HFFA Research GmbH

HFFA Research GmbH


Agriculture | Environment | Development | Scientific consultancy | Research | Assessments and Evaluations


The business purpose of the HFFA Research GmbH is to provide scientific consultancy and research on key issues in German, European and world agriculture which are of political and public interest. The key objective of our company is to develop strategies for a sustainable global agricultural system which secures safe and nutritious food for a rapidly growing world population. We render these services to different stakeholders ranging from industry to government and from NGOs to academia. Our company is based in Berlin, Germany and is a 100 percent subsidiary of the Humboldt Forum for Food and Agriculture e.V. (HFFA). This association is an international non-profit think tank and represents a multidisciplinary and international expert community. Scientific and technological knowledge form the basis of many decision making processes. However, it is often extremely difficult for political and other decision-makers to get a practical and understandable access to the underlying facts. Moreover, many data have not been generated with the purpose of supporting political decision-making. Thus, there is an increasing demand for scientific data analysis and fact-finding combined with an easily understandable presentation of these. Our company satisfies this demand and focuses on scientific research in the field of life and social sciences. This encompasses diverse disciplines such as economics, market research and political sciences. Thus, HFFA Research GmbH is a unique and innovative solution provider in this market. We conduct scientific analyses, studies, expertise, publications and communication materials in a ready-to-use format for public decision-makers or clients dealing with these. Our services are strategic consulting, project management, scientific research and – if necessary – the identification of internationally renowned third-party experts who provide targeted research.

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    Profil von Juliane Kaufmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Agricultural and Environmental Economist | HFFA Research GmbH

    Excited to present at #Tropentag 2024, this year hosted by #BOKU in Vienna, September 11-13, where I'll be sharing insights on economic evidence through agroecology collected by GIZ Global Programme on Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security (#ProSoil) during the session on Agroecology: Drivers of Adoption, Impact of Practices, and Lessons Learned II. Happy to see you in person on September 12, 09:30-10:15 (CET) in ILWA SR29.2a or online and discuss the results. If you want a sneak preview, have a look at the full report here: https://lnkd.in/e8mncWEk #Tropentag2024 #Agroecology #GIZ #Sustainability #BOKU

    Agroecological practices demonstrate economic benefits

    Agroecological practices demonstrate economic benefits


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    We're proud to announce the publication of our latest collaborative research paper, "The need for evidence-based climate risk and adaptation assessments: lessons learned from the AGRICA project," featured in Environmental Research Letters. 📄🌍 The complex challenges of climate change require the cooperation of many actors. From 2018 and 2024, the AGRICA project provided critical evidence on climate impacts and adaptation strategies for agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa by bringing together knowledge from science, development cooperation and politics.  🌱 AGRICA is a partnership between the PIK - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). HFFA Research GmbH contributed to the project by conducting cost-benefit analyses to assess the profitability of various agricultural adaptation measures: 🌾 In Burkina Faso, we analyzed the financial benefits of new crop varieties and supplementary irrigation over 30 years. 🌳 In Niger, we assessed the profitability of agroforestry and integrated soil fertility management (ISFM). ☕🍫 In Uganda and Cameroon, we evaluated how agroforestry systems and better storage facilities could mitigate climate impacts on coffee and cacao cultivation and benefit farmers economically. Now that the project is complete, the article reflects on the lessons learned and emphasizes the importance of using the knowledge gained to develop effective climate risk and adaptation strategies in the region. Key takeaways from the project are: - The need for a balance between detailed and standardized assessments. - The critical role of high-quality, localized data for precise adaptation planning. - The importance of clearly communicating modeling uncertainties to support policy decisions. - The value of combining model-based and empirical assessments to bridge the gap between science and policy. Thank you to Juliane Kaufmann, Katarina von Witzke, Lina Staubach, Matti Cartsburg and Sophia Lüttringhaus for their contributions to the cost benefit analysis in the project. We believe these findings will significantly enhance national adaptation plans, making the agricultural sector more resilient to climate change. 🌾🌍 For more details, you can access the full paper here: https://lnkd.in/e82KrNBq #ClimateChange #AdaptationStrategies #SustainableAgriculture #SubSaharanAfrica #ClimateResearch #HFFA #AGRICA #EnvironmentalResearch #Resilience #AgricultureInnovation

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    🌍 Today is World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 🌱 Thus, HFFA Research GmbH would like to highlight a pivotal report from the Global Programme “Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security” (ProSoil), which delves into the economic viability and broader benefits of agroecological practices for smallholder farmers. The comprehensive review of ProSoil's interventions in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Madagascar, and Tunisia reveals compelling findings: 🔍 Significant Economic Gains: Agroecological practices deliver positive returns for farmers in nearly every case study and region surveyed. 🌿 Societal Benefits: Beyond boosting farmer incomes, these practices reduce public health costs, sequester carbon, and mitigate climate change. This publication underscores the urgent need to promote and adopt sustainable soil management practices to ensure food security and resilience against climate challenges. 🌐 The ProSoil programme is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, under the commission of the Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), and co-funded by the EU and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 👉 Let's commit to sustainable soil practices and contribute to a resilient future for farmers and communities worldwide. Get the report here: https://lnkd.in/eXFsWqcB #DesertificationAndDroughtDay #Agroecology #SoilHealth #SustainableFarming #ClimateAction  

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    Many countries already face significant challenges due to climate change, and Iraq is projected to be among the five hardest hit, with rising temperatures, droughts, and severe weather events severely impacting its agriculture and water resources. Agriculture is among the sectors suffering most. Increasing risks include high evaporation, water shortage, and heat stress. By 2050, Iraq will experience an average of 23 more days each year with temperatures exceeding 40°C. In some western regions, this increase could reach up to 34 additional extremely hot days (see figure). Without technological adaptation, no crop in Iraq will be able to escape the effects of climate change. However, millet and sorghum could gain in relative competitiveness and may displace crops such as rice and onions. We have recently expanded our portfolio to include climate risk analysis. If you're keen to know more about the implications of climate change on e.g. a country's agricultural production and markets, as well as its interaction with national climate and agricultural policies, feel free to reach out to us.

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    HFFA Research GmbH is promoting climate-smart agricultural innovations! 💡🌱🌤💧👩🌾🔬   Every year, the world loses up to 10M hectares of soil and over 24B tonnes of fertile land due to unsustainable practices. This not only destroys ecosystems but also reduces agricultural yields, exacerbating climate change vulnerability and contributing to GHG emissions. Implementing agroecological measures for climate-smart soil protection and rehabilitation is crucial for productive and sustainable agriculture and for combating climate change. During the coming months, our HFFA Research team will support the promotion and publication of climate effective key technologies and innovations in soil protection and rehabilitation (SPR) methods, implemented under the Global Program Soil Protection and Rehabilitation (ProSoil) from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, in the effort to advance SPR knowledge and share experiences with the international climate community. In close collaboration with the Country Packages of ProSoil in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Madagascar, and Tunisia, we will produce a publication describing their most important innovations for climate-smart soil protection and rehabilitation measures. Thereby, we will also evaluate existing knowledge and experience from the ProSoil program in recent years. A more detailed project description can be found here https://lnkd.in/djz_n6-x

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    HFFA Research GmbH is looking forward to new horizons in 2024!   We are proud to announce that we are official partner in the Horizon Europe project #DETECTIVE on #NewGenomeTechniques (#NGTs).   DETECTIVE is a four-year #EU-funded research project that was launched in Malmö, Sweden, from 17 to 19 January 2024. It aims to develop, validate, and promote innovative detection methods for plant and animal products of new genomic techniques (NGTs) such as #GeneEditing and #cisgenesis.   The consortium of DETECTIVE is led by the SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. It includes a multi-disciplinary consortium of 20 partners from eight EU Member States, Switzerland, and China as well as the Joint Research Centre from the European Commission.   Led by Justus Wesseler and working together with a team from Wageningen University & Research as well as in close collaboration with Kai Purnhagen from the Universität Bayreuth, HFFA Research GmbH substantially contributes to Work Package 1 of DETECTIVE, dealing with integrative strategies for traceability, authenticity and transparency of NGT products along the agri-food supply chains.   The main task of HFFA Research GmbH is to conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis of governance options for NGT detection and traceability, highlighting the different socio-economic implications.   We are very much looking forward to the next four years of working in close collaboration with the whole partner consortium and relevant stakeholders.   The official press release announcing the kick-off and providing more detailed information on the project can be downloaded here https://lnkd.in/eAHeUSTQ  

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    🌍 Navigating Bolivia’s Climate Challenges 🚜 The climate risk assessment carried out by the PIK - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and recently published by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, predicts severe consequences for water resources and related sectors in Bolivia. 🌊 While the region of Tarija might witness increased water availability under high warming scenarios but faces uncertainty and a potential decrease under a moderate climate change scenario, all scenarios anticipate decreased water availability in the lowlands of Santa Cruz, worsening with rising temperatures. 📚 Our team, consisting of Juliane Kaufmann, Matti Cartsburg and Annika Napier-Smith, also evaluated the cost-effectiveness of five specific adaptation strategies in the water and agricultural sector in these two regions to illustrate how future climate change might affect short-term planned investments. After a lengthy period of work, we are pleased to finally share the results of our endeavors. 🔗 Here are the assessments and policy briefs for your reference: 1️⃣ Cost-effectiveness analysis: Passive forest ecosystem restoration in the San Martin and Paraguá basins: https://lnkd.in/gDRbJrVA 2️⃣ Cost-benefit analysis: Introduction of sustainable livestock practices in the San Martín and Paraguá basins: https://lnkd.in/gkdMADNt 3️⃣ Cost-Benefit Analysis: Switching from corn to grape production in Guadalquivir basin, Tarija: https://lnkd.in/gDQjQ_9g 4️⃣ Cost Benefit Analysis: Strawberry production with drip irrigation in the Guadalquivir basin, Tarija: https://lnkd.in/gb-FBNci 🌿 In a fifth evaluation, we analyzed the costs and benefits of significantly improving the irrigation infrastructure in the Guadalquivir basin in Tarija. Stay tuned as this report will be published soon. For more information on the project, you can visit our project site [https://lnkd.in/eUdUYRJp]. Together, let's work towards resilient and sustainable solutions to Bolivia's climate challenges. 🌏🌱 #ClimateAction #WaterSecurity #AgricultureSustainability #BoliviaClimateChange #ClimateAdaptation Picture: Adobe Stock

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    🌱 Celebrating 2023: A Year-End Reflection 🌟 As the year draws to a close, we at HFFA Research GmbH take a moment to reflect on our journey through 2023. This festive season, we celebrate not just the holidays, but also the strides we have made in agricultural consulting. 🌍🌱 We're proud to have contributed to sustainable practices that align with our core mission: to foster a more resilient and environmentally friendly agricultural landscape. 🚜💡 This holiday season, let's cherish the bonds we've strengthened and the goals we've achieved together. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated team, our partners, and our clients. Your support and collaboration have been invaluable in navigating the challenges and opportunities of this year. 🤝🎉 As we look forward to 2024, we're excited about the new possibilities that await. We remain dedicated to collating and interpreting the latest research findings for our clients, ensuring they are well-informed and supported in policies that foster sustainable development and agriculture. 📈🌾 May your holidays be filled with joy, peace, and prosperity. Happy holidays from all of us at HFFA Research GmbH. 🎄✨ We invite you to share your thoughts and reflections on this year's achievements in agriculture and development. What are your hopes for the sector in 2024? Let's discuss in the comments below! 💬👇 #AgricultureInnovation #SustainableDevelopment #HolidayReflections #AgriResearch #HappyHolidays #NewYearGoals #FarmingFuture

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    🌍 Exploring Cost-Effective Strategies for Climate-Resilient Agriculture in Cameroon 🌱 We are excited to share insights from a recent study under the AGRICA project, presented at COP28. The study offers valuable perspectives, including policy recommendations for Cameroon's agriculture in the face of escalating climate threats, and was co-authored by our colleagues Juliane Kaufmann and Lina Staubach. Led by the PIK - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in collaboration with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH on behalf of Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), this research focuses on providing a robust foundation for risk-informed and economically sound adaptation decisions in Cameroon's agricultural sector. Key findings include the evaluation of three adaptation strategies for local farmers: improved varieties, Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM), and agroforestry. As part of a comprehensive climate risk analysis, our team confirmed the economic viability of these three strategies via a cost-benefit-analysis. Our analysis shows that each strategy is not just beneficial economically speaking but also has the potential to reduce specific climate change risks, thereby also offering environmental and social advantages. 🌾ISFM is found to be highly beneficial, boosting yields and positively impacting smallholder farmers as well as the environment. Improved varieties demonstrate increased heat tolerance, aiding adaptability to climate change. Agroforestry, with its potential to mitigate climate risks on cocoa production, promises not only higher yields but also additional income streams for farmers. 🌳Additionally, the AGRICA study was spotlighted during the French-speaking COP28 side event "Impacts du Changement Climatique sur le Secteur Agricole Camerounais". You can watch the streaming in French language here: https://lnkd.in/gSK8JG86 For deeper insights, please see the final report and policy brief: https://lnkd.in/gE6R52NJ For additional cost-benefit analyses conducted for the AGRICA project in Uganda, Zambia, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Ethiopia, please feel free to explore our HFFA Research project website: https://lnkd.in/eVA2enWF Let's pave the way for sustainable and resilient agriculture in Cameroon! 🌿 #ClimateAction #Agriculture #COP28 #AGRICAProject #Sustainability 🌏 Photo: Adobe Stock

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    🌟 Thrilled to share the incredible experience we had at our recent company retreat! 🌟 Last week, our team came together for an inspiring blend of strategic discussions, team building, and fun in Stade. The retreat provided a valuable platform for open dialogue, creative brainstorming, and aligning our goals for the future. It was a great opportunity to strengthen our bonds and foster a culture of collaboration. 🚀 The Future: Our team came together to dive deep into discussions about the future strategy of HFFA Research GmbH. It was an invaluable opportunity to brainstorm, collaborate, and align our visions for the exciting journey ahead. 🤝 Building Strong Connections: One of the most rewarding aspects of our retreat was the opportunity to strengthen bonds within our team. Whether through strategy discussions, team-building activities, our very own bowling bonanza or casual conversations over meals, we fostered a sense of collaboration that will undoubtedly propel us forward. Together, we're shaping the future of our company and are excited about the journey ahead.🚀

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