Integrated Lab Solutions

Integrated Lab Solutions


Your supplier of custom R&D lab- and pilot-scale units for Tackling tomorrows green Energy and circularity challenges


Process and catalyst development to address the green-energy and circular economy needs of our time is essential. ILS is your competent partner for the design and construction of the most optimal R&D units for your energy, environmental and chemical processes. In addition to having a staff of experienced DESIGN engineers to help define your process (and not just build it) we have the unique ability to test our systems with real chemistry under live operating conditions in our chemical validation laboratory prior to delivery. This Insures that you get a fully turn-key solution with seamlessly integrated online analytics and full automation. During our 18-years of experience we have made well over 300 units which span a wide range of energy, environmental petrochemical, specialty-chemical, pharmaceutical and materials-related fields. We can design and construct virtually any reaction testing system at laboratory and pilot-scale that you may be interersted in. Our units are designed by PhD and MS Chemists and Chemical-Engineers insuring that a strong focus is placed on the user insuring ease-of-maintenance and high data quality. We design the unit optimally for your chemistry, not the other way around.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Chemical Commissioning, polymer chemistry, hydrotreating, Microreaction technology, Process Intensification, emmissions testing, synthetic gas , synthetic gas test bench, chemical looping, gas to liquids, circular economy, polyolefins, fischer tropsch, methanol, ammonia, hydrotreating, denox, emmissions, catalyst, catalystresearch, automation, laboratory automation, hte, high throughput screening, bob upgrading, kinetic testing, parallel reactors, high throughput testing, pilot plant, catalysis, fixed bed, stirred tank, reactor, gas chromatography, circularity, greenfuel, plasticsrecycling, chemical looping, plastics recycling, depolymerization, hydrogen, hydrogeneconomy, greeneconomy, efuel, CCS, CCU und carbon capture


Beschäftigte von Integrated Lab Solutions


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