CARE Danmarks coverbillede
CARE Danmark

CARE Danmark


Vi styrker kvinder i kampen mod fattigdom og klimaforandringer.

Om os

CARE Danmark arbejder for en grøn og retfærdig verden. Vi er en grøn udviklings- og nødhjælpsorganisation, som verden over støtter verdens fattigste og mest klimaudsatte mennesker i at skabe sig et godt og værdigt liv. Med klimatilpasning, uddannelse, akut nødhjælp og hjælp til selvhjælp er vi til stede både før, under og efter katastrofen. Gennem bæredygtige løsninger med både lokale organisationer og store virksomheder skaber vi sammen en grøn og retfærdig verden for alle. CARE Danmark er en del af CARE International, der med sin tilstedeværelse i 104 lande er en af verdens største humanitære organisationer. I 2020 nåede CARE International ud til 92 millioner mennesker.

11-50 medarbejdere
København S


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    Jemtelandsgade 1

    København S, 2300, DK

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Medarbejdere hos CARE Danmark


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    🌍 Klimakrisen rammer Zimbabwe – hvad nu? Jeg var for nylig i Zimbabwe, i en by ved navn Mutare, og oplevede på tæt hold, hvordan klimaforandringer tvinger familier til svære valg. Damen jeg talte med havde tabt kontakten til sin datter, som var forsvundet i søgen efter overlevelse og ikke kommet tilbage. Tidligere var Mutare-området frodigt, men i dag kæmper bønderne med uforudsigelige regnmønstre, længere tørkeperioder og pludselige oversvømmelser. “Regnen kommer ikke som den plejer” siger hun. Mutare oplever en tilstrømning af mennesker fra landdistrikterne, der søger stabilitet og overlevelse i byen. FN anslår, at op mod 113 millioner afrikanere kan blive tvunget til at migrere på grund af klimaforandringer inden 2050. FN estimerer, at det vil koste mellem 30 og 50 milliarder dollars årligt at hjælpe afrikanske nationer med at tilpasse sig klimaforandringer – penge, som fattige lande som Zimbabwe ikke har. Investering i infrastruktur kan gøre en forskel. Ifølge Verdensbanken sparer hver dollar, der investeres i klimatilpasning, fire dollars i genopbygningsomkostninger. Tidlig handling sparer penge – og liv. Men uden ekstern finansiering fra rige lande risikerer Zimbabwe og andre afrikanske nationer at stå alene med klimakrisen, en krise som de ikke selv har skabt. #KlimaForandringer #Zimbabwe #Mutare #Bæredygtighed #KlimaTilpasning #SocialImpact CARE Danmark

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    𝗘𝘅𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗜𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗖𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿-𝗕𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗩𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗟𝗮𝗼 𝗣𝗗𝗥 This report investigates how climate change acts as a threat multiplier, exacerbating gender-based violence due to entrenched inequalities, resource conflicts, and harmful social norms. With community-based insights and actionable recommendations, it aims to inform policy and drive transformative change for a more equitable and sustainable future. Check this link to read more: #GenderEquality #ClimateChange #SustainableDevelopment #CAREWWFAlliance #GBV #LaoPDR WWF Laos CARE International in Lao PDR Gender and Development Association WWF Asia-Pacific SEI — Stockholm Environment Institute CARE Danmark Authors: Dina Bettencourt (Vivona) (Independent Consultant) Ha Nguyen (Stockholm Environment Institute) Jenny Yi-Chen Han (Stockholm Environment Institute) Camille Pross (Stockholm Environment Institute) Advisory Group: Keoamphone Souvannaphoum Peter Bruun Clausen Loris Palentini

  • Tilmeld din arbejdsplads til Klimakampen 💪💚 Klimakampen er en konkurrence, der samler arbejdspladsen om at løse ugentlige klimaudfordringer. I to-fire uger dyster medarbejderne i teams og optjener point baseret på de CO₂-besparelser, som holdet opnår sammen. Klimakampen styrker ikke blot medarbejdernes engagement, men gør det også nemt at markere jeres grønne profil internt. Læs mere her:

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    As we approach the closure of the Innovating Cashew Value Chain Project supported by Danida Green Business Partnerships / Danida Market Development Partnerships, CARE Tanzania had the pleasure of hosting the #DMDP Secretariat (Mr. Jakob Kjærtinge Faarbaek and Ms. Marie-Louise Appelquist) for a field visit to Mkinga, Tanga. This visit was a timely opportunity to showcase the project’s impact in empowering #women and #youth through small-scale cashew processing, Village Savings and Loan Associations #VSLAs, and strengthened market linkages with Duga AMCOS and Biotan Group ltd.   During the visit, the Secretariat engaged directly with VSLA members and small-scale cashew processors, gaining firsthand insights into their successes, challenges, and aspirations. They also visited Biotan Group ltd factory in Mkuranga, a key project partner, to explore opportunities for enhancing market access and value addition for small-scale farmers.   Key discussions focused on: ✔ Scaling up processing capacities ✔ Strengthening farmer linkages to sustainable markets ✔ Expanding economic opportunities for women and youth in the cashew sector The visit concluded with a debrief session at the CARE Tanzania country office, where the Secretariat shared key reflections and takeaways from their engagement.   A heartfelt thank you to the DMDP Secretariat (Mr. Jakob Kjærtinge Faarbaek and Ms. Marie-Louise Appelquist), project participants, and Biotan Group ltd for their valuable collaboration. We look forward to building on these partnerships to drive inclusive economic growth in Tanzania’s cashew value chain! #CARETanzania CARE Danida Green Business Partnerships / Danida Market Development Partnerships Biotan Group ltd Patrick Sikana Prudence Masako Peter Bruun Clausen Auson Komwihangilo Donald Liya Mkami Kyanyari Christina John Neemiah Kahakwa Musa Ndunguru Alfei Maseke Barnabas Mtelevu Samuel Chambi Shukrani Chilewa Reginald Mpolo agnes francis Mlingi Ibobo Allen Kaijanangoma Joel Lunyungu Venancia Gwamagobe Ramadhan Athuman Ally Mandari Aneth Tillya Adella Ngusa Joyce Evarist Viola Declan Edward Charles

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    We’re excited to see the Ecoplastile initiative creating real impact in refugee settlements and host communities, turning plastic waste into meaningful economic opportunities ♻️💡. Refugees are building sustainable businesses through a digital platform, collecting recyclables, and earning stable incomes 💰, all while tackling plastic pollution 🌍.   The Ecoplastile initiative is part of the CAMP+ project with a vision to create the world's first sustainable refugee settlement 🏡. With funding from Novo Nordisk Foundation and Innovation Norway's Humanitarian Innovation Programme, we have successfully introduced and tested climate-smart solutions and business models and now, with support from Danida (Udenrigsministeriet), we’re working on scaling this model to more refugee settlements in Uganda.    Excited about the potential of this innovative recycling model and alternative livelihoods? Reach out to Ecoplastile to learn more! 🚀 #CircularEconomy #ClimateResilience #RefugeeInnovation #SustainableDevelopment #DigitalInclusion

    Se organisationssiden for Ecoplastile

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    ♻️Turning Waste into Economic Opportunity in Refugee Settlements & Host Communities♻️ The Refugee-led digital solutions to addressing plastic pollution and alternative green livelihoods in Refugee Settlements is an innovative model pioneered by CARE International In Uganda & Ecoplastile and has been doing wonders, pivoting, failing and learning and getting up again! Let’s see some facts below ⬇️ ♻️ An Inclusive Circular Economy System: ✅ Refugees access a digital platform to start, run and scale their mini plastic collection businesses. ✅ Builds their digital ID, earns a stable income. ✅ Agents works with a network of waste pickers (stable jobs), who pick recyclables from refugee households, paying per kilo. ✅ Materials diverted from landfills, processed and fed back into supply chains of plastic manufacturers. 💡 Key Results: ♻️100+ tons of plastics waste collected & recycled by Ecoplastile and partners. 💰 75%+ increase in household incomes from plastic collection 💸 $100/month average earning for agents. 📈 New economic activity, alternative livelihoods for refugees. 🌍 Cleaner settlements, less plastic pollution. 👩💻102+ Agents started recycling as a business , 300 waste pickers onboarded to start collection as a job. It’s time to scale this model to the rest of the refugee settlements and host communities. Excited about the potential of recycling as alternative livelihoods for low income communities while addressing climate change ? Let’s talk! 🚀 #CircularEconomy #ClimateResilience #RefugeeInnovation #Digitalnclusion.

  • CARE Danmark genopslog dette

    We’re excited to see the Ecoplastile initiative creating real impact in refugee settlements and host communities, turning plastic waste into meaningful economic opportunities ♻️💡. Refugees are building sustainable businesses through a digital platform, collecting recyclables, and earning stable incomes 💰, all while tackling plastic pollution 🌍.   The Ecoplastile initiative is part of the CAMP+ project with a vision to create the world's first sustainable refugee settlement 🏡. With funding from Novo Nordisk Foundation and Innovation Norway's Humanitarian Innovation Programme, we have successfully introduced and tested climate-smart solutions and business models and now, with support from Danida (Udenrigsministeriet), we’re working on scaling this model to more refugee settlements in Uganda.    Excited about the potential of this innovative recycling model and alternative livelihoods? Reach out to Ecoplastile to learn more! 🚀 #CircularEconomy #ClimateResilience #RefugeeInnovation #SustainableDevelopment #DigitalInclusion

    Se organisationssiden for Ecoplastile

    2.633 følgere

    ♻️Turning Waste into Economic Opportunity in Refugee Settlements & Host Communities♻️ The Refugee-led digital solutions to addressing plastic pollution and alternative green livelihoods in Refugee Settlements is an innovative model pioneered by CARE International In Uganda & Ecoplastile and has been doing wonders, pivoting, failing and learning and getting up again! Let’s see some facts below ⬇️ ♻️ An Inclusive Circular Economy System: ✅ Refugees access a digital platform to start, run and scale their mini plastic collection businesses. ✅ Builds their digital ID, earns a stable income. ✅ Agents works with a network of waste pickers (stable jobs), who pick recyclables from refugee households, paying per kilo. ✅ Materials diverted from landfills, processed and fed back into supply chains of plastic manufacturers. 💡 Key Results: ♻️100+ tons of plastics waste collected & recycled by Ecoplastile and partners. 💰 75%+ increase in household incomes from plastic collection 💸 $100/month average earning for agents. 📈 New economic activity, alternative livelihoods for refugees. 🌍 Cleaner settlements, less plastic pollution. 👩💻102+ Agents started recycling as a business , 300 waste pickers onboarded to start collection as a job. It’s time to scale this model to the rest of the refugee settlements and host communities. Excited about the potential of recycling as alternative livelihoods for low income communities while addressing climate change ? Let’s talk! 🚀 #CircularEconomy #ClimateResilience #RefugeeInnovation #Digitalnclusion.

  • We’re excited to see the Ecoplastile initiative creating real impact in refugee settlements and host communities, turning plastic waste into meaningful economic opportunities ♻️💡. Refugees are building sustainable businesses through a digital platform, collecting recyclables, and earning stable incomes 💰, all while tackling plastic pollution 🌍.   The Ecoplastile initiative is part of the CAMP+ project with a vision to create the world's first sustainable refugee settlement 🏡. With funding from Novo Nordisk Foundation and Innovation Norway's Humanitarian Innovation Programme, we have successfully introduced and tested climate-smart solutions and business models and now, with support from Danida (Udenrigsministeriet), we’re working on scaling this model to more refugee settlements in Uganda.    Excited about the potential of this innovative recycling model and alternative livelihoods? Reach out to Ecoplastile to learn more! 🚀 #CircularEconomy #ClimateResilience #RefugeeInnovation #SustainableDevelopment #DigitalInclusion

    Se organisationssiden for Ecoplastile

    2.633 følgere

    ♻️Turning Waste into Economic Opportunity in Refugee Settlements & Host Communities♻️ The Refugee-led digital solutions to addressing plastic pollution and alternative green livelihoods in Refugee Settlements is an innovative model pioneered by CARE International In Uganda & Ecoplastile and has been doing wonders, pivoting, failing and learning and getting up again! Let’s see some facts below ⬇️ ♻️ An Inclusive Circular Economy System: ✅ Refugees access a digital platform to start, run and scale their mini plastic collection businesses. ✅ Builds their digital ID, earns a stable income. ✅ Agents works with a network of waste pickers (stable jobs), who pick recyclables from refugee households, paying per kilo. ✅ Materials diverted from landfills, processed and fed back into supply chains of plastic manufacturers. 💡 Key Results: ♻️100+ tons of plastics waste collected & recycled by Ecoplastile and partners. 💰 75%+ increase in household incomes from plastic collection 💸 $100/month average earning for agents. 📈 New economic activity, alternative livelihoods for refugees. 🌍 Cleaner settlements, less plastic pollution. 👩💻102+ Agents started recycling as a business , 300 waste pickers onboarded to start collection as a job. It’s time to scale this model to the rest of the refugee settlements and host communities. Excited about the potential of recycling as alternative livelihoods for low income communities while addressing climate change ? Let’s talk! 🚀 #CircularEconomy #ClimateResilience #RefugeeInnovation #Digitalnclusion.

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