🌏⚓ Insta Globe Engineering is setting sail for Singapore Maritime Week (SMW) 2025! In just one week, we’ll be joining the Estonian business delegation at one of the biggest maritime events of the year. As the Marine & Offshore industry continues holding course toward greater efficiency and technological advancement, we’ll be in Singapore to see what’s on the horizon and help steer the industry toward smarter electrical installations, automation, and commissioning solutions. Want to connect? Meet our CEO Ivo Pukk and our Business Development Manager Erko Elblaus, at: 📍 Estonian Pavilion SMW Networking event – March 25th, 4-5 PM (Expo Stand F12 ) 📍 Estonian Business Hub Networking Event – March 27th, 7-9 PM (organized by the Estonian Embassy in Singapore & Association of Singapore Marine & Offshore Energy Industries (ASMI) ) Let’s navigate the next wave of maritime technology together ⚡ See you in Singapore! A huge thank you to Trade with Estonia for organizing this delegation, and to head of delegation Kaupo Läänerand (Deputy Secretary General for Maritime and Water Affairs, Kliimaministeerium / Ministry of Climate of Estonia ) and fellow Estonian delegates from SRC Group, Cybernetica, LTH-Baas, MindChip, VARCUS Solutions Ltd., AVATEC Marine, and Consolato del Mare for keeping the Estonian flag flying high in global maritime innovation! #singaporemaritimeweek #maritimeinnovation #greenretrofits #smartelectricalsolutions #automation #instaglobeengineering #electricalcommissioning #tradewithestonia
Singapore and Estonia share a vision for a more efficient, #digital and sustainable #maritime industry—let’s make it happen! If you’re attending Singapore Maritime Week (SMW) 2025, let’s connect and talk about the future of #shipping! Attend the event to keep in touch with Estonia's activities 👇 Estonia @ SMW 2025: Tiina Truuväärt, Ireen Tahk (Enterprise Estonia), Johanna-Riinu Annuk, Kristel Alver, Estonian Embassy in Singapore (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia). 🌎 Estonian maritime business delegation at the Singapore Maritime Week (SMW) w/ Kaupo Läänerand (Kliimaministeerium / Ministry of Climate of Estonia), SRC Group, Cybernetica, LTH-Baas, Insta Globe Engineering, MindChip, VARCUS Solutions Ltd., AVATEC Marine, Indra Kaunis (Consolato del Mare). 💡 Maritime experts at the SMW Estonian pavilion Ragmar Saksing & Merit Kindsigo (Estonian Maritime Cluster, TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology - Smart Sea Centre of Excellence). Catch them at the Accelerating Digitalisation and Decarbonisation Conference (Tech Stage) on March 25-26th. 🎤 Project funded by European Union - NextGenerationEU Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia #tradewithestonia #singaporemaritimeweek2025 #singaporemaritime #maritimesector #exportmarkets #singaporemaritimeweek
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