Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI)

Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI)


Berlin, 10437 1.538 Follower:innen

The Action Platform: Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) was initiated by UN-Habitat and the SOLUTIONS project.


The Action Platform: Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) was initiated by UN-Habitat and the SOLUTIONS project and launched at the UN Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York. The UEMI aims to contribute significantly to the overall goal of limiting the increase in global mean temperature to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by decreasing urban CO2 emissions globally. As one of the Action Areas of the UN Climate Summit the UEMI aims to phase out conventionally fuelled vehicles in cities and integrate electric mobility into a wider concept of sustainable urban transport. The secretariat of the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative was established to facilitate the operation of the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative. The UEMI secretariat develops partnerships with local authorities, industry, SMEs, knowledge and network partners to implement innovative urban electric mobility solutions. The UEMI partnership currently consists of over 150 partners collaborating on implementation-oriented projects.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, 10437


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    Unternehmensseite von Urban Living Lab Center anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌿 Vietnam's Path to Sustainable Urban Mobility: Hanoi's Green Transformation 🌿 Vietnam is stepping up its fight against climate change and urban transportation challenges with ambitious goals and innovative solutions. The Green Growth Strategy 2021-2030 and the upcoming Climate Change Strategy 2021-2030 set the stage for a low-carbon future, focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning to green energy. Current State and Future Vision: 🏙️ Urban Transport Challenges: Hanoi’s rapid urbanization and high dependence on private vehicles highlight the need for an improved public transport system. With a growing population and traffic congestion, expanding and enhancing public transportation is essential. 🌬️ Air Quality and Emissions: The transport sector is a major contributor to Hanoi’s air pollution, with significant levels of PM2.5. Addressing this through effective policies and sustainable transport solutions is vital for improving urban air quality. Vietnam’s journey towards sustainable urban transport is marked by both challenges and opportunities. 🚨 Addressing Urban Challenges: Hanoi faces critical issues related to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, traffic congestion, and traffic accidents. To meet the government’s COP26 commitments, the city must prioritize policies that encourage public transportation, particularly shared two-wheelers. 🚲 Shared Two-Wheeler Solutions: The shared two-wheeler service has proven effective globally in reducing emissions and easing traffic congestion. In Vietnam, this model is expanding with successful implementations in cities like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang. By expanding electric and shared transport solutions, enhancing public transport infrastructure, and implementing effective policies, the country can pave the way for cleaner, more efficient cities. Read the full publication 👉 https://lnkd.in/eq2AdWKF #Vietnam #Hanoi #SustainableTransport #ClimateAction #ElectricVehicles #PublicTransport #GreenMobility #UrbanInnovation

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    Unternehmensseite von CIVITAS Initiative anzeigen, Grafik

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    Big day! 📣 We're pleased to announce that the final agenda for the CIVITAS Forum is now online! Check it out 👉 civitas.eu/cf24-agenda 👈 ! Discover the plenaries, sessions, site visits and more that await in #Parma, from 1-3 October 2024. Haven't registered yet? Now is the perfect moment. Register ✨🖱 civitas.eu/cf2024 #conference #event #mobility #transport #sustainable #urban #design #logistics #data #innovation #cycling #walking #traffic #DigitalTwin #AI #electric #CF2024

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    Unternehmensseite von Clean Air Asia anzeigen, Grafik

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    Every September 7 we celebrate the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, highlighting the urgent need for global action to combat air pollution and improve air quality. Clean Air Asia is leading the call to address this issue in the region and recognizes that investing in cleaner air is vital for safeguarding both public health and the environment. By prioritizing air quality improvements, we can help prevent serious health issues and ensure a sustainable future. Swipe through to learn more about the significance of the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies and discover why it is crucial to invest in #CleanAirNow.

  • Unternehmensseite von Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI)  anzeigen, Grafik

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    Excited to be part of the C40 Cities' campaign #ItsInTheAir in Quito. The electric minivans manufactured in Ecuador for the #SOLUTIONSplus project will be part of this event that highlights people-focused transport and urban planning initiatives. Seven cities around the world that have committed to establishing or expanding clean air zones by 2030 are part of the campaign. Glad to support Quito on the establishment of its Historic Center as a Low Emissions Zone with 18 Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) for last mile logistics and passenger transportation. ⚡🚲🔋🚚

    Unternehmensseite von C40 Cities anzeigen, Grafik

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    Quito  has  prioritised  the  creation  of  a  clean  air  zone  in  its  city  centre. The zone aims to reduce pollution, improve residents' well-being and health, and safeguard its UNESCO Heritage Site. #ItsInTheAir

  • In Quito, the capacity building for women drivers of e-cargo bikes continues. The second training was focused on assertive communication and occupational health ⚡🚲. ♀️UEMI in collaboration with Fundación Red Sostenible and Carishina en bici will keep working to empower women from recyclers associations and courier services to use light electric vehicles in their operations.

    📣Continúan las capacitaciones a conductoras de bici-cargas eléctricas realizadas junto a la Fundación Red Sostenible y el Colectivo Carishina en bici 🔋. ♀️ El segundo taller teórico se llevó a cabo con éxito. Trabajadoras de asociaciones de reciclaje inclusivo y de empresas de paquetería tipo courier recibieron formación sobre comunicación asertiva y salud ocupacional ♻️📦. 🚲La próxima semana iniciarán los talleres prácticos para aprender a conducir los vehículos eléctricos. Desde la Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) trabajamos por incrementar la incorporación de mujeres en la movilidad sostenible ⚡.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI)  anzeigen, Grafik

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    Take a look at this blog that summarizes the implementation of the SOLUTIONSplus project in Quito-Ecuador. Thanks to a collaboration with the Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (IDB) Cities Lab, several data were collected related to pedestrians' perception of light electric vehicles and the satisfaction of the final users and customers that received deliveries with the vehicles from the project. The IDB also analyzed data provided by air quality sensors that were installed on the electric cargo bikes during the pilot. Electric mobility pilots are important to reduce barriers in the implementation of new technologies. UEMI will keep working on scaling up this type of initiatives to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions in Quito and Ecuador. https://lnkd.in/e686Pb34

    Quito: Innovando en electromovilidad hacia un Centro Histórico Cero Emisiones

    Quito: Innovando en electromovilidad hacia un Centro Histórico Cero Emisiones


  • Unternehmensseite von Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI)  anzeigen, Grafik

    1.538 Follower:innen

    📣We keep working to empower women in sustainable mobility in Quito-Ecuador. 🚲 UEMI implemented workshops focused on capacity building for women drivers of e-cargo bikes in collaboration with Fundación Red Sostenible and Carishina en bici. The training considers theoretical and practical classes with a total of 6 sessions. ⚡ Some topics included in the training are electromobility, use, and maintenance of light electric vehicles, prevention of gender-based violence, assertive communication, rights, leadership, and empowerment, among others. ♀️14 women from recyclers associations and courier delivery services participate in these training sessions. #GenderEquality #WomenInTransport #SustainableMobility

    Unternehmensseite von Ecuador shifts towards low-carbon electric mobility anzeigen, Grafik

    148 Follower:innen

    📢 Seguimos trabajando para cerrar la brecha de género en el sector transporte para una movilidad sostenible en Quito 🚲⚡ El día de ayer comenzó el primer taller de formación a conductoras de bicicletas eléctricas de carga realizado con la colaboración de la Fundación Red Sostenible y el colectivo Carishina en bici. Con mucho entusiasmo, 14 mujeres de asociaciones de reciclaje y de entregas vía courier participaron en esta 1era sesión de 6 sesiones de capacitación que se impartirán de forma teórica y práctica.   Continuaremos informando sobre los avances de las capacitaciones. Síguenos para conocer más detalles sobre el desarrollo de estas sesiones de capacitación. 🤗  Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) #GenderEquality #WomenInTransport #SustainableTransport #MovilidadElectrica #MovilidadSostenible

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  • Women face significant challenges while commuting, including safety concerns, complex travel patterns due to caregiving responsibilities, and transport systems that often fail to consider their needs. These factors limit their mobility and access to opportunities, highlighting the need for gender-sensitive urban planning and building feminist cities.

    Profil von Women Mobilize Women anzeigen, Grafik

    Working towards feminist transport systems where no one is left behind. Part of the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

    English version below: 🚶♀️ 🚍 Estamos empolgadas com o próximo evento da série Construindo Cidades Feministas que acontecerá em Brasília, Brasil, nos dias 13 e 14 de agosto. 🔎 E por que é importante trazer a série para a América Latina?   🚉 🙋♀️ As mulheres na América Latina enfrentam desafios no transporte urbano, devido à disparidade de gênero acentuada no continente, que afeta a mobilidade e o acesso à oportunidades. No estudo recente “Ela se move segura”, mostra que mais de 70% das mulheres se sentem inseguras no transporte público.   Ao realizar o evento do CCF em Brasília, pretendemos abordar essas questões específicas e promover debates sobre sistemas de transporte inclusivos, resilientes e adaptáveis, ajustados às necessidades específicas da região.   🌎 🚴♀️ Construindo Cidades Feministas incorpora o contexto específico por meio de sua concepção e execução conjunta com parceiros locais. A série de eventos reúne pensadoras e ativistas feministas, autoridades governamentais de alto nível, trabalhadores e trabalhadoras do setor de transportes, representantes de bancos de desenvolvimento, organizações multilaterais e bilaterais, setor privado, acadêmicos e membros da sociedade civil para discutir, reimaginar e cocriar sistemas de transportes feministas.   ▶ Encontre mais informações sobre o evento aqui: https://lnkd.in/eS2Snimp   🤝Para o evento Construindo Cidades Feministas, o Ministério Federal Alemão para Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), a Women Mobilize Women (WMW), integrada à Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), o Ministério das Cidades (MCID) por meio da Secretaria de Mobilidade (SEMOB), e a GIZ Brasil, através dos projetos AcoplaRE, Cidade Presente, C40 Cities Finance Facility e EUROCLIMA, colaboram visando a promoção de equidade, segurança e acessibilidade para mulheres e meninas, buscando abordar os desafios atuais na promoção de cidades justas a partir da ótica da mobilidade urbana. ____________________________________________________________________________________   🚶♀️ 🚍 We're excited that the next event in the Building Feminist Cities (BFC) series will take place in Brasília, Brazil, on August 13+14. 🔎 But why is it important to bring the series to Latin America? 🚉 🙋♀️ Latin America faces unique urban and transport challenges, with pronounced gender disparities affecting women's mobility and access to opportunities. For instance, women in the region spend 1.5 times more on transportation than men and are more likely to face harassment while commuting. By hosting the BFC event in Brasília, we aim to address these specific issues and promote inclusive, resilient, and adaptable transport systems tailored to the region's specific needs. ▶ Find more information about the event here: https://lnkd.in/eS2Snimp

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    📢 [AHK News] 🚀 Boosting E-Mobility Jobs in Africa! 🌍 We're excited to announce the launch of the BOOST Project, aimed at driving job creation in the e-mobility sector across Ghana, Morocco, and Rwanda! Implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) and the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative (UEMI) , this project will run from December 2023 to November 2025. Target Groups: - E-Mobility Companies/Start-ups - Academic Institutions - Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Institutes Interested in joining this transformative initiative? Send a brief presentation of your company to: 📩 sunny.kodukula@uemi.net | saad.drissi@giz.de #AHKMarokko #PartnerforEconomy #PartnerforFairs #PartnerforSuccess #PartnerInMorocco

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