reNEW’s Annual Report 2024 is just released The collaborative work among reNEW’s three research node in Copenhagen Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH, Leiden University Medical Center in Leiden, and Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) in Melbourne started just over three years ago and is yielding tangible results! “The one word that captures 2024 for reNEW is progress,” said Professor Melissa Little, the CEO of reNEW. “The critical mass and increased opportunities created within reNEW has proven to be extremely powerful… Internal and external partnerships enable us to create more than the sums of the parts.” #reNEW now runs 52 targeted #stemcellresearchprojects, each focused on a distinct stem cell product, and is involved in four #clinicaltrials. You can read more about our exciting journey in our Annual Report Read more about the Annual Report release: #Stemcells #stemcellresearch #science #researchexchange #raredisease Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) Leiden University Medical Center Novo Nordisk Foundation Kim Jensen Ton Rabelink Enzo Porrello Isabella Samuelson Tanja X Pedersen
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine – reNEW
Copenhagen N, Denmark 13.757 følgere
Transforming lives with stem cell medicine
Om os
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW aims to pave the way for future stem cell-based treatments as well as stimulate a new wave of global investment in stem cell medicine and technologies, and create highly skilled jobs in this advancing medical field. reNEW has been made possible through a record stem cell medicine grant of up to €300 million over 10 years from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, an international philanthropic foundation based in Denmark, which focuses on medical treatment and research. reNEW is a tripartite collaborative research Center between three internationally leading Institutions: The University of Copenhagen, Leiden University Medical Center and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute.
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- 201-500 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Copenhagen N, Denmark
- Grundlagt
- 2022
Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, Blegdamsvej 3B, Building 6, 4th Floor
Blegdamsvej 3B, Building 6, 4th floor
Copenhagen N, Denmark 2200, DK
Murdoch Children's Research Institute Royal Children's Hospital Flemington Road, Parkville Victoria 3052 Australia
Victoria , 3052, AU
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA Leiden, Netherlands
Laiden , 2333 ZA, NL
Medarbejdere hos Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine – reNEW
Markela Dedopoulos
Corporate Affairs, Communications, Engagement, Spokesperson, Executive, PR, Public Affairs, Branding, Leadership Development, Marketing, Digital…
David Elliott
Group Leader, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
Louise Saviø Piilgaard
Postdoctoral Researcher in Translational stem cell medicine | In vivo Neuroscientist | Narcolepsy & Sleep Research | Drug discovery
Laura A.
Passionate about Advancing Future Research and Results | 10+ Years of Life Science Industry and Academic Experience
The #ARTxSCIENCE exhibition is touring Denmark, Boston and Leiden. On April 2nd, reNEW Copenhagen is hosting a special event at Medicinsk Museion where Node Director, Professor Kim Jensen, postdoc Lieke Stockmann, and PhD student Oscar Bay Axelsen will speak. Meet our scientists, immerse yourself in the world of stem cells, and get the opportunity to explore our research through #VR goggles! Get a sneak preview with the aftermovie of the event at Kulturhuset Indre By. Book your tickets 👉 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ARTxSCIENCE udstillingen er på turné i Danmark, Boston og Leiden. Den 2. april er reNEW Copenhagen vært for en særlig begivenhed på Medicinsk Museion, hvor Node Director, Professor Kim Jensen, postdoc Lieke Stockmann og ph.d.-studerende Oscar Bay Axelsen vil tale. Mød vores forskere, fordyb dig i stamcellernes verden, og få mulighed for at udforske vores forskning gennem #VR-briller! Få et lille indblik med aftermovien fra arrangementet i Kulturhuset Indre By. Book dine billetter 👉
𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗽 𝗮 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴-𝗲𝗱𝗴𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗺 𝗰𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗲 We are looking for someone with a focus on human stem cell biology (pluripotent stem cells or tissue specific stem cells), and a translational focus involving either regenerative cell or gene therapies, disease modelling and/or stem cell-based drug development. Become part of our international consortium composed of three leading research institutions: Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen in Copenhagen, Denmark, Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands, and Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) in Australia. Ready to launch your first independent research group in stem cell medicine? We encourage you to apply. Vacancy 👉 #principalinvestigator #associateprofessor #stemcells
The Leiden University Medical Center and Fluigent are co-organizing a organ-on-chip & microfluidics hands-on workshop on April 9th. This is more than a seminar—it’s a unique opportunity to work directly with cutting-edge tools, manipulate chips, optimize flow conditions, and analyze live cell responses under a microscope. More information and registration through the link below 🔽 hDMT Infra hDMT LUMC - Regenerative Medicine
We are proud of our reNEW researchers who received a Public Service Award 🏆 from the International Society for Stem Cell Research for their contributions to the field of stem cell science and regenerative medicine! Congratulations Melissa Little, Ana Hidalgo-Simon, Megan Munsie, Nienke de Graeff, Christine Mummery, Kim Jensen and Jan Zylicz! 🎉 Read more about the award below 🔽
The #ARTxSCIENCE exhibition is touring Denmark, Boston and Leiden. On April 2nd, reNEW Copenhagen is hosting a special event at Medicinsk Museion where Node Director, Professor Kim Jensen, postdoc Lieke Stockmann, and PhD student Oscar Bay Axelsen will speak. Meet our scientists, immerse yourself in the world of stem cells, and get the opportunity to explore our research through #VR goggles! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ARTxSCIENCE udstillingen er på turné i Danmark, Boston og Leiden. Den 2. april er reNEW Copenhagen vært for en særlig begivenhed på Medicinsk Museion, hvor Node Director, Professor Kim Jensen, postdoc Lieke Stockmann og ph.d.-studerende Oscar Bay Axelsen vil tale. Mød vores forskere, fordyb dig i stamcellernes verden, og få mulighed for at udforske vores forskning gennem #VR-briller!
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We are thrilled to share that Rita Alves, postdoc in the Zylicz Group at reNEW Copenhagen has been awarded a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship from the European Union. She will use this fellowship to uncover the requirement of nuclear metabolism for epigenetic and gene expression changes occurring at embryo implantation. Read more about her project 👇 #mariecurie #science #metabolism #research
400 students join reNEW #UniStemday, on the never-ending journey of stem cell research. High school students from Denmark, the Netherlands, and Victoria, Australia participated in reNEW’s UniStem Day 2025, which were designed to offer students a chance to explore, learn, and discuss the transformative potential of stem cell research in medicine. Raising awareness of stem cells and their incredible potential towards the learning community is a key focus for reNEW which is why we are happy to be support the UniStem Day,” said reNEWS’s CEO Melissa H. Little. At the core of reNEW Melbourne’s UniStem Day 2025 was its focus on offering hands-on learning opportunities. 175 high school students from across Victoria, Australia, traveled to the Gene Technology Access Centre in Parkville to explore how stem cells are used to study cancer. "I was able to learn about valuable pathways and personal experiences of the scientists, which was nice to hear about the different ways people go towards their careers” said on high school student. “My biggest takeaway was the benefits of stem cell research and why it's so important in scientific breakthroughs,” said another. The central question of UniStem Day 2025 in Leiden was: Is stem cell research also your future? With a perfect mix of plenary sessions, interactive exercises and lab tours, the high school students got a glimpse of the diverse world that stem cell research is. High school students were welcomed at the University of Copenhagen by reNEW Copenhagen researchers. The program included presentations from both group leaders as early career researchers. Topics that emerged were around our stem cell research. The UniStem Day has over the years turned into the largest educational outreach initiative on stem cells and regenerative medicine in Europe, with some non-European countries also taking part in this promotion effort. This year more than 30,000 students worldwide joined #UniStemDay. This was the third time that the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW took part in this engagement event. Link to full article in comments. Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) Leiden University Medical Center Novo Nordisk Foundation
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The reNEW #ARTxSCIENCE exhibition is now on display at the Faculty of Medicine at Aalborg Universitet. The perfect place to exhibit the amazing world of stem cell research from reNEW. The exhibition will stay until March 31 and move on to the Medicinsk Museion in Copenhagen. Don’t miss out of the opportunity to meet to see the exhibition and meet our researchers April 2nd at the Medical Museion or at Danmarks Tekniske Museum in Helsingør April 24th where we have special events. The #ARTxSCIENCE exhibition is touring Denmark, Boston and Leiden and is all about conveying the incredible potential of stem cell research to help raise awareness of how stem cell research can transform the lives of people. The exhibition is displaying the 12 finalists of the ARTxSCIENCE competition 2024, including the winner of this year, Charlotte De Henau from reNEW Leiden in the Netherlands. Learn more about the power of stem cell research by visiting Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH Leiden University Medical Center Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI) Kim Jensen Melissa Little Isabella Samuelson Tanja X Pedersen Birgitte Holst Novo Nordisk Foundation
And of course we also celebrated #UniStemDay2025 in Leiden! The central question was: is stem cell research also your future? With a perfect mix of plenary sessions, interactive exercises and lab tours, the high school students got a glimpse of the diverse world that stem cell research is, all guided by our hosts Hessel Honkoop and Annika de Jong, PhD Our morning started with an introduction by reNEW PI Niels Geijsen on the history of stem cell research, what it is and what we can do with it. This was greatly appreciated by the students, as one mentioned: “I didn’t know much about stem cells, but thanks to this very elaborate and very informative talk I now fully understand it”. With this solid basis, we moved to the talk of Willemijn de Vos, PhD candidate with reNEW PI Eelco de Koning. She told the students about the group's work on Islets of Langerhans made from stem cells, with the aim to cure type 1 diabetes. Her story always makes a great impact, especially because she knows about the consequences of living with this disease from personal experience. Then, as a new component compared to the last years, the interactive part started. The students visited the labs of various reNEW PIs and facilities 🔬 , and took part in an ethical discussion around deafness, hosted by PREPARE PhD candidates Esther Fousert (also in the lab of reNEW PI Heiko Locher) and Jesse Weidema. The morning ended with various ‘profession pitches’, which showed the variety of backgrounds and expertise that the people that are part of reNEW Leiden have. Atoosa Amel, Christiaan Arendzen, Katrien Vandereydt and Manon Zuurmond all showed how they work in the stem cell field. The main message: whether you're interested like biology, computer science, technology, health care, laboratory research or even art, there are tons of ways to contribute to the field of stem cell research. We aimed to inspire 💡 , to show what you can do with stem cells and how important this field can be for patients. And we were excited to hear the impact it already had on the students and their career choices: “I know that I don't want to be working in a lab fulltime, but I do think stem cell research is really interesting” and “This day interested me for stem cell research, the coolest thing I've learned is that you can use stem cells for SO MANY things!” where some of the quotes we got. We hope to welcome many of them to reNEW in a couple of years! And of course a great thanks to all the people that helped organizing, hosted students in their lab, guided tours or helped in any other way. Without them these events are not possible: Simone Ouwehand, Youssra Khanfour, Robin Jacobs, Ae-Ri Noort, Kirsten Canté-Barrett, PhD, Giorgio Gilioli, Sepideh Bastani, Nicole van Bockhooven, Celine Mary Roelse, Marjolein Trimp, Martin Giera, Sarantos Kostidis, PhD. Photos by: Michel Heerkens 📷
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