Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion

Leipzig, Deutschland 478 Follower:innen

Soil improvement in Ethiopia through the energetic and material use of agricultural residues


The aim of the ETH-Soil project is to improve food security in three pilot regions of the Oromia region/Ethiopia through the application of biofertilisers from pyrolysis and biogas plants.

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion
201–500 Beschäftigte
Leipzig, Deutschland


  • Unternehmensseite von ETH SOIL - BIO-POWER FOR HEALTHY SOILS anzeigen, Grafik

    478 Follower:innen

    On 11th and 12th September 2024 the #DBFZ Annual Conference drew attention to the topic of “Multi-talented #biomass: basic resource, carbon source and #energy option”. In her poster presentation, Dr. Annett Pollex explained the two main functions of #biochar in the ETH-Soil project: for #soil amelioration and as a #carbon sink. An additional poster by Dr. Mirjam Müller, Dr. Özge Mutlu and Dr. Dennis Krüger provided insights on the project’s approach to #cookstove development employing the TLUD principle (top-lit updraft). Both posters were met with great interest and spurred further discussions. We are looking forward to more occasions for exchange within the scientific and the #bioeconomy community.

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  • One of ETH-Soils's goal is to provide clean and #sustainable cooking #energy for rural households. By employing clay as building material and biogenic #residues as fuel, the ETH-Soil #cookstove model uses readily available, cheap resources to work towards healthy and climate-friendly technologies. Our researchers and technicians, who are currently developing an improved cookstove model, based the design on the needs in #Ethiopia. The final product will be safe, low-cost, energy-efficient, easily maintained and made from local materials. Furthermore, as a by-product #biochar is produced that can be used as a soil amendment or #fuel. From July 29 to August 6, 2024, DBFZ Scientist Dr. Ing. Clement Owusu Prempeh embarked on a strategic mission to Ethiopia with the primary objective of advancing our clean cooking initiatives. The trip focused on collating information on registering and licensing our innovative cookstove model as well as building relationships with key stakeholders to support local production, distribution, and promotion. The third objective of the trip was the assessment of local production capabilities. Visits to various production centers and clay sites across #Oromia provided a comprehensive understanding of the local production landscape and capacity as well as a glimpse into Ethiopia’s rich pottery traditions. We are excited about the opportunities ahead and will continue to work closely with our partners towards a more healthy and sustainable future. Read the entire travel report on the ETH-Soil-website. Project page ETH-Soil: #ETH_Soil #Bioenergy #Fertilizer #Soil #Biochar #Ethiopia #Africa Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH Kerstin Wilde Jan Kossack Jimma Institute of Technology (JiT) SNV Ethiopian Clean Cooking Alliance (ECCA)

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  • On the 2nd of July a Steering Committee Meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) provided representatives from all German-funded projects with the opportunity to get a briefing on the new #Ethiopia|n agricultural policy. On behalf of the responsible State Minister, H.E. Mr. Meles Mekonnen, Prof. Ali Mohammed presented the main focus areas. From the perspective of ETH Soil implementation, a strong alignment of the project concept and the new policy can be diagnosed as   - Fertilizers should be produced domestically instead of imported and shall ill focus on #ecosystem-based integrated soil fertility improvement; - The role of private investors and cooperatives in #fertilizer production, supply and marketing will be increased; - A fertilizer loan service and transport system will be developed; - A quality and control system will be established for solid soil fertilizers and other #soil fertility and health improvement inputs.   Already in May 2024, the ETH SOIL project manager, Kerstin Wilde, was invited by Mr. bacha mekonnen (Bureau of Agriculture, Oromia) and Mr. Kefyalew Eshetu (IQQO, Director Natural Resources) to visit implementation efforts in #Oromia. Like in Shabe Sombo, Jimma Zone (see pictures), #earthworm multiplication and demonstration centers for #vermicompost production are now being established in all Zones and Woredas of the region. The compost is used to nurture seedlings (here: improved #avocado) while the worms are distributed to farmers. Within the ETH Soil project’s pilot Woredas nutrient recycling is optimized through #biochar addition to #compost: the full spectrum of nutrients in held safe in spite of heavy rains. Moreover, the strategy of liming acidic soils will be difficult to implement in numerous regions due to very high transportation costs from #Ethiopia|n lime sources. Here, high-temperature and strongly alkaline biochar can become a preferred alternative. In order to safeguard a sufficient supply of plant-accessible phosphorus in these cases, bonechar can be added that is already produced by Jimma University colleagues on a small scale. Project page ETH-Soil: #ETH_Soil #Bioenergy #Fertilizer #Soil #Biochar #Ethiopia #Africa Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH

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  • On the 2nd of July the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH organised for a Steering Committee Meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and representatives from all German-funded projects that are active in the agricultural sector. On behalf of the DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Dr. Getachew Eshete Beyene (7th person on the right in the top line of the photo) presented the current state of #ETH_Soil implementation and current challenges. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Agriculture and Environment, Alex Wildner, highlighted the tremendous amount of food losses between harvest and intended consumers in #Ethiopia. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, the new GIZ Country Director, Dorothee Hutter, and the Program Manager, Andrea Wilhelmi-Somé, reported on the agricultural sector and rural development strategies as well as on expected budget cuts in the overall project portfolio of German support to #Ethiopia.  All stakeholders agreed that MoA attention and action is needed in four areas: a) improvement of peace and security, b) tax-free procurement (especially of vehicles) c) post-harvest losses and d) contract farming.   Project page ETH-Soil: #ETH_Soil #Bioenergy #Fertilizer #Soil #Biochar #Ethiopia #Africa Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH Kerstin Wilde

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  • Dr. Bethelhem Mekonnen from DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH attended the EUBCE - European Biomass Conference & Exhibition conference in Marseille, France, from 24th to 28th June. She presented a poster highlighting preliminary results from both pot experiment conducted at the Batu Soil Research Center and field experiments carried out in the Dedo and Hula districts within the #ETH_Soil project. The findings show that a single application of #biochar-based #fertilizer|s (BBF) significantly boosts the #biomass and grain yield of #wheat and #sorghum, while repeated applications are needed for substantial soil improvement. Integrating BBF into the Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) toolbox can reduce farmers reliance on inorganic fertilizers and promote sustainable soil fertility. Dr. Betelhem also discussed the limitations of sole #biochar application and benefits of BBF with conference attendees during her poster presentation. The participation in the EUBCE was highly beneficial, offering valuable insights and fostering discussions on application of biochar-based fertilizers in sustainable agriculture.   #EUBCE2024 #SoilResearch #SustainableAgriculture #Biochar #ISFM #ETH_Soil #Bioenergy #Fertilizer #Soil #Biochar #Ethiopia #Africa Project page: Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH

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  • We talk a lot about #biochar and biochar-based #biofertilizer|s (BBF). But what are they exactly and how do they affect #soil? In our short video we explain how BBF supports soil amelioration and why it is a more sustainable option than mineral #fertilizer. What questions do you have about BBF? Write it in the comments! Project page: #ETH_Soil #Bioenergy #Fertilizer #Soil #Biochar #Ethiopia #Africa Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH Music:

  • Oromia Bureau of Agriculture kicks off partnership with ETH-Soil To kick-off the new partnership with the #ETH_Soil project, the Oromia Bureau of Agriculture (BoA) organised a meeting with project leader Kerstin Wilde and the existing project partners on 27th May, 2024 in Adama. The event’s objective was to create a common understanding of the #cooperation aims among Woreda, Zonal and central officials involved and prepare for effective and efficient coordination with research partners (IQQO, Jimma University – JUCAVM). After the meeting was opened by Mr. Eshetu Legesse (BoA) on behalf of Mr. Elias Kadir, Deputy Head of the Bureau and Head of Natural Resources & Food Security Sector, Kerstin Wilde (DBFZ) introduced the participants to the overall ETH-Soil project logic and highlighted the challenges ahead. Afterwards, Tilahun Abera Ishete (IQQO, Batu Soil Research Center), Getachew Hailu (IQQO, Asella Agricultural Engineering Research Centre) and Dr. Abebe Nigussie, Jimma University (JUCAVM) shared their experience with the production of biochar and biochar-based biofertilizer (BBF) that subsequently will be distributed to smallholder farmers. On behalf of the BoA Oromia, Mr. Eshetu Legesse and Mr. Bacha Mekonnen highlighted the region’s challenges to #soil fertility as well as past and future activities for its amelioration. Dr. Bethelhem Mekonnen (DBFZ) highlighted the main properties of #biochar and contributed recommendations for the production and application of BBF. Dr. Annett Pollex (DBFZ) gave an outlook to the process of preparing and organising the certification of carbon credits for BBF application via Artisan C-Sink by Carbon Standards International. Mr. Kefyalew Eshetu (IQQO, Director Natural Resources) and Dr. Getachew Eshete (DBFZ/GIZ-InS) made a great effort to accommodate all questions arising from the development agents (DAs) of the pilot Woredas, Zonal Officers, the Ministry of Agriculture representative, Mr. Mulugeta Abera and online participants. The IQQO Director, Teshome Sobala Soboka, closed the Kick-Off Meeting with strong encouragement for swift action by all parties concerned in view of BBF application and the mobilisation of new resources (carbon credits) for soil rehabilitation in #Oromia. All participants expressed their full satisfaction with the event. You can read the full-length report on our website: #ETH_Soil #Bioenergy #Fertilizer #Biochar #Ethiopia #Africa Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH

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  • Today, we are celebrating the International Day for Biological #Diversity! Since #ETH_Soil focuses on #soil, we want to highlight the important role soil plays for biodiversity: Soil itself serves as habitat for millions of small and large, vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. They thrive in healthy soils and help to increase biodiversity above ground as well. Plants take root in soil and are adapted to specific soil characteristics. Which is why the diversity of soil types is a necessary prerequisite for diverse vegetation zones. Unsustainable agricultural practices, deforestation, peatland degradation, erosion and desertification all put pressure on soils and therefore #biodiversity. Within ETH-Soil we want to raise awareness for the vital role soil plays for our planet and for us 💚 #BiodiversityDay #PartOfThePlan #ForNature #ETH_Soil #Bioenergy #Fertilizer #Biochar #Ethiopia #Africa Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH Kerstin Wilde Annett Pollex Bethelhem Mekonnen

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  • In the ETH-Soil project, it is one of our goals to produce #biochar and biochar-based #biofertilizer on a large scale at minimal cost and distribute it to small-scale farmers lacking #food self-sufficiency. Our partners in #Ethiopia - Jimma University, Assela Agricultural Mechanization Research Center and Batu Soil Research Center of the oari oromia agricultural research institute (IQQO) - are currently producing biochar from different #agricultural residues using Kon-Tiki kilns. The target is to generate over 100 tons of biochar for use in the upcoming cropping season. A portion of the produced biochar will be co-composted with nutrient-rich #organic materials at production sites to enhance its nutrient content. The resulting biochar-based biofertilizer will then be provided to small-scale farmers for application on their soils. The other portion of biochar will be directly distributed to farmers with the capability to co-compost it themselves before application on their land. Unlike mineral fertilizers, biochar-based biofertilizers release their nutrients gradually, thereby enhancing soil #fertility. Moreover, #biochar remains in the soil increasing the organic soil #carbon content, improving aeration and water retention, thus benefiting soil quality in the long term. Based on the Kon-Tiki training we received from Ithaka Institute we created a Step-by-Step guide on how to produce your own biochar. You can watch in now on #YouTube: To learn more about the use of biochar in the context of #Ethiopia, please refer to the background information on our website: Photos 1-2: Asella Agricultural Mechanization Research Center (IQQO) Photos 3-4: Batu Soil Research Center (IQQO) Photo 5: Jimma University #ETH_Soil, #Bioenergy, #Fertilizer, #Biochar, #Ethiopia, #Africa Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH Kerstin Wilde

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  • Unternehmensseite von ETH SOIL - BIO-POWER FOR HEALTHY SOILS anzeigen, Grafik

    478 Follower:innen

    Beyond #soil monitoring, Dr. Konrad Siegfried and Dr. Burkhard Wilske started gathering information and preliminary socio-economic #data from local farmers in #Kofele and #Dedo. Understanding the farmers’ view point is a prerequisite for complete comprehension of how the newly developed #biochar-based #fertiliser (BBF) will fit into the farm routine and farm #economy and can be widely implemented in the farming community of #Ethiopia. With the help of both the #Ethiopian colleagues and the accompanying very knowledgeable development agents (DAs), Burkhard Wilske and Konrad Siegfried were able to collect information in direct conversations with experienced local farmers. The farmers reported rising costs and - at times - shortage of fertiliser as well as #pesticides. Therefore, using existing traditional knowledge of soil #fertility combined with new and sustainable bio-based soil amendments such as BBF can help to stop soil degradation due to the decline of soil organic #carbon, acidification and/or salinization and to recover sustainable soil fertility in Ethiopia. #ETH_Soil, #Bioenergy, #Fertilizer, #Biochar, #Ethiopia, #Africa Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH Photo 1: Siegfried Konrad Photos 2-4: College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Jimma University Kerstin Wilde Bayu Dume(PhD)

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