit eigenen Tochtergesellschaften als auch über ein breites Partnernetz-werk global vertreten. Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 18 Abs. 2 MStV: Robert Weihing

51–200 Beschäftigte
Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Color Management und Proofing


Beschäftigte von GMG Color


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    11.387 Follower:innen

    The online workshop ‘Profiling Expert’ spans four half-days and is designed for small groups of up to 12 participants. Hands-on assignments during and in between sessions ensure lasting learning success. Individual coaching throughout the program helps you tackle specific challenges. Live and engaging: This online workshop offers the perfect environment for professionals looking to take their skills to the next level. It‘s exciting – and rewarding. As a Profiling Expert, you’ll stand out: • You’ll be able to manage demanding print conditions and create highquality profiles. • You’ll know how to adjust and optimize profiles to improve the quality of your printed products and streamline production processes. • You’ll have advanced knowledge of separation tasks. • You’ll have explored color science and understand the complexities of color reproduction. • You’ll have developed custom solutions based on your own real-life projects. Secure your knowledge edge and reserve your workshop today: We look forward to coaching you!

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  • Unternehmensseite von GMG Color anzeigen, Grafik

    11.387 Follower:innen

    The online workshop ‘Color Management and Proofing’ spans four half-days and is designed for small groups of up to 12 participants. Hands-on assignments during and in between sessions ensure lasting learning success. Individual coaching throughout the program helps you tackle specific challenges. Live and engaging: This online workshop offers the perfect environment for professionals looking to take their skills to the next level. It‘s exciting – and rewarding. This online workshop will help you make rapid progress: • Gain a thorough understanding of color management practices and processes. • Learn how to effectively implement color management concepts in your own work environment. • Benefit from expert guidance to navigate complex scenarios and apply the right solutions with confidence. • Discover how to improve the quality of your printed products and save time using GMG ColorProof. • Tailor the workshop to your specific requirements and dive deeper into topics such as color conversion, separation, optical brighteners in printing etc. Secure your knowledge edge and reserve your workshop today: We look forward to coaching you!

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  • Unternehmensseite von GMG Color anzeigen, Grafik

    11.387 Follower:innen

    The GMG Academy online workshops are the perfect fit for anyone looking to make swift progress, learn from the comfort of their own environment, and enjoy dynamic interaction on screen. Each workshop spans four half-days and is designed for small groups of up to 12 participants. Hands-on assignments during and in between sessions ensure lasting learning success. Individual coaching throughout the program helps you tackle specific challenges. Two online workshops are available to choose from: 1. Color Management and Proofing Gain practical insights into defining, measuring, standardizing, and proofing color. In addition to the fundamentals of color management, you will also learn about measurement techniques and how to work confidently with GMG’s proofing solutions. 2. Profiling Expert Our profiling experts will guide you through practical examples and challenges, showing you how to master even the most demanding print conditions. We will teach you to create and optimize profiles for both proofing and separation tasks. While GMG OpenColor is the primary tool used, other profiling tools can be covered as well if needed. Secure your knowledge edge and reserve your preferred workshop today: We look forward to coaching you!

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  • Unternehmensseite von GMG Color anzeigen, Grafik

    11.387 Follower:innen

    The Digital Print for Packaging event in Amsterdam brought together the entire digital print for packaging value chain to look at trends and developments for the future. It was an honor to be part of it. On the last day, our color management expert Johannes Betz enriched the event with his presentation, 'Hybrid Success: Integrating Digital Printing and Color Consistency'. Topics discussed included color consistency, balancing technology and process, the challenges of hybrid printing, and brand color replication. A great success! Thanks to Digital Print for Packaging for inviting us!

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  • Unternehmensseite von GMG Color anzeigen, Grafik

    11.387 Follower:innen

    Johannes Betz, Head of Academy & Consultant at GMG, is excited to attend the Digital Print for Packaging event in Amsterdam. His session will take place on December 5th, starting at 3:10 PM. “Hybrid Success – Integrating Digital Printing and Color Consistency” • Color consistency: Integrating color management minimizes reprints, reduces costs, and ensures consistent quality across multiple output devices • Hybrid printing challenges: Synchronizing digital (short runs) and conventional (long runs) • Brand Color Replication: Brand color replication is a key focus, with the latest insights from GMG projects • Balancing technology and process: Successful hybrid printing balances technology, process and skills Johannes Betz is eager to hear participants’ perspectives and looks forward to engaging discussions. He says: “I’m honored to represent GMG in Amsterdam. Connecting directly with users and decision-makers is always inspiring. Plus, the agenda is packed with other incredible sessions.” Don’t miss it: “Hybrid Success – Integrating Digital Printing and Color Consistency” on December 5th at 3:10 PM, as part of Digital Print for Packaging event in Amsterdam. Learn more about GMG’s color management and proofing solutions: Digital Print for Packaging Europe:

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  • Unternehmensseite von GMG Color anzeigen, Grafik

    11.387 Follower:innen

    Katharina Roeber, M.Sc. in Engineering, knows the key challenges in packaging printing. As Coordinator of the CCD (Competence Center for Digital Printing) at DFTA, she not only tackles the industry's toughest questions but also finds the right answers. We’re excited to have Katharina Roeber lead this insightful webinar on hybrid packaging printing – achieving consistent results in both digital and analogue. Hybrid production offers the flexibility that today’s packaging printers need. However, to successfully combine both worlds in the pressroom, we must ensure consistent print results – whether using digital or flexo printing. Johannes Betz from GMG Academy looks forward to the webinar with this experienced guest speaker and summarizes the key topics as follows: • Trends and innovations in digital packaging printing • Digital and flexo: technologies for consistent results • Case studies and key insights from the AKDV (Working group for digital packaging printing) Don’t miss out: Hybrid packaging printing – achieving consistent results in both digital and analog Tuesday, November 19th, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. CET Register for free now: Learn more about GMG’s color management and proofing solutions:

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  • Unternehmensseite von GMG Color anzeigen, Grafik

    11.387 Follower:innen

    Gelungener Abschluss eines erfolgreichen Jahres. Der letzte Academy Workshop im Jahr 2024 war gefüllt mit spannendem Austausch und interessantem Wissenstransfer. An Tag eins drehte sich alles um Themen wie Regeln im Druck, Standardisierung des Produktionsworkflows und richtige Einstellungen. An Tag zwei lag der Fokus dann auf dem Proofing mit GMG ColorProof. Wir bedanken uns bei allen Teilnehmenden und Trainern und freuen uns bereits jetzt auf ein neues Jahr in der GMG Academy. Mehr Informationen zur GMG Academy hier:

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  • Unternehmensseite von GMG Color anzeigen, Grafik

    11.387 Follower:innen

    Successful GMG dealer meeting in Europe   It is with great pleasure that we look back on a successful dealer meeting with our European sales partners. Two intensive days full of information, product innovations and exciting developments lie behind us - with an impressive number of around 50 participants. The meeting was particularly enriched by the exciting presentations from our partners, who shared valuable insights and practical experience. The presentations set decisive accents and provided valuable perspectives for future cooperation and the successful application of our solutions. The consistently positive feedback and the constructive, international exchange confirm our commitment and make us look forward to the next meeting. A big thank you to everyone involved for their commitment and contributions, which made this event a complete success! #GMG #PartnerMeeting #Innovation #Networking #Collaboration

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  • Unternehmensseite von GMG Color anzeigen, Grafik

    11.387 Follower:innen

    Erfolgreiches GMG-Händlertreffen in Europa Mit großer Freude blicken wir auf ein erfolgreiches Händlertreffen mit unseren europäischen Vertriebspartnern zurück. Zwei intensive Tage voller Informationen, Produktinnovationen und spannender Entwicklungen liegen hinter uns – mit einer beeindruckenden Teilnehmerzahl von rund 50 Teilnehmern.   Besonders bereichert wurde das Treffen durch die spannenden Vorträge unserer Partner, die wertvolle Einblicke und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis teilten. Die Präsentationen setzten entscheidende Akzente und lieferten wertvolle Perspektiven für die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit und die erfolgreiche Anwendung unserer Lösungen.   Das durchweg positive Feedback und der konstruktive, internationale Austausch bestätigen uns in unserem Engagement und machen Vorfreude auf das nächste Treffen. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle Beteiligten für ihr Engagement und ihre Beiträge, die dieses Event zu einem vollen Erfolg gemacht haben! #GMG #PartnerMeeting #Innovation #Networking #Zusammenarbeit

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