

Tjenester, der udbyder vedvarende energi

Geotermi - den fjerde store vedvarende energikilde

Om os

I takt med at kloden bliver varmere, bliver det mere og mere presserende at gentænke måden, vi opvarmer vores bygninger på. Innargi vil anvende geotermi til at opvarme millioner af hjem uden at efterlade aftryk på vores planet. Vi kan alle lave små ændringer i vores hverdag for at passe bedre på vores natur og miljø. Men det, klimaet virkelig har brug for, er forandring i stor skala. Sol og vind har allerede forandret måden, vi producerer energi på. Det, de teknologier har gjort for elektricitet, kan geotermi gøre for varme. Innargi har kompetencerne til at gøre det til virkelighed. Med vores samlede ekspertise fra et erfarent hold af geologer, reservoir-, facilitets- og boreingeniører samt fra partnerskaber med fjernvarmeeksperter har vi nu en unik mulighed for at virkeliggøre ambitiøse planer og skabe grundlæggende forandring.

Tjenester, der udbyder vedvarende energi
51-200 medarbejdere
Kgs. Lyngby
geothermal, renewable energy, geothermal energy og energy


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    Lyngby Hovedgade 85

    Kgs. Lyngby, 2800, DK

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Medarbejdere hos Innargi


  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

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    With most of Europe experiencing a second wind of Summer weather, it’s easy to forget that the warm months are coming to an end – so how do we keep our district heating systems sustainable and up to speed during the colder months? As temperatures start to drop, the demand for heating homes naturally increases. District heating networks across Europe are gearing up for the seasonal shift, and this will increase Europe’s use of fossil fuels since the large majority of homes are still heated this way. In 2022, renewable sources such as geothermal only accounted for 24.8% of the heating and cooling in Europe. No matter the weather conditions, geothermal energy is a stable source of heat and therefore suitable as baseload in district heating networks, where other energy sources might be a better fit turning up and down in peaking periods. This makes geothermal not just a backup, but a cornerstone of sustainable heating. As we move towards decarbonising our cities, integrating geothermal energy ensures that when winter arrives, our homes stay warm sustainably. (Source: Renewable energy for heating & cooling up to 25% in 2022 - Eurostat ( ) 

  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

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    Flying back from #Karpacz and the 33rd Economic Forum feeling inspired by joyful networking and insightful panel debates. Our own Samir Abboud took part in a debate on the role of renewable energy sources in creating energy security in the CEE countries. Together with Joanna Orłowska from Veolia, Miłosz Motyka from the Polish Ministry of Climate and Environment and Sławomir Zygowski from GE Vernova. For far to long, we have been depending on imported energy and few energy sources. We must create an energy system based on a diversified portfolio of local energy sources. And if we want the highest degree of energy security, the resources must be renewable. Take geothermal as an example: Geothermal is not reliant on external forces or geopolitics because no commodity is imported and everything is local, especially when combined with electricity from solar and wind where that electricity is also independent of commodity supply chains and external pricing factors that can be controlled by foreign markets or governments. Many CEE Countries including Poland already have large district heating networks providing the necessary infrastructure to unlock the potential of large renewable energy sources and waste heat. Think about this: Despite the decrease in gas consumption, EU has paid more for Russian gas since the breakout of the war in Ukraine than the combined EU/US support for Ukraine in the same period. We need change at scale. Thanks for moderating an interesting debate Dorota Niedziółka from SGH Warsaw School of Economics

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  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

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    Join us for an educational day at Energy Within Planetary Boundaries 🌍 How can we accelerate the phase-out of fossil fuels and build a 100% clean and renewable energy system? This is the central question at the upcoming energy conference hosted by Green Transition Denmark in Copenhagen. Among the Danish and international experts who will be speaking during the event, a new report on how to build a nature-positive energy system within planetary boundaries will also be presented. We have been a partner on this project for some time now, investigating and discussing possible solutions and designs for future energy systems. The work is led by Green Transition Denmark and supported by EA Energianalyse. Industry frontrunners such as COWI, Danfoss, European Energy, Google, GRUNDFOS, Norlys, and Vestas are also partners in and supporting the project. We hope to see you there and look forward to engaging in discussions with you. 📅 Date: 30th September 📍 Location: Det Ny Teater, Copenhagen 🕘 Time: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sign up and read more on the event:

    Skal du med til efterårets store energikonference? Så sæt kryds i kalenderen den 30. september. Her sætter vi fokus på tidens store spørgsmål: Hvordan sætter vi turbo på udfasningen af de fossile brændsler og bygger et 100 pct. rent og vedvarende energisystem, så Danmark og EU senest i 2040 bliver et nulemissionssamfund og kan holde sig indenfor de planetære grænser? Sammen med otte danske frontløbervirksomheder stabler vi dette event på benene, hvor flere førende internationale eksperter har takket ja til at holde keynotetaler. Du kan bl.a. møde Stanford-professor og forfatter Mark Jacobson, topchef i den store tyske energitænketank, Agora Think Tanks, Frauke Thies og Oxford-professoren, Nick Eyre. Den danske klima- og energiminister, Lars Aagaard, og en stribe topchefer i danske energivirksomheder har også meldt deres ankomst til konferencen. Projektets partnere er: COWI, Danfoss, European Energy, Google, GRUNDFOS, Innargi, Norlys og Vestas. Konferencen afholdes i Det Ny Teater i København den 30. september kl. 9-16. Tilmeld dig her: #dkpol #dkgreen

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  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

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    Curious about the future of geothermal energy? 🌱 We are on a mission to bring sustainable district heating to Europe. A big part of establishing a “new” green technology among other well-known energy sources for heating, is to make sure people know understand what it is all about - both the pros and the cons. Therefore, we really want to hear from YOU. What burning questions do you have about geothermal energy, its impact on your community, or how it would influence your city? Maybe you’re curious about the technology behind it, or where we’re heading next? Now’s your chance! Share your questions in the comments, and you might just see them inspiring our upcoming posts. Let’s shape the conversation together—what do you want to know?

  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.370 følgere

    Join us to reflect on the remarkable transformation of our geothermal site over the past year! In just one year, our Skejby geothermal drilling site has undergone remarkable changes, marking significant progress towards our goal of providing the first geothermal heat to the residents of Aarhus at the end of 2025. One year ago, we kicked off our work on preparing the site. Today, it stands as a testament to innovation and the hard work done ever since. From excavation, tiling and constructing a geothermal drill site, to the two finished wells we have on site today. As we transition into the next stage of development, the drilling rig has been packed and moved on, and the site is cleared and now ready to construct the geothermal facility, which is set to begin in September. When the geothermal plant is finalised, it is estimated to deliver up to 18 MW of heat. Join us in reflecting on this incredible journey in the video below, looking back on the transformation of the Skejby site from September 2023 to today. The future of green heating in Aarhus is becoming brighter with each step forward, and we are incredibly proud to be a part of it. 💚

  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.370 følgere

    Want a glimpse of how a 200-million-year-old reservoir located 2200 meter below the city of Aarhus looks like? Here is your chance! ⛏ At Innargi, we study the ancient history of the Earth on a daily basis. For us, every well we drill is a deep dive into geological history, revealing the story of our planet’s past, layer by layer. Understanding the local subsurface is essential for utilising the Earth’s natural resources in the best way possible. We look for permeable rock formations, also known as geothermal reservoirs, from which hot water can be pumped to surface where the energy is extracted and used for local district heating. Finally, the water is returned to the where it came from —a consistent and sustainable source of energy. Each new data point from a well is a small piece of a vast puzzle, which together with historical data e.g. seismic, well logs, flow tests, and surface analogues, is analysed, integrated, and interpreted by our subsurface technical team and transformed into evaluations of the reservoir quality and variation. In our ongoing project in Aarhus, we cut cores (cylinders of physical rock samples, pictured below) from the Gassum reservoir deep underground, to provide key data for understanding the geothermal potential. The data is an integral part of selecting fit for purpose well and production facility design which delivers the most efficient development of geothermal energy production for district heating. To our geologists, these cores are more than just rocks; they are a testimony of the 200 million years old geological processes that created the reservoir which today can be an important step towards green heating.

    • Image of 5 drilling cores, with the text '200 million years in the making'
  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.370 følgere

    Ever wondered if Morse code is still in use today? At Innargi, our drillers are proving its timeless value! 👩💻 Standing tall at 32 meters and powered by a mighty 6000-horsepower engine, our rig operates precisely, guiding a drill pipe string deep into the earth. Each 12-meter segment of the drill pipe interlocks seamlessly, creating a robust conduit that penetrates geological formations with the help of gravity. The true marvel lies in our use of drilling mud. This essential fluid cools the drill bit, maintains well stability, and transports drill cuttings to the surface. On the picture below you can see one of the drill bits. The small holes are where the mud is pumped out after travelling several kilometres into the ground. Behind the drill bit, sophisticated electronic equipment monitors every angle, direction, and material layer, utilising gravity, magnetic fields, and natural radiation. This wealth of data is transmitted to our surface computers using Morse code, empowering our drillers to make real-time adjustments. They can modify the weight of the drill bit or change its direction with remarkable precision. Picture this: several kilometres of drill pipe, engineered from resilient materials, flexing like a plastic straw over great distances. That’s how we manage to do directional drilling. What might seem like pure logic and technical knowledge to our drilling experts often go beyond everyday understanding. What other traditional technologies do you think might still hold surprising relevance in modern industries?

    • Innargi Drill Bit closeup
    • Innargi Geothermal Drilling Rig
  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.370 følgere

    Our students are bold, driven and amazing colleagues – are you? At Innargi, entrepreneurship and innovation aren’t just buzzwords – it’s the heartbeat of our culture. That is why we are committed to and depend on student assistants, who help and drive various operations in the company, ranging from commercial and communication to drilling. Having diverse voices and alternative perspectives is crucial for work that aims to promote new ideas and innovation, which is critical to industrialising geothermal energy on a big scale. Young professionals contribute diversity, tenacity, and fresh ideas to our operations. Read what our students have to say about working at Innargi: “I really feel like my voice and opinion in my team is heard and that I am not just a student assistant, but a valued team member! The best part of my job is that I am integrated into our operations and get diverse tasks. Working at Innargi means working in an incredibly supportive, educative, fun environment that provides amazing opportunities for its student assistants.” - Fiona Debelts, who works as the student assistant to the commercial team.  “My approach is mainly focused on technical aspects and driven by problem-solving. I can learn about real-life problems in my industry and I am integrated into operations, which results in improved competitiveness and knowledge at the university. Some of the tasks I am responsible for are crucial in our operations, which motivates me.” - Stanisław Włodarczyk, who is a student assistant to the geothermal drilling department. During summer we are looking for more students to join our teams. Keep an eye out for open positions here:

    • Two student assistants stand at a desk with a senior member of the team, smiling and speaking with one another in the sun. The caption reads: 'I really feel like my voice and opinion in my team is heard and that I am not just a student assistant, but a valued team member.' - Fiona Debelts, Commercial Student Assistant.
  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.370 følgere

    Like the rest of Europe, we are following the European Football Championship closely these days. But actually, we talk football all year long. When finding suitable plots for drilling and building our geothermal facilities together with our partners, football pitches fit perfectly into the discussions: 1.    When drilling and constructing the facility, we need space little over half the size of a football field. 2.    When built, the facility takes up space equivalent to the size of the penalty area. Geothermal energy is a community friendly source of heat. When running, the facility emits no pollution and is smell- and noise free. 3.    The facility can be incorporated in the surroundings, whether it is in a park, on a parking lot or next to a football field. We just need space around the facility to remain free in case of re-drilling. We wish everyone good luck with the upcoming quarterfinals this weekend.

  • Se organisationssiden for Innargi, grafik

    8.370 følgere

    Make geothermal happen in Europe ♨️   We welcome that geothermal energy is among the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU and we are very excited about it. Adopting Council Conclusions is an important next step to prioritise tapping the enormous potential of geothermal for decarbonising heat during the next institutional cycle as already called for by the European Parliament.   - Increase political support for geothermal district heating by adopting an EU geothermal strategy as part of a broader reflection on heating and cooling. - Remove barriers for geothermal projects, e.g. accelerate permitting, facilitate access to subsurface data and plots by developing dedicated permitting rules and procedures. - Funding: Develop design principles for de-risking and funding schemes carefully striking the balance between risks that should be taken by the geothermal company and those that the public can cover. - Expand and modernise district heating as it is the most efficient way to decarbonize heating, to integrate local renewable energy sources in European cities, and thereby decreasing import dependencies and create value in European cities.   #HU24EU



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