STRENGTHENING COLLABORATION WITH AFRICA CDC FOR GLOBAL HEALTH SECURITY Today, SSI had the great pleasure of welcoming Dr. Jean Kaseya, Director General of Africa CDC, to discuss how we can strengthen our collaboration on global health security. The discussions reaffirmed our strong, mutual interest in working together to advance global public health and pandemic preparedness. At Statens Serum Institut (SSI), we recognize that global health challenges require global solutions — and Africa CDC is a key partner in this effort. Today, we agreed to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to define the scope of our future collaboration in a strong partnership. Africa CDC’s commitment to advancing public health across the continent is truly inspiring. Our discussions highlighted concrete opportunities for deeper engagement, and we are excited about what lies ahead. Global health security is a shared responsibility — let’s move forward together! #GlobalHealth #AMR #OneHealth #StrongerTogether #PandemicPreparedness #PublicHealthPartnerships
Statens Serum Institut
DK-2300 København S, . 45.315 følgere
Vi forebygger og bekæmper infektionssygdomme og medfødte sygdomme via forskning, overvågning, diagnostik og rådgivning
Om os
Statens Serum Institut (SSI) hører under Sundhedsministeriet. Vores hovedopgave er at sikre beredskabet over for smitsomme sygdomme, medfødte lidelser og biologiske trusler. SSI’s mission er: Vi styrker sundheden gennem sygdomskontrol og forskning. SSI består af flere afdelinger. Her kan du læse om nogle af dem: • Infektionsberedskab Vi har ansvaret for det danske beredskab mod smitsomme sygdomme. Vi overvåger en lang række smitsomme sygdomme i Danmark og holder øje med udviklingen verden over via vores internationale samarbejder. På den baggrund vejleder vi sundhedspersonale om forebyggelse og behandling og rådgiver beslutningstagere i situationer, der kræver særlige tiltag, fx ved epidemier. Vi graver et spadestik dybere for at få mere viden om en bestemt bakterie eller et virus. Det bruges fx ved fødevarebårne sygdomsudbrud og ifm diagnosticering af mere sjældne sygdomme. Når der opstår nye eller sjældne smitsomme sygdomme, fx ebola og hiv, skal SSI sikre, at der er relevante diagnostiske analyser til rådighed for det danske sundhedsvæsen. • Biobank & Biomarkører Vi driver Danmarks Nationale Biobank, som indeholder flere millioner blod- og vævsprøver, der bl.a. bruges til forskning i forebyggelse, diagnostik og behandling af sygdomme. Vi står for den nationale screening af nyfødte børn, hvor vi undersøger for 17 alvorlige sygdomme. Vi forsker dels i biomarkører, der kan afsløre medfødte eller autoimmune sygdomme, fx hjertesygdomme, gigt og alzheimers, dels i udvikling af nye højtspecialiserede analyser inden for medfødte og immunologiske sygdomme. • Forskning SSI er en af Danmarks største forskningsinstitutioner på sundhedsområdet med særligt to forskningsområder i verdensklasse: Epidemiologisk forskning – Vi analyserer registre og undersøger prøver fra biobanker for bl.a. at finde årsager til sygdomme. Vaccineforskning – Vi forsker i vacciners virkning og udvikler nye vacciner mod bl.a. tuberkulose og klamydia.
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- 501 – 1.000 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- DK-2300 København S, .
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- Statslig myndighed
- Grundlagt
- 1902
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- Forskning, Specialdiagnostik, Infektionsberedskab, Vaccineforsyning, Biobank, Sygdomsovervågning og Diagnostiske undersøgelser
Artillerivej 5
DK-2300 København S, ., DK
Medarbejdere hos Statens Serum Institut
NEXT-GENERATION TUBERCULOSIS TESTING Statens Serum Institut (SSI) is proud to see SIILTIBCY® – a next-generation tuberculosis skin test co-developed by SSI and Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. – take center stage at the FuiTB Conference in Barcelona. The conference takes place just before World TB Day (March 24) and provides a key platform for advancing tuberculosis diagnostics and control. SIILTIBCY® has recently been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), marking a significant milestone in the global fight against tuberculosis. Unlike traditional skin tests like the Tuberculin Skin Test (PPD), SIILTIBCY® eliminates cross-reactivity with BCG and non-tuberculous mycobacteria, offering high specificity and reliability in children, adults and persons living with HIV. "We are delighted to see this new innovative product being showcased here in Barcelona. And we hope healthcare providers and patients across Europe and beyond will benefit from this improved diagnostic tool in the future,” says Alvaro Borges, SSI's Chief Medical Officer at the Centre for Vaccine Research. With this scientific innovation and strong partnerships, tuberculosis can now be detected faster and treated more effectively. #WorldTBDay #Tuberculosis #Innovation #SIILTIBCY #PublicHealth #TBControl #SSI
PÅ SSI ARBEJDER VI MED BIASBEVIDSTHED På Statens Serum Institut ønsker vi at være et mangfoldigt institut. Vi stræber efter at have en kultur, hvor alle medarbejdere føler sig inkluderet og værdsat. Derfor er alle medarbejdere og ledere i disse dage inviteret til workshop med psykolog Christina Lundsgaard Ottsen, der underviser i de psykologiske mekanismer bag bias og giver konkrete redskaber til at skabe en mere inkluderende samarbejdskultur. #inklusion #mangfoldighed #bias
KURVEN ER KNÆKKET: INFLUENZASMITTEN FALDER FOR ANDEN UGE I TRÆK 📉 Efter en vinter med udbredt smitte går influenzasæsonen mod sin afslutning. Nye tal viser, at både laboratoriebekræftede tilfælde og influenzarelaterede indlæggelser er faldet de seneste par uger. "Vi ser en tydelig nedgang i smitten, men influenza er stadig i omløb," siger Bolette Søborg, overlæge ved SSI. Med forårets komme og mere udendørs aktivitet forventes smitten at falde yderligere🌞 Smitten er dog stadig høj, så husk de gode råd: Bliv hjemme ved symptomer, luft ud og vask hænder. Statens Serum Institut overvåger fortsat udviklingen og opdaterer løbende på #SSI #Sundhed #Influenza
FIGHTING ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE TOGETHER A delegation from Statens Serum Institut (SSI) participated in the EU-JAMRAI2 annual meeting on March 12-13 in Bilbao, Spain. 💊 EU-JAMRAI2 is a 50 million Euro Joint Action uniting 30 countries and more than 140 partners in the fight against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAI). The goal is stronger One Health initiatives to protect public health across Europe. At the meeting, SSI and European partners presented to EU Health and Food Safety and key stakeholders (WHO, WOAH, FAO, EEA, ESGAP) the first steps towards a joint framework to improve implementation of infection prevention and control across EU member states. SSI is also contributing to the One Health Policy group meeting, exchanging national priorities and discussing strategies to ensure the sustainability of EU-JAMRAI2 outcomes. "Antibiotics are essential for modern medicine, and the alarming rise of antimicrobial resistance is a serious threat to healthcare systems. SSI is leading Denmark’s engagement in this large-scale EU initiative in close collaboration with our national partners from Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen, DTU - Technical University of Denmark, Danish Ministry of the Interior and Health and Fødevarestyrelsen. We support the interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach in the JAMRAI-project as key to advance our efforts to prevent AMR,” says Camilla Holten Møller, Liaison for Denmark in the EU-JAMRAI2 project Together, we stand stronger against AMR. Let’s advance interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral solutions to safeguard the future of antibiotics! 🔬🌍 #OneHealth #AMR #PublicHealth #EUJAMRAI2 #InfectionPrevention #Behaviorchange #StatensSerumInstitut
The WHO remains a key partner as we share a strong commitment to improve public health. Thank you to the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence for hosting us and introducing us to your important work on pandemic preparedness and response. We look forward to continuing the dialog!
We were delighted to host colleagues from the Statens Serum Institut, Denmark’s national public health institute, last week for an insightful exchange at the #WHOPandemicHub. With a shared commitment to advancing pandemic preparedness and response, our discussion centered on how to foster collaboration and innovation, strengthen capacities and build communities to tackle future health challenges. A big thank you to Prof Dr Henrik Ullum, Dr Tyra Grove Krause and Thea Beck Syversen for your visit and valuable insights! We look forward to working together to build a more resilient global health system. #GlobalHealth #PandemicPreparedness #CollaborativeSurveillance
STRONG COLLABORATIONS FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASE PREPAREDNESS Yesterday - on Monday the 10th of March - Statens Serum Institut (SSI) had the pleasure of welcoming a delegation from HERA (Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority), including Acting Director-General Laurent Muschel, Deputy Head of Unit Ana Burgos-Gutierrez, and Policy Coordinator Dimitrios Florinis. The discussions reinforced a crucial message: The world calls for closer collaboration and strengthening of our existing mutual activities, especially when it comes to fighting infectious diseases and securing health throughout the world. "Infectious disease preparedness has to be a global focus, and we must work across borders to ensure we are as well-equipped as possible to meet future health crises," says Pikka Jokelainen, Head of Function for Infectious Disease Preparedness and One Health at SSI, coordinator of key EU-funded initiatives EU-HIP and EU-WISH that collaborate closely with HERA. We look forward to continuing collaboration with HERA and our international partners. Together, we stand stronger. #GlobalHealth #OneHealth #Collaboration #HERA #StatensSerumInstitut
DISEASE DETECTIVES STRENGTHENING CROSS-BORDER COLLABORATION ON INFECTIOUS DISEASE PREPAREDNESS This week, a delegation of microbiologists and epidemiologists from Statens Serum Institut visited their German colleagues at the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin. The purpose was strengthening collaboration and exchanging valuable experiences on: 🌍 Preparedness for emerging threats and outbreaks 🍔 Challenges in the surveillance of foodborne pathogens 📊 Managing prolonged outbreaks “In a world where foodborne outbreaks often spread across borders, international collaboration is essential for early detection and rapid response. We are therefore very pleased to engage in this exchange of knowledge with our close partners at Germany’s Robert Koch Institute,” says Tyra Grove Krause, Executive Vice President for Infectious Disease Preparedness at SSI. The visit was part of our government-to-government collaboration under the Danish Strategy for Life Science, reinforcing the strong ties between Denmark and Germany in the field of public health and supported by Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet og Denmark in Germany. A big thank you to the organizing team Luise Müller, Stine Nielsen, Hendrik Wilking, and colleagues for facilitating these valuable discussions!