It has been a year, but the IGL is back! Last Thursday, we hosted the final Pitch for this year's IGL Batch #9 in our brand new Co-Working Space. Seven final teams in the categories Life Science Tech, Food, and Beverages developed and optimized their ideas over the last 3 months and proudly presented their final pitches and prototypes to a jury of experts. It has been amazing to witness the growth of the students with their ideas and their deep dive into the challenge of ideation and product development. Thanks to the tremendous support of our partners and various workshops covering IP, marketing, and effective pitching, important knowledge was gained when starting a project. The teams had outstanding projects, but unfortunately, there could only be one winner in each category: Team "AutarkiTech" secured first place in the „life science tech" category with their biomass-powering portable toilet. In the „food“ category, Team "Loewen" won with their mushroom steaks. Lastly, for category „beverages“, Team "PurePint Brew" won with their idea of purin-free beer, catering to those needing to reduce their purin intake while enjoying beer. Congratulations to the winning teams and all the other participants for their exceptional efforts. Participating in such a significant project alongside their studies demonstrates a high level of motivation and creative spirit. It was a pleasure to see everyone strive for their best potential and be rewarded with such a fantastic finale. We extend our gratitude to all the participants of IGL Batch #9, every professional for sharing their valuable expertise, and WMBL, VEW, and UnternehmerTUM for providing a financial kick-start for the winning teams to continue their projects. As we bid farewell to Batch #9, we eagerly anticipate next year and our first jubilee, IGL Batch #10. #igl #weihenstephan #tum