Minister initiates revision of Fingerplanen // Since 1947, #Fingerplanen has served as the framework for the development of the Greater Copenhagen Region. However, with changing demographics, new infrastructure, evolving transportation modes, and climate changes, a future vision for a sustainable and socially just region is urgently needed. We are therefore pleased that the Danish Minister for Urban and Rural affairs, Morten Dahlin (V) / By-, Land- og Kirkeministeriet, has initiated an official revision of Fingerplanen set to be presented in 2026. The upcoming revision aligns with Arkitektforeningen’s and DREYERS FOND’s ‘Fingerplan 2.0’ competition, which sought ideas for modernizing the current Fingerplan – a competition that provided many good and strong ideas. Our proposal, ‘Mere Landskab, Mere By – A Blue-Green Landscape First Strategy for the Transformation of the Capital Region‘, was awarded a shared second place in the competition. By prioritizing green and blue corridors, we propose a resilient, climate-adapted and robust strategy where there is space for both nature, biodiversity, and social equity to thrive. Our vision stands out because it places the landscape as the main driver for the necessary transformation. We look forward to the process and are eager to engage in discussions on a resilient planning guide for the Greater Copenhagen region. Further info about our proposal: #UrbanDevelopment #LandscapeArchitecture #Landscape #MASUPlanning #Arkitektforeningen #DreyersFond
MASU Planning
Arkitektur og planlægning
Copenhagen, Capital Region 2.815 følgere
We aim to create new landscape stories combining honesty, sturdiness, stimulating experiences and inclusive qualities.
Om os
The design philosophy of MASU Planning promotes a holistic approach with attention to site and identity in the landscapes we create. We develop solutions strongly rooted in the Nordic design tradition and a shared cultural history with our innovative and notable architectural approach. Our designs rely on clear ideas deriving from the specific character of each site.
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- Arkitektur og planlægning
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 11-50 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Copenhagen, Capital Region
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- Selvejende
- Grundlagt
- 2007
Medarbejdere hos MASU Planning
Meanwhile, in Italy … // “Nel cuore di Odense, la Hans Christian Andersen’s House and Garden si apre al visitatore accogliendolo nell’universo fiabesco dei suoi poetici racconti. Il giardino, che abbraccia il museo, non vuole solo accompagnare alla scoperta del mondo magico di Andersen, ma ancor più invita il visitatore a sperimentare la natura come percepita dallo scrittore, quale fonte di ispirazione per liberare l’immaginazione. Tra siepi sinuose, sentieri tortuosi, scorci incantati e cambi di scala, il giardino esorta a intraprendere un viaggio sensoriale in cui realtà e fantasia si intrecciano senza soluzione di continuità.” H. C. Andersen’s House and Garden is featured in the brand-new edition of PAYSAGE TOPSCAPE magazine. #Topscape 59 explores a broad spectrum of projects and themes that redefine the relationship between landscape, architecture, and society, offering new perspectives on integrating nature within urban spaces. Thank you Topscape, for your interest in the adventurous garden in the heart of Odense ☘️🌳🪲! More info at --- Team H.C. Andersen’s House and Garden: MASU Planning (landscape), KENGO KUMA & ASSOCIATES, Cornelius Vöge, C&W Arkitekter A/S, Søren Jensen, OKNygaard A/S og BG Byggros, Danmark and Jesper Kongshaug. Client: Odense Kommune with donation from A.P. Møller Fonden. Photographs: Rasmus Hjortshøj. #Dansklandskabspris2023 #HCAndersensHave #landskabsarkitektur #MASUPlanning #KengoKuma #landskab #landscapedesign #landscapearchitecture
Axonometrics of Rosendals Square // Last week, our proposal, ‘Gläntan – a natural meeting place’, was announced as the winner of the competition for the development of Rosendals Torg (Rosendals Square) in Uppsala, Sweden’s fourth-largest city. As part of our presentation, we created axonometric drawings to illustrate the various ways Rosendals Square could be used. As with all competitions, our ideas may not be implemented exactly as proposed, but these visualizations convey our vision for a square that is both dynamic and tranquil – an inclusive, natural meeting place where everyone can find a spot that suits their specific needs. We’re looking forward to the next phases with the rest of the team and the Municipality. --- Team Rosendals Torg: Masu Planning (landscape), Bjerking and LDC (Lighting Design Collective). Client: Uppsala kommun. Competition: Uppsala Municipality in collaboration with Sveriges Arkitekter. Area: 5.000 square meters Period: 2024 – (construction planned to commence spring 2026.) #Uppsala #Masuplanning #Rosendalstorg #landscapearchitecture #urbanplanning #landscape #circulareconomy #Bjerking #LightingDesignCollective
We’ve won Rosendals Square in Uppsala // “The proposal is well-developed and convincing, with its logical structure striking a good balance between a square and a green, urban oasis. The open space in front of the cultural house naturally transitions into a softer and greener form towards the surrounding streets and the pavilion. ‘Gläntan’ is created with an elegance, a strong sense of form in the use of recycled materials, and well-studied details in the interplay of materials. The proposal beautifully combines the free forms reminiscent of forest spaces with the square’s solid and flexible surfaces.” – Jury motivation for the Rosendals Torg competition. Our proposal ‘Gläntan – a natural meeting place’ has won the competition for the development of Rosendals Torg / Rosendals Square in Uppsala, Sweden’s fourth largest city. The square is to become a vibrant meeting place that serves as a stage for both larger and smaller formal events while also supporting a well-functioning and inspiring everyday life. The square is designed to be both dynamic and calm at the same time, allowing everyone to find a spot that suits their specific needs for the day – whether they want to be active or relax. We’re looking forward to the next phases with the rest of the team and representatives from the Municipality. Team Rosendals Torg: Masu Planning (landscape), Bjerking and LDC (Lighting Design Collective). Client: Uppsala kommun. Competition arranged by Uppsala Municipality in collaboration with Sveriges Arkitekter. Area: 5.000 square meters Period: 2024 – (construction planned to commence spring 2026) Find out more in the press release from Uppsala Municipality (Text in Swedish) #Uppsala #Masuplanning #Rosendalstorg #landscapearchitecture #urbanplanning #landscape #circulareconomy #Bjerking #LightingDesignCollective
Plads til piger // (English summary below) ”Anvendelsen af bevægelsesrum og deltagelse i idrætslivet er – som mange andre aspekter af samfundslivet – kønsligt kodet. Vores team ønsker at adressere denne problemstilling ved at skabe inkluderende rum til bevægelse og ophold. Rum, som i højere grad end i dag appellerer til og fremmer pigers og unge kvinders deltagelse i både formelle og uformelle idrætsaktiviteter. Det gode er, at når vi bygger til og med pigerne, skaber vi samtidig bedre bevægelsesrum for alle.” – Malin Blomqvist, partner hos MASU Planning. Lokale og Anlægsfonden har udvalgt seks innovative projektidéer til kampagnen “Plads til piger”, som skal udvikle nye bevægelsesfaciliteter med fokus på piger og unge kvinders behov. Team MASU Planning og VESTERGÅRD KULTUR (ved Bo Vestergård Madsen) er blandt de 20 udvalgte rådgivere, som projektejerne bag de udvalgte projekter kan samarbejde med for at videreudvikle og konkretisere deres idéer. Vi krydser fingre for at blive udvalgt til et af kampagnens projekter, som du kan læse mere om her: Dronefoto af legepladsen ved Tjørnegårdskolen i Roskilde af Airframe ved Marcel Schwarz. ---- English summary: The Danish Foundation for Culture and Sports Facilities has selected six innovative project ideas for the campaign “Plads til piger,” which aims to develop new movement facilities focused on the needs of girls and young women. Team MASU Planning and Vestergård Kultur are among the 20 selected advisors with whom the project owners of the chosen projects can collaborate to further develop and refine their ideas. We cross our fingers and hope to be selected by one of the project owners. #Pladstilpiger #lokaleoganlægsfonden #MASUPlanning #Vestergårdkultur
Meanwhile, on Landscape First // ”L’obiettivo principale della trasformazione del paesaggio circostante la scuola Tjørnegård era creare un cortile scolastico che fungesse anche da vivace centro comunitario, rafforzando l’identità della scuola e il suo ruolo nell’area locale.” Tjørnegårdskolen's playground is featured on Landscape First sagl, and we just love how good everything sounds in Italian – don’t worry, they have an English version for non-Italian speakers! The new outdoor areas for the school in Roskilde form a playful, hilly landscape with winding paths and diverse play and recreational spaces. Along the facades, greenery has been planted and framed by seating edges, creating resting niches of various scales. Edges, slopes, and surfaces are cohesively designed to support multifaceted play, relaxation, and learning. The new playground also features a state-of-the-art basketball court designed by Streetball Consulting. Thank you, Landscape First and Gael Glaudel, for your interest! Follow this link for more info: Team Tjørnegårdskolen Playground: MASU Planning (Main advisor / Landscape architects), Silberg Rådgivende Ingeniører ApS (Engineers), Anlægsgartner Gottlieb A/S (Contractor – Landscape), Streetball Consulting (Basketball Court). Client: Roskilde Kommune. Photographs by Airframe / Marcel Schwarz. #landscapefirst #landscapearchitecture #tjørnegårdsskolen #MASUplanning #playground #landscape
Say hi to Fanny // Please join us in giving a warm welcome to Fanny Ørvik as our new intern for spring 2025. Fanny is 24 years old and has just finished her bachelor’s degree in architecture from Arkitektskolen Aarhus, where she specialized in Radical Sustainable Architecture, which investigates and imagines “innovative architectural approaches to societal, climatic, and environmental challenges in the face of climate emergency.” As part of her architectural degree, she spent a semester at ETSAM (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid). In her bachelor’s project, Fanny transformed a building into a multi-generational housing facility, focusing on social interaction. “I chose to study architecture because I was drawn to its social impact and creative nature. Furthermore, architecture faces many challenges, and we can’t continue building as we used to since CO2 emissions are far too high. I hope that through extensive work and determination, we can help resolve these challenges,” says Fanny. At MASU Planning, Fanny will be involved in developing masterplans in Eastern Europe, and she is looking forward to delving deeper into landscape architecture. “I chose an internship at MASU Planning because I want to deepen my understanding of nature and landscape. I believe it’s crucial for architects to possess knowledge about the existing environment and biodiversity to create thoughtful and alternative solutions. I find that MASU Planning is a great place to learn just that because of the sensitivity of their approach,” concludes Fanny. In her spare time, Fanny enjoys hiking, staying active, spending time with friends and family, and working on various creative projects. After her internship, Fanny will pursue a master’s degree in architecture, and we are glad she chose MASU Planning as a pit stop on her journey. #Landscapearchitecture #MASUPlanning #urbanplanning #urbandesign
MASU Planning Portfolio – Plan Drawing Edition // Plan drawings play a crucial role in our design and dissemination processes. Here’s one we did for H. C. Andersen’s Garden. Team H.C. Andersen’s Garden and Museum: KENGO KUMA & ASSOCIATES, MASU Planning (landscape), CORNELIUS VÖGE, C&W Arkitekter A/S, Søren Jensen, OKNygaard A/S og BG Byggros, Danmark and Jesper Kongshaug. Client: Odense Kommune with donation from A.P. Møller Fonden. #Landscapearchitecture #urbandesign #MASUplanning #landscape #landscapedesign #plandrawings #HCAndersensgarden
Maatuli Schoool wins Rakentamisen Ruusu Award // The new Maatulli Comprehensive School has been awarded the Rakentamisen Ruusu (The Rose of Construction) award. The jury’s statement highlights, among other things, the school’s strong connection to nature. It also emphasizes how the school’s spaces are arranged around a circular inner courtyard called Metsäaukio (Forest Square), ensuring direct access to a learning garden that serves as an outdoor classroom. The landscape vision for the project has been to create an environment that supports learning, movement, recreation, and social interaction while also managing rainwater and enhancing biodiversity. The school serves approximately 700 primary and lower secondary students (grades 1–9) and 200 children in daycare and preschool groups. Maatulli School is located in the Maatulli Park – MASU Planning are also currently designing the surrounding park landscape. The Rakentamisen Ruusu Award is awarded by the City of Helsinki. The award is given for exemplary contributions that foster the creation of high-quality living environments and support sustainable development. For further information about the award (Text in Finnish), please visit: We thank the jury for the recognition and the team/client for a smooth collaboration. --- Team Maatulli Comprehensive School: Client: Helsingin kaupunki – Helsingfors stad – City of Helsinki. Lead design architects: Fors Arkitekter. Executive Architects: Arkkitehtuuri- ja muotoilutoimisto Talli Oy with help from Blomqvist Arkitektur (Co-architect competition and schematic design). Landscape Architects: MASU Planning. Structural engineer and acoustic design: A-Insinöörit. Electrical engineer: Sähköinsinööritoimisto SHS Oy. HVAC engineer: Ramboll. Fire consultant: Sitowise. Furniture design: Tero Hirvonen and Arkkitehtuuri- ja muotoilutoimisto Talli Oy. Contractor: Jatke. Photographs: MASU Planning #landscapearchitecture #learninglandscapes #landscapedesign #RakentamisenRuusu #MaatulliElementarySchool #landscapinghelsinki
Meanwhile, in Spain: Un nuevo jardín para el Museo Hans Christian Andersen de Odense // “Enterrado bajo el casco histórico de Odense, el Museo Hans Christian Andersen, obra de Kengo Kuma Architects, redefine la relación entre arquitectura y tradición. Con volúmenes curvos en la superficie y un jardín galardonado por MASU Planning, el proyecto equilibra modernidad y respeto patrimonial en un diálogo entre lo visible y lo oculto.” Thank you ROOM Diseño, for publishing Félix Zerdán’s article about H. C. Andersen’s House online: Team H.C. Andersen’s Garden and Museum: KENGO KUMA & ASSOCIATES, MASU Planning (landscape), CORNELIUS VÖGE, C&W Arkitekter A/S, Søren Jensen, OKNygaard A/S og BG Byggros, Danmark and Jesper Kongshaug. Client: Odense Kommune with donation from A.P. Møller Fonden. Photographs: Rasmus Hjortshøj. #Dansklandskabspris2023 #HCAndersensHave #landskabsarkitektur #MASUPlanning #KengoKuma #landskab #roomdiseno