The start-up competition by SZGipfel aims to award up-and-coming start-ups in the fields of artificial intelligence, mobility and deep tech that will have a significant impact on our economy with their innovative ideas. The finalists of the Gipfelstürmer Award were announced today, and we are happy to be part of the 3 AI companies that were selected and attend the finals at the 12th of November. Read more about the finalists here:
The Landbanking Group
We put nature on the balance sheet
The Landbanking Group has been initiated as a moonshot project to revolutionize the way land is being valued and used by land stewards at a moment where ecosystem services are critical prerequisites for equitable, resilient and climate compatible prosperity and peace. The Landbanking Group is committed to the SDGs, the Paris Climate Agreement and the biodiversity targets of the High Ambition Coalition. It is a private, social-benefit company that brings together leading scientists, company builders, technology experts and investors. Disclaimer: The Landbanking Group is not a bank in the traditional financial services sense. We support land stewards to create and valorize natural capital accounts. We do neither broker nor deal securities, we do not provide financial services or financial advice. The Landbanking Group is no lender and no e-money sending business. This website and all external materials such as decks, powerpoints, PDFs, articles and communications are not offering financial advice of any kind whatsoever.
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The Industry Roundtable in Tokyo hosted by the Centre For Global Commons discussed how to leverage natural capital for economically and ecologically sustainable future. The key topic: Putting nature on the balance sheet. Prof. Dr. Martin R. Stuchtey, Naoko Ishii, Guido Schmidt-Traub, Peter Bakker
Investing in Africa - Investing in Nature A study conducted by NatureFinance measured the development of the biodiversity MRV and financing landscape within the African continent. Some notable biodiversity projects active in Southern and Central Africa today are driven by The Landbanking Group partners AMES Foundation and African Parks Network. Nature conservation and restoration moved into the spotlight and creates opportunities inside and outside Africa to rethink economic valuation methods, apply new measurement technologies and create a more equitable risk and reward distribution within Africa and globally. A welcome development for The Landbanking Group and a source of inspiration for environmental and climate action! Find the full study here:
This is what “ground truthing” means. The Landbanking Group combines satellite data and machine learning models with data from the ground to achieve a perfect mix between scalability and accuracy. Camera traps are a ground truthing technique that consists in placing cameras on the ground to capture presence of indicator species. This picture was taken by one of our camera traps at an African Parks Network Park. (The model will be renumerated, as soon as we locate the monkey). In our upcoming Landler release, it will be possible to see camera trap images — when available — for every square kilometer of land. Sign up here for a sneak peek into the release:
Our Product team is growing! Product owner at mind and sustainable systems thinker at heart, Stephanie Strifert is a great addition to The Landbanking Group. We are happy to have you on board!
Beacons of hope and expertise - in dialogue with the young farmers of Andechs Andechs lies between Lake Starnberg and Lake Ammer, and holds one of Europe’s best known organic dairy farms. And it is once again farmers who are the become key players in maintaining a stable and sustainable future with their work and expertise: For food security, landscape and climate protection and for our social risk management. The current funding landscape does not allow farmers to adequately fulfil this important role. New solutions are on the table and are the subject of heated debate. Prof. Dr. Martin R. Stuchtey discussed this topic with a number of engaged young farmers at the invitation of Barabara Scheitz, Managing Partner of Andechser Molkerei Scheitz GmbH.
How do we measure success? Listen to Dr. Sonja Stuchtey Stuchtey at the CEO2-neutral Podcast, discussing the definition of success and how we measure it. Sonja talks about the relevance of natural capital to ensure the future viability of companies and The Landbanking Group’s approach to protecting nature. Listen to the full episode here:
Naturkapital als Investment in die Zukunft des Unternehmens | mit Dr. Sonja Stuchtey
We are looking forward to this years’ COP16 Colombia with much excitement. With Action Plans and Biodiversity at its center, we expect much movement in the conservation space, especially in the Nature Finance sector. Let us give you a preview of some exciting topics we'll be discussing: 1. The launch of a new Landler release which will make it easy to finance nature conservation, at scale. We shared a first glimpse during Climate Week and we can't wait to make it public. 2. Building up on the momentum created by African Parks Network with their first successful Verifiable Nature Unit (VNU) transaction. A concrete example of outcome-based nature finance, now ready to be taken to scale. 3. Putting nature on the balance sheet - our leitmotif since we started, with exciting developments we are looking forward to share. Join us at these exciting events at COP16: Thursday, Oct 24th: 📅“Insuring the Nature Positive Transition” with Nature Tech Collective 📅“Redefining success – Integrating the value of nature, people, society and economy in decision-making” with Capitals Coalition Friday, Oct 25th: 📅“Scaling Regenerative Agriculture in Brazil: a new asset class to make investment in resilience an asset”, organized by The Landbanking Group 📅“Developing a New Currency for Nature – the Verifiable Nature Unit: Going fast and far, together!” with African Parks Network Saturday, Oct 26th: 📅“Putting Nature on the Balance Sheet” with Capitals Coalition and Systemiq Ltd. 📅“Feeding the Future: Harmonising Food Systems with the Natural World” with World Climate Foundation 📅“Venture Beyond: Why Aligning Finance and Innovation Drives Nature Positive Investment” with NatureFinance 📅 “Leveraging technology to unlock investments in nature and derisk supply chains” with EY, Lobelia Earth, ECOACSA, Reserva de Biodiversidad Sunday, Oct 27th 📅 “Developing a New Currency for Nature – The Verifiable Nature Unit: critical infrastructure for the nature finance market” with African Parks Network Monday, Oct 28th 📅 “Unlocking private finance to enable a just transition towards a regenerative economy? Impact investing in NbS for Adaptation as entry point” with ALTAMIRA Tuesday, Oct 29th 📅 “Mobilising Private Sector Finance to Restore and Protect Nature” with Sustainable Markets Initiative 📅Embedding Biodiversity into Decision Making at Every Level with Sustainable Markets Initiative Our team at COP16: Prof. Dr. Martin R. Stuchtey Jamie Batho Felipe Villela Liliana Andrea Martinez Sarmiento Elisabeth Theresa Seeger For event details staying updated, visit this page
The Landbanking Group’s Nature Fund is one of 10 instruments to be endorsed by The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance. At NYCW we launched The Landbanking Group Nature Fund, a closed-end debt facility that finances the protection of standing ecosystems, and the restoration of degraded landscapes to reduce pressures on high-integrity ecosystems. The facility is underpinned by Nature Equity Contracts - a new market mechanism that enables investments directly into the natural capital that supports business models, portfolios and economic productivity. We are proud to be part of a record-setting 10th cohort that presents a combined $490 million in investment opportunities and are kicking off work in Brazil with our partner Belterra Agroforestry. Thank you to all of our partners in the development and launch of this instrument: Climate Policy Initiative, The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, Finance in Motion, The Rockefeller Foundation, IFU, Green Climate Fund, CrossBoundary Group, MUFG, RMB - Rand Merchant Bank and BlackRock. Read more about The Landbanking Group’s work at the Lab:
Data and Donuts Cecil and The Landbanking Group hosted a data breakfast at the New York Climate Week. Reliable and high quality data is the foundation on which we can build MRV systems, analytics tools, management tools, and financial products that allow businesses to invest into the natural capital that underpins business models and portfolios. Thank you to our friends at Cecil for hosting us in New York to discuss exactly this topic along with a broad community of corporates, rating agencies, investors, Consultants, government agencies and a host of nature-techs. Helen Crowley, Kat Bruce, Kobi Weinberg, Rory Oxenham, Alex Logan, Tom Walker