Showing results for September 2010 - The Old New Thing

Sep 30, 2010

Why doesn't the TAB key work on controls I've marked as WS_TABSTOP?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer had a programming problem regarding tab stops: I create a parent window (child of main frame) as below This window hosts 2 toolbar windows. Each toolbar window has the style set using . MSDN states WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT Allows the user to navigate among the child windows of the window by using the TAB key. But I am not able ...

Sep 29, 2010

We apologize for the delay, but there is an issue with the music

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

After the opening work of the Seattle Symphony concert last Saturday night, the orchestra members rearranged themselves to play the Foote, but conductor Gerard Schwarz didn't come out onto the stage. The delay grew and people started wondering what was going on. An announcement was made over the public address system: "We apologize for the delay...

Sep 29, 2010

Where did my mail control panel icon go?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer ran into the following problem: I was trying to add another email account to Outlook, and the instructions say that I should go to the mail icon in the Control Panel, which to my surprise is nowhere to be found! How can I figure out what went wrong? A little bit of psychic debugging will solve this. The customer was running Windows&...

Sep 28, 2010

Speculation around Microsoft Company Meeting 2010

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Today is Microsoft's annual Company Meeting. Back in August, the Real Estate and Facilities department sent a message to our group of buildings to inform us that the locker rooms would be closed "due to the filming of an upcoming corporate initiative." Speculation swirled as to what sort of "upcoming corporate initiative" would require filming in...

Sep 27, 2010

Children's reactions to macadamia nuts dipped in chocolate

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Some time ago, we had some people over our house for dinner, and we had a selection of desserts including chocolate-covered macadamia nuts. The children in attendance finished their dinner before the adults (because the adults were busy doing boring things like talking) and were excused to go play. It so happens that the play room is right next ...

Sep 27, 2010

Why not just require each application to declare what version of Windows it is compatible with?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Via the Suggestion Box, Arno Shoedl asked, "could not a lot of compatibility problems be solved by simply declaring (via manifest?) the earliest and latest version of Windows a program has been tested to run on?" Actually, programs already declare that, sort of. Each module has a subsystem field in the header that specifies the earliest version of...

Sep 24, 2010

Does anybody actually like Brazil nuts?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Brazil nuts are perhaps best known for floating to the top of a jar of mixed nuts. According to Wikipedia,¹ the reason for the phenomenon is not well understood. At least in my house, the reason for the phenomenon is quite clear: Brazil nuts float to the top because nobody in my house likes Brazil nuts. When you reach in and grab a handful ...

Sep 24, 2010

How reliable is the BatteryLifePercent member of the SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS structure?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer was writing a program that called and used the value. The customer wanted to know whether a reported battery life percentage of 38% really means that the remaining battery life is between 37.5% and 38.5%. Although the value is reported to 1% precision, the accuracy in practice is much worse. Similarly, the is reported in seconds, ...

Sep 23, 2010

Pizza: The reference food for young children

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

One way to convince a child to try out an unfamiliar food is to say that it's an alternate form of pizza. Here are some examples. Feel free to add more in the comments. I had originally listed crêpe as French pizza, then realized it's more like a French pancake. (I wonder what the Italian version of pizza would be...
