LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO DO GOOD 😇 There is goodness everywhere, it is just so hard to see between all the bad stuff that surrounds us. The idea behind “meet THE GOOD ONES” is to report good things that happen around the world and create films that support them. We wish to inspire people to look for good starting from their immediate environment and ending on a global scale. We hope that the films will brighten up your day and maybe even encourage you to do good yourself. We are always looking for new stories. If you know something good that you think worth spreading - please share it with us!
Online Audio- und Videomedien
Berlin, Berlin 252 Follower:innen
Giving a platform to good ones around the world. - Get in touch if you feel some good needs visibility!
"meet THE GOOD ONES" is a YouTube channel that was created during and as a result of Corona. Our goal is to spread the good. This takes place on three levels: * awareness * human connection * self-development Every Saturday, a short film of 4 - 6 minutes is uploaded and, together with the documentation, always includes an impulse for the further development of the viewers. Our project is financed from our own resources, because we believe that this investment can fulfil our dream by bringing the good even more to the fore. Our intention is to give a stage to people who do something good for society and the world, in order to inspire and motivate more people to develop and contribute socially.
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- Online Audio- und Videomedien
- Größe
- 1 Beschäftigte:r
- Hauptsitz
- Berlin, Berlin
- Art
- Selbständig
- Gegründet
- 2021
Berlin, Berlin 10249, DE
Beschäftigte von meet THE GOOD ONES
Thank you Holly Jewell for the invite! It was a pleasure to meet you! 🌟
Founder & Host of Heart of Change Podcast I Transformational Coach & Talent Professional I Conscious Cosmic Dancer I Positive energy, positive change
Good news! Episode 10 of Heart of Change podcast is live, featuring Guy Dimenstein, creator of meet THE GOOD ONES. meet THE GOOD ONES is a YouTube channel sharing stories to remind us of all the good happening around us every day. "Good brings good," according to Guy. So, let's celebrate it and share the stories of all the goodness in the world. 🧡 How we see the world matters. By changing the lens through which we view life, we can invite more positivity into our experiences and uplift others. Check out EP10 of Heart of Change and meet THE GOOD ONES! Links Below. EP10 Heart of Change YouTube: https://lnkd.in/e9tcpKYw Spotify: https://lnkd.in/ejK8-nxG Apple: https://lnkd.in/eGzDpXmA meet THE GOOD ONES YouTube: https://lnkd.in/ee-aEJyM #podcast #good #goodnews #perspective #change #transformation #positivity #newepisode #news
POP UP Restaurants Revolutionize Dining for Homeless and Beyond! A pop-up restaurant for the homeless (and everyone else). Homeless Veggie Dinner was founded by Dario Adamic . We all need nourishment. Food connects us. – This group of amazing people in Berlin create a multi-course dinner once a month for the whole community. Everyone is welcome! No matter if you live on the streets or have a home, if you struggle with unemployment or have a regular job. At the “Homeless Veggie Dinners” everyone can get together and connect while having an incredible meal, meeting people you would otherwise have maybe never met, relax and enjoy yourself. And it keeps getting better: the food used for the dinners is rescued and completely vegan/vegetarian. The ingredients are perfectly edible but rejected from stores and retailers, so every dinner contributes towards reducing food waste. Plus: the whole meal is prepared with so much love by an incredibly committed team of volunteers from cultures around the world. They share their love for food and community, and create new bonds and friendships while chopping and stirring together a great dinner. – Can you think of a more awesome way to get together, create connections and have a good impact? #homelessveggiedinner #dinnerforall #foodberlin #berlinvegan #berlinvegetarian #hvdberlin #berlinfood #berlinevents #communitydinner #kreuzberg #freefoodberlin #foodforeveryone #freeberlin #meetthegoodones #goodnewsforyou #feelgoodhappypeople #goodbringsgood #gooddeeds #doinggood #goodnews #goodthingsproductions #filmproduction #filmmaker #berlin Watch the episode on YouTube: https://lnkd.in/dnAGdPs5
POP UP Restaurant Revolutionize Dining for Homeless and Beyond!
Thanks a lot to our wonderful friends of ACT e.V. | Führe Regie über dein Leben 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 #bettertogether #berlinerntet #friendship
Wir waren am Wochenende bei "Berlin erntet" mit einem Theaterstück unter freiem Himmel am Start: "Man erntet, was man säht!" ist im ACT_Lab innerhalb kürzester Zeit entstanden und wir haben uns sehr gefreut, damit unseren Partner meet THE GOOD ONES bei "Berlin erntet" supporten zu können! Wer mehr wissen will zur Aktion im Mauerpark oder zu meet THE GOOD ONES, kann hier bei ihrem Kanal vorbeischauen oder gleich ihre neue Website besuchen: https://lnkd.in/dWzS__Ty Wie schön, dass es so viele engagierte Menschen gibt, die diese Welt ein kleines Stückchen besser machen :-) #meetthegoodones #actberlin #actlab
Special release of our 100. episode and our new website! 🎉 Why do we NEEEEED good stories? https://lnkd.in/dHzc5Npa Do you think your life could be better, if you hear more positive than negative stories? Do you think it could change the world for the better? We believe so! That’s why we are telling stories about all the GOOD ONES! We produced 100 episodes and we don’t want to stop! But we need your help to continue our important work! Please check our website and consider to support us! There are more ways to help than just to donate (what would be awesome 😉), but please spread the message, follow us, like the episodes and tell people about us. 🙏🏻 A great thank you to all the GOOD ONES, we met in the last almost 3 years! You are amazing and the world needs you! Never give up hope and keep on believing and dreaming! ✨ Visit our website: https://lnkd.in/dWzS__Ty #goodbringsgood #storyteller #goodnews
Why do we NEEEEED good stories?
BERLIN ERNTET: Eine bunte Hommage an die essbare Vielfalt Berlins Nach einem großartigen Auftakt-Event in 2023 findet in diesem Herbst die 2. Ausgabe der “Berlin erntet” Aktion statt – in der ganzen Stadt und mit großem Abschlussfest im Mauerpark in Prenzlauer Berg. Dieses wegweisende Projekt wurde initiiert und wird durchgeführt von mundraub.org, den Freunden des Mauerparks e.V. und meet THE GOOD ONES. In diesem Jahr bieten wir wieder die Gelegenheit, die üppige Ernte Berlins zu zelebrieren. Zum Abschlussfest der Erntewoche laden wir alle Berliner:innen am Sonntag, dem 22. September 2024 ins bezaubernde Ambiente des Mauerparks. Hinter der Idee des Erntens in Berlin verbirgt sich eine schier grenzenlose Fülle an Obstbäumen und Sträuchern, die in Straßen, Parks und Kleingärten emporwachsen und reiche Früchte tragen. Ein Großteil dieser schmackhaften Ressourcen verkommt jedoch oft unbeachtet und ungenutzt. "Berlin erntet" setzt an diesem Punkt an. Wir rufen alle Berliner:innen auf, die Vielfalt und den Reichtum zu entdecken, der auf Berlins öffentlichen Flächen wächst und gedeiht und diese wertvollen Ressourcen zu retten und zu teilen. Während der Zeitspanne vom 14. bis zum 22. September 2024 werden Berlins Grünflächen zum Schauplatz von Sammlern, die sich auf die Jagd nach natürlichem Genuss begeben. Äpfel, Birnen, Quitten, Haselnüsse und Pflaumen zählen zu den Schätzen, die es zu bergen gilt. Wer selbst teilnehmen möchte, kann bei einer der tausenden frei zugänglichen Erntestellen auf der Plattform mundraub.org oder mit Unterstützung der mundraub-App auf seine Kosten kommen. Kleingartenbesitzer sind aufgerufen, Gleichgesinnte einzuladen oder Erntehelfer zu mobilisieren, um gemeinsam kulinarische Meisterwerke aus den gesammelten Früchten zu kreieren! Beim Erntefest im Mauerpark wird es ein mit viel Liebe entwickeltes Programm geben mit Mitmachaktionen und Workshops, sowie eine Bastelecke, Upcycling-Aktionen und Infostände. Ein weiteres Highlight wird die Bereitstellung einer Saftpresse sein, mit der die Teilnehmer*innen ihren eigenen Saft aus den frisch geernteten Äpfeln pressen können. Das gesamte Projekt wird vom ,,meet THE GOOD ONES"-Team filmisch begleitet und in einer inspirierenden Folge festgehalten. Sei dabei, wenn die Erntezeit in Berlin begangen und gefeiert wird – ein Fest der Nachhaltigkeit und der Vielfalt Berlins.
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"Where would we end up if everyone could do whatever they wanted?" – But perhaps this is precisely the key – to self-awareness, further development and overcoming personal problems. In our new episode, we get to know Mohammad & Hussein Eliraqui and the ACT e.V. | Führe Regie über dein Leben theater group. Here, young people work together to develop plays based on the "veto principle" on topics that are hot on their minds. The rule of thumb here is that everyone can do (or not do) what they want – within a certain framework. This approach encourages personal responsibility and self-reflection on the part of the participants. The results are fascinating, sometimes provocative and sometimes moving. For this episode, we accompanied the group working on their new piece "A safe haven" („Zuflucht“). See for yourself. If you like to support meet THE GOOD ONES 👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/e4ag7FsF #VetoPrinzip #theatre #goodbringsgood You can always say NO! Mohammad Eliraqui and the "Veto principle" theater group. https://lnkd.in/e4iCQGqp
You can always say NO! Mohammad Eliraqui and the "Veto principle" theater group.
Do you lose hope from time to time? So do we! And therefore we would like to share some wisdom and hope of Jane Goodall. She wrote a book about hope with Douglas Abrams and it is full of positive energy. Dr. Jane Goodall says we need 4 essential components that create a lasting sense of hope: 🌱 Realistic goals 🌱 Realistic paths 🌱 Confidence in our ability to achieve these goals and 🌱Support to overcome any obstacles. She goes on to say: „Stories go straight to the heart, much more immediately than facts and figures. If you wrap a message in a well-told story, people remember it, even if they forget the details.“ Like Jane, we believe it is possible to make the world a better place. There are so many Good Ones that we don’t see. We want you to see them, and we want to tell stories to spread hope and show the world that it is possible to make a difference. Every little action, every day is making a difference. You just have to decide and do what you can do. For more inspiring content of Jane Goodall, listen to her podcast: „Hopecast“. You will feel embraced by her voice. https://lnkd.in/dPqJArJM The Jane Goodall Institute Jane Goodall Institut Deutschland Doug Abrams #hope #goodbringsgood #bettertogether
“Better Together – Connecting for Good” is a community which brings together people who want to make a positive impact on the world, their societies and the environment. We want to connect, share learnings and experiences, and thus empower and inspire each other in our work towards the good. Our world and societies today face multiple challenges. These are not easy times. When we open the newspaper or the internet we are bombarded with horrific news and stories about war, despair, human suffering, injustice, inequality and environmental destruction - only to name a few. We believe in the power of human connection and communities. We all want positive change, but if we join in together, pool our resources, exchange our ideas, knowledge and experiences, our power is amplified and our impact multiplied. Join us and many like-minded people from Germany and around the world. Let’s strive towards the good as a strong and diverse community, because we are “Better Together”. “Better Together – Connecting for Good” is an initiative of three like-minded media projects: “meet THE GOOD ONES”, “Good News for You” and “Feel Good - Happy People.Happy Planet” which all want to amplify and showcase people, projects and organisations in their work towards the good. Join us: https://lnkd.in/drrSz82Y GoodNews for You Kathrin Dieckmann #bettertogether #connectingforgood #community Exciting News: Join Us for Better Together - Day of Hope 2024 in Munich https://lnkd.in/d6_6gpcn
Exciting News: Join Us for Better Together - Day of Hope 2024 in Munich
Even in rich countries like Germany, homelessness and poverty are still issues – issues the cities would like to hide away as much as possible. Migrants and refugees also face struggles with difficult economic situations, stereotyping, xenophobia, exclusion, etc. There is a unique project in Berlin called querstadtein e.V. which brings awareness to these issues in a wonderful and human way. They organize topical city tours through Berlin city, led by (formerly) homeless people or immigrants who tell their very personal story of the city, its places and people. Individuals who would normally never meet get the opportunity to come together and explore Berlin in a new way. The guides are thus also empowered, not only financially but also emotionally. Join us in our inspiring new episode where we follow four guides of “querstadtein” as they tell their perspectives and struggles on an eye-to-eye level. New episode: https://lnkd.in/eqFrVfYS #changeofperspective #homelessness #migration
A tour like no other. Guided tours by homeless people and immigrants in Berlin. querstadtein.