Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia

Government Administration

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Estonia's Foreign Policy Objectives 1. Ensuring national security and the indivisibility of security; stability and predictability of international relations 2. Ensuring premises for the functioning of Estonian economy; liberal economic relations and a liberal economic space 3. Protection of Estonians abroad and in the context of foreign relations 4. Estonia’s influence and good reputation 5. A space of values promoting democracy, human rights, the principles of the rule of law, as well as economic freedom and development

Government Administration
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501-1,000 employees
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  • Täna toimus Eesti Kaubandus-Tööstuskojas seminar, kus peateemaks oli Eesti ettevõtete võimalused Ukrainas. Lühidalt kokku võttes: võimalusi on palju ning neid julgustas kasutama ka Ukraina suursaadik Eestis Maksym Kononenko. Välisministeeriumi poolt olid kohal meie asekantsler Mariin Ratnik, Eesti Kiievi saatkonna majandusnõunik Ando Rehemaa ja majandusdiplomaatia büroo Ukraina koordinaator Reelika Virunurm, kes rääkisid, kuidas väliministeerium ettevõtteid aitab. 1️⃣ Ando on meie majandusametnik Ukrainas, kelle poole saab alati pöörduda. Tal on kohapealne võrgustik ja tunnetus ning oskab suunata õigete kontaktide poole. 2️⃣ Üks viis kuidas turgu paremini tundma õppida on läbi arengukoostöö projektide. Näiteks on Harmet ehitanud Ukrainasse lasteaia. 3️⃣ Ukrainasse on planeerimisel mitmed äridelegatsioonidega visiidid, millega ettevõtjad saavad veel liituda. Aprillis toimub kaitsetööstuse suunitlusega visiit ning mais energiasektori, green- ja cleantech visiit. Kohapeal käimine ja suhete loomine on üks Eesti ettevõtete eeliseid. 4️⃣ Kui tekivad kohapealsete ametiasutustega mingid takistused, siis saame riigi esindajatena ka sellele kohapeal tähelepanu juhtida. Oma kogemustest Ukrainas ettevõtjad rääkisid Jaan Hein, (DefSecIntel Solutions OÜ), Alo Tamm (Harmet OÜ) ja Andres Vogt (WarmCool OÜ). Ukraina ettevõtja vaatest rääkis Vadym Rakitin (Good Staff Solution OÜ). Hangetel osalemise taustast rääkis Chernihivi Kaubandus-Tööstuskoja asepresident Larysa Tsygan Tsygan ning Ukraina relvastamise programmidest Marek Järlak Estonian Centre for Defence Investments // Riigi Kaitseinvesteeringute Keskusest. Tänud korraldajatele Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Kõiki ettevõtjaid, kes Ukraina vastu huvi tunnevad julgustame uurima Ukraina infolehte: Ja võtma meiega otse ühendust!

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  • Sel reedel on viimane võimalus liituda meie Jaapani ärimissiooniga, mille eesmärk uute ärikontaktide loomine. ✅ Toimumise aeg 17. - 25. mai 2025 ✅ Külastatavad linnad on Osaka ja Tokio ning ettevõtted saavad osa ka Osaka EXPOst. ✅ Programmis on äriseminarid, B2B kohtumised ning külastatakse sektorile olulisi ettevõtteid ja organisatsioone. ✅ Missiooni teemad sobituvad eelkõige targa linna, digitaalsete lahenduste, IT ja küberjulgeoleku ning robootika valdkondades tegutsevate ettevõtetega. Missiooni korraldame koos partneritega: EIS & International Mission Estonia (IME) Täpsem info ja registreerimine 👇

    Ärimissioon Jaapanisse innovaatilise tehnoloogia valdkonna ettevõtetele - EIS

    Ärimissioon Jaapanisse innovaatilise tehnoloogia valdkonna ettevõtetele - EIS

  • Kutsume IKT ning toidu- ja joogisektori ettevõtteid kõrgetasemelisele ärivisiidile Indoneesiasse. Delegatsiooni juhib välisminister Margus Tsahkna. ✅ Indoneesia on Kagu-Aasia suurim majandus ja üks kiiremini kasvavaid turge maailmas. ✅ Visiidi raames on toimuvad äriseminarid, B2B-kohtumised, ettevõtete külastused ja võrgustumisüritused piirkonna huvipakkuvate ettevõtjate ja investoritega. ✅ Äridelegatsiooni programmi koostamisel võetakse arvesse osalevate ettevõtete profiile ning huve Indoneesias. Visiiti aitab korraldada Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Rohkem infot ja registreerimine ⬇️

    Välisminister Margus Tsahkna ja teda saatva äridelegatsiooni visiit Indoneesiasse |

    Välisminister Margus Tsahkna ja teda saatva äridelegatsiooni visiit Indoneesiasse |

  • Great news👍 We have two new honorary consuls in Portland and San Francisco. “Two honorary consuls with a notable business network and background are a great boon to our companies when it comes to boosting relations. For example, they can provide advice and assistance in making contacts,” our undersecretary for Economic and Development Affairs, Mariin Ratnik said. She thanked all new and existing honorary consuls for their excellent work and the time they dedicate to supporting Estonian companies, helping citizens, and reinforcing ties between the two countries. Estonia’s new honorary consul in Portland Skip Newberry (he, him) brings a wealth of experience to the role, having previously served as an economic development policy advisor to Portland's mayor. He also contributes with his expertise as a member of the Oregon Cybersecurity Advisory Council and the Workforce & Talent Development Board. “I am deeply honored to represent Estonia in Portland. The country’s pioneering approach to digital transformation and innovation aligns with many of the ongoing efforts in Portland. I look forward to building partnerships and making connections that strengthen our mutual interests,” Newberry said. Estonia’s new honorary consul in San Francisco is christine morgan (she/her), J.D.. She is a partner and an intellectual property and commercial trial lawyer at Reed Smith. “Estonia and San Francisco are both defined by bold ideas and a drive to shape the future through digital innovation. I am honored to help bridge these two dynamic innovation hubs, creating opportunities for collaboration that inspire progress on a global scale,” Morgan said. Estonia now has a total of 1️⃣7️⃣ honorary consulates in the United States.

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  • 🌎Estonian business delegation is visiting Portland and San Francisco this week. Meetings are planned with various companies, investors and organisations. For example, the agenda includes meetings with representatives of Intel Corporation, NVIDIA, and Nike, and visits to their head offices. Head of delegation, our undersecretary Mariin Ratnik said that joint visits with companies are useful for making new business contacts. According to Areos Ledesma, Nortal’s Senior Vice President for North America, the United States is one of the most important markets in the company’s growth strategy. “Our focus is on areas linked to critical infrastructure, including energy, utilities, and healthcare,” Ledesma, who is part of the business delegation, said. Nortal’s US customers include Amazon, The Walt Disney Company, T-Mobile, Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose Water Group, and Tacoma. Ledesma said that as a member of the business delegation, he was looking forward to valuable discussions with leaders of various government institutions and companies. “This allows us to present our solutions for cybersecurity, data life cycle management, artificial intelligence, and cloud technology,” Ledesma said. The business delegation also includes Estonian company Alpha3D, whose technology makes it possible to create 3D models more quickly and conveniently thanks to AI. Their platform has more than 500 000 registered users, which the majority coming from the United States. “We can see our product having great potential in gaming and e-commerce, but also in medicine, architecture, and education,” CEO of the company Madis Alesmaa explained. In addition to Nortal and Alpha 3D, the Estonian business delegation includes Leil Storage, NV Trade, Omniva, and Waybiller. The visit is organised jointly with EIS, Trade with Estonia, Invest in Estonia and e-Residency.

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  • Otsid oma kaitsetööstuse ettevõttele ekspordivõimalusi? Pane ennast kirja Taani äridelegatsiooni 👇 Tegutsed mingis teises sektoris? Tee konto lehele ja oled automaatselt kursis kõikide oma valdkonna visiitidega 👇

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    🇪🇪🤝🇩🇰 Eesti kaitsetööstuse tipud kogunevad Taanis! 22.–23. aprillil 2025 toimub kaitseminister Hanno Pevkuri ja saatva äridelegatsiooni visiit Taani kaitsetööstusele, kus avaneb võimalus kohtuda kohalike valdkonna võtmeisikutega, luua väärtuslikke kontakte ja tutvustada Eesti innovaatilisi lahendusi. Loe rohkem ja kandideeri 👉 Kristi K. Estonian Embassy in Copenhagen Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia Invest in Estonia

    Kõrgetasemeline visiit kaitsetööstusele Taani 22.-23.04.2025 |

    Kõrgetasemeline visiit kaitsetööstusele Taani 22.-23.04.2025 |

  • Last week, we had the great honor of hosting a reception for our Honorary Consuls from the Benelux countries at the Estonian Embassy in The Hague. Among the participants were our Honorary Consuls from Amsterdam, Bilthoven, Eindhoven, Zwolle, Luxembourg, and Antwerp. The plans for 2025 were outlined and topics included foreign policy, consular matters and special attention was given to the role of business diplomacy, as well as the growth and expansion of the Dutch business diplomacy network in recent years. In terms of trade, the Netherlands is Estonia's 7th largest export partner and the trade volume between Estonia and the Netherlands has remained robust. Even though the trade volumes between Estonia and Belgium are relatively low the recent agreement between the Estonian shipbuilder Baltic Workboats and Regional Government in the Flanders region in Belgium show a possibilties to deepen the economic relations between Estonia and Belgium as well. These meetings and discussions provided a valuable opportunity to strengthen cooperation and share insights on how to support international business expansion and opportunities. A big thank you to all the participants for their valuable contributions - Estonian Embassy in The Hague, Estonian Embassy in Brussels and EIS.

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  • Digital transformation has a huge potential to facilitate economic growth and sustainable development. Estonia is committed to supporting human-centred digital transformation and building long-term partnerships in Africa. We were one of the five member states to implement the first successful Team Europe digital initiative – AU-EU Digital for Development (D4D) Hub project – which guides us in further cooperation. Estonia participates actively in the D4D Hub to foster #TeamEurope cooperation. By helping to overcome donor silos, involving the private sector and civil society we work to provide a more valuable offer to our partner countries, while also enhancing EU-Africa digital cooperation under #GlobalGateway. In 2024 a delegation led by Undersecretary Mariin Ratnik represented Estonia at the Connected Africa Summit, contributing to the strong presence of Team Europe. Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV) is already implementing several #TeamEuropeInitiatives such as Human-Centred Digitalisation in Kenya, Data Governance in Africa, and the talent partnership programme Digital Explorers. In 2025, new programs will focus on e-governance, cybersecurity, green digital innovation, and empowering women in ICT. Let us know if you are interested and check out the ongoing call for proposals 👇

    Taotlusvoor projektide rahastuseks Botswanas, Keenias, Namiibias ja Ugandas | ESTDEV

    Taotlusvoor projektide rahastuseks Botswanas, Keenias, Namiibias ja Ugandas | ESTDEV

  • Täna toimus Eesti ja Kasahstani valitsuste vahelise komisjoni istung, mille raames toimuvad ka ettevõtete kohtumised ning plenaaristung. Mõlemast riigist osaleb kokku üle 60 ettevõtte ja ettevõtlusorganisatsiooni esindaja, kes külastavad ka Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industryt ja AS Tallinna Sadamat. Välisminister Tsahkna ütles avakõnes, et Euroopa Liit on Kasahstani suurim kaubanduspartner ning moodustab ligi 40% Kasahstani kaubandusest. „Eesti on huvitatud tihedatest suhetest strateegilistes valdkondades, nagu logistika, digitaliseerimine, kriitilised toormed ja välispoliitiline dialoog. Tugevad, stabiilsed ja iseseisvad Kesk-Aasia riigid on meie jaoks olulised,“ ütles välisminister.

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  • Estonian Embassy in Copenhagen korraldab koos partneritega üritust ettevõtetele, kes soovivad rohkem teada saada, kuidas ÜRO süsteemis olevad organisatsioonid hankeid korraldavad ja kuidas sellest ise osa saada. Mida oodata? 🔷 Ülevaade ÜRO hangete protsessidest ja juhtpõhimõtetest. 🔷 ÜRO süsteemi kuuluvate organisatsioonide hangete võimalused. 🔷 Praktilised juhised, kuidas navigeerida United Nations Global Marketplace platvormil ja oma ettevõtet positsioneerida. 🔷 Oma kogemusi jagavad ettevõtted, kes on edukalt koostööd teinud ÜRO organisatsioonidega. Üritus toimub inglise keeles ja on tasuta, kuid oluline on ennast registreerida (link kommentaarina). 

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