Showing results for January 2013 - The Old New Thing

Jan 31, 2013

The somewhat misguided question of whether MapViewOfFile or WriteProcessMemory is faster

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer asked, "Which is faster for copying data from one process to another; or ?" This is one of those "Huh?"-type questions, where the customer has solved half of a problem and is looking for help with the other half, the half that makes no sense. First of all, the question is malformed because does not copy any data at all. It takes ...

Jan 30, 2013

Why doesn’t HeapValidate detect corruption in the managed heap?

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer had a program that was corrupting the managed heap by p/invoking incorrectly. The problem didn't show up until the next garbage collection pass, at which point the CLR got all freaked-out-like. "According to Knowledge Base article 286470, the tool is supposed to catch heap corruption, but it doesn't catch squat." Depending on your ...

Jan 29, 2013

Poisoning your own DNS for fun and profit

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

When you type a phrase into the Windows Vista Start menu's search box and click Search the Internet, then the Start menu hands the query off to your default Internet search provider. Or at least that's what the Illuminati would have you believe. A customer reported that when they typed a phrase into the Search box and clicked Search the ...

Jan 28, 2013

Please hold your head perfectly still while you write up that memo

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

I dreamed that the original Volkswagen Beetle factory was so cramped that the office workers had to move their desks to the factory floor, with heavy equipment swinging around just inches from their faces. To prevent serious injuries, a template passed through every so often to make sure nothing was out of place...

Jan 28, 2013

Finding a printer, and then creating a shortcut to that printer

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Today's "Little Program" does two things: It looks for a printer in the Printers folder, and then once it finds it, it creates a shortcut to that printer. As is common with "Little Programs", I don't bother with error checking. I'll leave you to do that. Second part first, since it is handy on its own: Creating a shortcut to an arbitrary item ...

Jan 25, 2013

When you have a SAFEARRAY, you need to know what it is a SAFEARRAY *of*

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

A customer had a problem with SAFEARRAY, or more specifically, with CComSafeArray. CComSafeArray<VARIANT> sa; GetAwesomeArray(&sa); LONG lb = sa.GetLowerBound(); LONG ub = sa.GetUpperBound(); for (LONG i = lb; i <= ub; i++) { CComVariant item = sa.GetAt(i); ... use the item ... } The GetAt method returns a VARIANT&, and ...

Jan 24, 2013

STRICT_TYPED_ITEMIDS is the shell namespace version of the STRICT macro used by USER and GDI

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Starting with the Windows Vista PlatformSDK, defining the symbol before including shell header files changes declarations that previously had simply used now use one of various types which are more clear about what type of ID list is being used. Think of it as the macro for the shell. The more precise names emphasize the form of the ID ...

Jan 22, 2013

Heads-up: Phone scammers pretending to be JPMorgan Chase MasterCard security

Raymond Chen
Raymond Chen

Recently, a round of phone scammers have been dialing through our area with a caller-ID of (000) 000-0000, which should already raise suspicions. When you answer, a synthesized voice says that they are calling from JPMorgan Chase MasterCard security. They claim that your credit card has been disabled due to suspicious activity, and in order to ...
