Wir danken RahrBSG für die wertschätzenden Worte an unsere #Juniorchefin Franziska Weyermann, die in 5. Generation unser Unternehmen in die #Zukunft führt! #weyermannspecialtymalts #malts #specialtymalts #spezialmalze #malz #bamberg #redandyellow #weltfrauentag
From growing up in the heart of the malt house to studying at Weihenstephan, Franziska Weyermann has always been immersed in the world of craft beer. As a 5th-generation family member of Weyermann® Malz, she’s not just carrying on a family tradition—she’s shaping its future. Inspired by her mother, sabine weyermann, Franziska leads with passion, quality, and a deep commitment to the brewers she serves. She understands firsthand that malt is more than an ingredient—it’s the foundation of great beer and strong relationships. Her influence can be felt across the industry, from the smallest craft breweries to the biggest names in beer. At RahrBSG, we’re proud to call Franziska a partner, collaborator, and friend. Today, on International Women’s Day, we celebrate her impact and the many women making their mark on the brewing world. Cheers to Franziska and all the women shaping the future of beer!