BioMixing has developed new agitation systems for bio-fermentation reactors that uses fluid dynamics concepts to reduce damage to cells and optimizes mixing in the vessel. The new agitation systems reduce processing times by more than 50% (depending on the culture) and increases production capacity by a similar amount. The components can be used in new systems, as well as to retrofit other brands of bioreactors.
👉 The #agitation and #aeration systems in #fermenters and #bioreactors are key to efficiency. While Rushton agitators have been the go-to solution for over 50 years in industries like #pharmaceuticals 💊, #food 🥔, and #biotechnology 🧫 🔬, they come with significant challenges 💪
🚨 Common issues include:
❌ Insufficient #oxygentransfer 🫧
❌ Excessive #shear damage to cells 🤕
❌ High #energyconsumption, in large-scale bioreactors🔌
✨ But there’s good news! Using modern tools like #CFD#numericalsimulations and #AI, and BioMixing S.L. experience, we can reimagine impeller designs.
💡 At BioMixing S.L., we’ve taken this a step further. Our proprietary Biomixing-Inside agitation/aeration systems:
✅ Increase #oxygentransfer by up to 90% 🫧 ⏱️
✅ Minimize #shear damage
✅ Cut #energyconsumption⚡
🌟 It’s time to leave old limitations behind and embrace the future of #bioprocess optimization!
📧 Want to know more? Let’s talk!
Spoiler: It’s not cookies🍪 or lab coats 🥼
Easy! 🎉 A mixing system that keeps them🙂happy and🦠productive:
Biomixing Inside
💡 With Biomixing Inside, your microorganisms will enjoy:
- Oxygen everywhere 🌬️
- Nutrients perfectly distributed 🥗
- Less shear stress for a smoother ride💆♀️
- The ideal conditions to do what they do best 🔬✨
Because happy microorganisms = happy lab = amazing results. 🧪👇
Treat your bioreactor (and its tiny residents) this holiday season. Discover how Biomixing Inside can revolutionize your bioreactor and boost your fermentation process 🎁
BioMixing S.L. entre las 101 startups de mayor impacto de España y en el top 8 de Andalucía! 🔝
A principios de esta semana acudimos a la Gala de reconocimientos del Top 101 Spain Up Nation en Córdoba, otorgado por Enisa con el emprendimiento innovador y la Asociacion Española de Agencias de Desarrollo Regional y organizado este año por Andalucía Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza. Tras realizar nuestro pitch y escuchar el del resto de participantes, recibimos nuestro reconocimiento por formar parte de las 101 startups de mayor impacto de España.
La gala también fue una muy buena ocasión para conocer de cerca a más empresas muy interesantes del mundo de la biotecnología. Entre las que destacamos Ingredalia S.L., NUCAPS, Cobiomic Bioscience SL, Quevana Vegan Cheese, Genbioma.
Además, estamos muy orgullosos de nuestra comunidad autónoma, ya que Andalucía es la segunda con más candidaturas presentadas y ocupa también la segunda posición, junto al País Vasco, en cuanto al número de startups ganadoras. 👏
Aprovechamos también para dar la enhorabuena al resto de empresas ganadoras. Estamos seguros de que desde Andalucía y España se impulsarán grandes proyectos gracias a emprendedores de tanto talento! 🤞
Martin Reich thank you so much for your kind words and the time you've dedicated to BioMixing S.L. !
We feel incredibly fortunate to have you as a close mentor, guiding us on our path to international expansion 🌍🌎🚀
Berlin-based biologist passionate for science, sustainability, bioeconomy, biotech, food & gaming.
Autor von "Revolution aus dem Mikrokosmos"
It's all about the right (bio)mix! 🌪
Bioproduction unfolds its full potential under optimal conditions: oxygen and nutrients should reach all cells in a #bioreactor evenly, while shear forces from mixing must not damage the cells or reduce yields. Succesfully navigating through this trade-off is essential for scale-up.
As a biologist I tend to look for biological solutions mostly. But thanks to RootCamp - A SpinLab Company I had the pleasure of meeting Ines Herrero BioMixing a few weeks ago and get to know her startup BioMixing S.L.. They have dedicated themselves to solving the challenge of achieving the perfect mix in bioreactors — with success! Their proprietary mixing technology minimizes shear stress while improving mixing times. Many hurdles that #fermentation and #biomanufacturing currently face can be reduced by innovating the mixing technology:
⏱ Production times are shortened while maintaining the same or even gain higher yields
⚗ Bioreactors can be smaller and still achieve the same productivity
📉 This can save a lot of energy and lower production costs
📈 Scaling becomes easier, cheaper and more sustainable
Applying the technology can mean both retrofitting existing bioreactors and designing entirely new ones.
I'm very excited to see how this journey continues. There is real potential here to drive the #bioeconomy forward and enable the scaling of many great biosolutions from lab to industrial scale.
If you're curious and interested in an exchange with BioMixing S.L., feel free to reach out to Ines Herrero BioMixing directly, or contact me and I’d be happy to connect.
(And what this example once again makes clear to me: a bioeconomy can only be successful if people from many different scientific and technical backgrounds work together. Just what happens inside a bioreactor involves already so much more than just biology. Not to speak of integrating many different bioreactors into existing and entirely new value chains.)
pic generated with Adobe Firefly
Dr. Philipp RittershausGereon von IltenJavier Dávila Martí
[ EN ]
Great news! BioMixing S.L. shortlisted for the #Top101SpainUpNation !
🤩 We are proud to announce that we are one of the nine companies from Andalusia selected to move forward to the national committee, which will choose the companies that will make up the Top 101 and compete in the final event. The 'Top 101 Spain Up Nation' are pioneering public sector awards recognizing the most impactful and innovative entrepreneurship in Spain. These awards are promoted by the National Innovation Company (Enisa con el emprendimiento innovador) and the ADR Forum (Asociacion Española de Agencias de Desarrollo Regional), with the support of Andalucía Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza, a foundation under the Regional Ministry of Universities, Research, and Innovation.
🏆 The grand finale will take place on November 4, 2024, at the Palacio de Congresos of Córdoba. In addition to celebrating the 101 most innovative entrepreneurial projects, an expert jury will select 19 ambassador companies — one from each autonomous community, one from Ceuta, and one from Melilla.
We’re thrilled to be shortlisted and to have our innovation recognized in this way. Congratulations to all the other selected companies — we’re excited to learn more about your ideas!
🤝🏻 Thank you Andalucía Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza and the entire jury for the trust placed in BioMixing S.L. We will do everything we can to live up to it!
[ ES ]
¡Grandes noticias! BioMixing S.L. preseleccionada para el 'Top 101 Spain Up Nation'.
🤩 Nos enorgullece anunciar que somos una de las nueve empresas andaluzas seleccionadas para pasar al comité nacional, que elegirá las empresas que formarán parte del Top 101 y competirán en el evento final. Los ‘Top 101 Spain Up Nation’ son reconocimientos pioneros del sector público al emprendimiento innovador que más impacta en España, que promueven la Empresa Nacional de Innovación (Enisa con el emprendimiento innovador) y el Foro ADR (Asociacion Española de Agencias de Desarrollo Regional) con el apoyo de Andalucía Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza, fundación adscrita a la Consejería de Universidad, Investigación e Innovación.
🏆 La gran final se celebrará el 4 de noviembre de 2024 en el Palacio de Congresos de Córdoba. Además de reconocer a los 101 proyectos emprendedores más innovadores, un jurado experto seleccionará a 19 empresas embajadoras, una por cada comunidad autónoma, una de Ceuta y una de Melilla.
Estamos emocionados de haber sido preseleccionados y ver que la innovación sea reconocida de esta manera.
Felicidades a todas las demás empresas seleccionadas. Estamos deseando conocer más sobre vuestras ideas.
🤝🏻 Gracias Andalucía Emprende, Fundación Pública Andaluza y a todo el jurado por la confianza depositada en BioMixing S.L.. Haremos todo lo posible por estar a la altura.
🙌 Nueve startups andaluzas pasan a la 𝐹𝘢𝑠𝘦 𝘕𝑎𝘤𝑖𝘰𝑛𝘢𝑙 de los #Top101SpainUpNation, primeros reconocimientos al emprendimiento innovador apoyados por Junta de AndalucíaConsejería Universidad, Investigación e Innovación junto a Enisa con el emprendimiento innovador y la Asociacion Española de Agencias de Desarrollo Regional (Foro ADR).
🚀 Apoyadas desde #CADEMálaga:
➰ Macco Robotics 👉 Firma foodtech enfocada en el desarrollo y la fabricación de productos y procesos basados en robótica e Inteligencia artificial.
➰ mSurgery 👉 Plataforma avanzada diseñada para mejorar la experiencia quirúrgica y educativa.
➰ OWO | #FeelTheGame#FeelTheGame#FeelTheGame 👉 Dedicada a la fabricación de chaquetas sensoriales para videojuegos.
➰ Velca 👉 Compañía que fabrica motos eléctricas para favorecer los desplazamientos 0,0 (cero emisiones, cero ruidos).
🚀 Apoyadas desde #CADECórdoba:
➰ Cobiomic Bioscience SL 👉 Desarrolla soluciones de medicina de precisión.
➰ Kyttaro Biotech S.L. 👉 Ofrece una solución integral para la medicina regenerativa y científica.
➰ Tiaris Biosciences SL 👉 Empresa biotecnológica que ofrece productos y servicios en el campo de ciencias de la vida.
🚀 Apoyada desde #CADEAlmería:
➰ GrodiTech 👉 Ofrece soluciones de robótica, drones y visión artificial para agricultura de invernadero.
🚀 Apoyada desde #CADESevilla:
➰ BioMixing S.L. 👉 Dedicada a la optimización de biorreactores para el desarrollo de vacunas, productos farmacéuticos o tratamientos para el cáncer.
🔝 Todas ellas serán evaluadas según el grado de innovación de su modelo de negocio y el potencial de escalabilidad.
💚 Al menos cuatro pasarán a la final y una de ellas será elegida '𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒖𝒑 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒂𝒋𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒂 𝑵𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒒𝒖𝒆 ➕ 𝒊𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒂 𝒆𝒏 #𝑨𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒊́𝒂'.
🗞️ Lee la noticia completa:ía
Are you interested in innovations in the FoodTech scene? Don't miss this event 👇👇👇
***Please register through our website and not on LinkedIn***
RootCamp and ICEX (the Internationalization Agency of the Spanish Government) invite you to closing event of the first DESAFIA FOODTECH GERMANY program on September 11th in Hannover. The program support Spanish startups in entering and expanding in the German market.
The event brings together entrepreneurs, product developers, specialists and managers from industry, the food trade, retail, science and gastronomy who are interested in new trends in the FoodTech scene.
This is what is waiting for you at the event:
⭐10 pitches of startups
⭐Product exhibitions
⭐Talk about the trends of the FoodTech scene in Germany
⭐Examples of successful collaborations between corporates and startups
⭐Live cooking
⭐Rountables and networking
... and much more!
➡"Taste of Tomorrow - FoodTech innovations from Spain to Germany"
➡11.09.24 - start at 11AM
➡ Hannover
➡ Register now:
Startup pitching:
NUCAPS with Mariano Oto,
Libre Foods with Ilaria Abbà,
COCUUS with Javier I. Zaratiegui,
Bioprocesia with Guiomar Sánchez Carrón,
QUEVANA with Alejandro Álvarez,
Oscillum with Sofía Riera Vidal,
BioMixing S.L. with Ines Herrero BioMixing,
Gimme Sabor (previously Guimarana) with Victor Garcia Montero,
Innomy with Juan Pablo De Giacomi,
Let it V Foods with Jorge Osés Labadie
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