Friedrich Naumann Foundation Madrid

Friedrich Naumann Foundation Madrid

Organizaciones de carácter político

Madrid, Madrid 1357 seguidores


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The Madrid office seeks to strengthen cooperation and political dialogue between representatives from political parties, scientific institutions and civil society organizations from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Germany and the European sphere. We are committed to help contribute to solutions to specific regional challenges in Southern Europe and highlight best practices from this ever more important region for the European integration process. The Madrid project office also seeks to develop an entirely new approach to interregional cooperation in the Mediterranean. With partner organizations from across the region, we are developing a liberal approach to geostrategic demands and opportunities, which we believe will have a considerable impact on economic development and social inclusion around the Mare Nostrum.

Organizaciones de carácter político
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Madrid, Madrid
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    C/ Fortuny 3

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    Madrid, Madrid 28010, ES

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  • We are still so inspired by your message of unity and hope and can‘t wait to have you soon again, dearest Ayan Yuruk ! 💥🥳

    Ver el perfil de Ayan Yuruk, gráfico

    Host on Netflix | Grimme-Preis Träger | Founder of SHOWZ | Design & Brand Expert | Speaker | Moderator | Diversity Ambassador 🌈

    Von heute auf morgen zum Role-Model. Ich war in Madrid zum Kick-Off der Pride. Zuerst ein großes Dankeschön an die Friedrich Naumann Foundation Madrid, die mir die Möglichkeit gegeben hat, meine Ansichten zu LGBTQ-Rights innerhalb der immer weiter nach Rechts rückenden EU zu teilen. Mein Leben hat sich seit Queer Eye Germany stark verändert, hier im ersten Video reiß ich die Entwicklung zum Diversity-Ambassador an. #QueerVoices #LGBTQCommunity #EmpowermentSpeaker #LGBTQ

  • Hope and Challenges: Exploring the Future of the Mediterranean Youth in Morocco. Last week, together with Esade EcPol and Fondation Friedrich Naumann pour la liberté - Maroc, we orchestrated a groundbreaking expert roundtable in Rabat, Morocco. The event was centered on "The Youth of the Mediterranean and the Challenges of a Permanent Crisis" report. The event gathered members of the Youth Task Force, an initiative of FNF Morocco, providing them with an opportunity to engage with experts and share their perspectives on the challenges faced by Moroccan youth. The young Moroccan participants highlighted common challenges shared with their peers across the Mediterranean and conveyed a message of hope for the future. The event explored the unique struggles and opportunities faced by young people in Jordan, Lebanon, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, and Tunisia. A special thanks to Sebastian Vagt, David Henneberger , Odilia Abreu, MsC and Valeria Sinisi García for spearheading this initiative! Their opening addresses and report presentation shed light on critical issues, ranging from income and independence of youth to training and future challenges. The discussion, moderated by Fatima Zahra Krikbou, featured experts such as Asmae El hajji, Ph.D ,Co-founder and Program Director - Moroccan Leadership Institute and Jorge Galindo Galindo, Deputy Director. EsadeEcPol – Center for Economic Policy. A big thank to our colleagues at the FNF Morocco office for their continuous support, especially Sebastian, Yasmine Alaoui Sossé Chaimae Bourjij, PhD , Fatima and the Youth Task Force. Check out the full report here: #YouthEmpowerment #MediterraneanChallenges #FNFInsights #fnfmad #fnfmaroc #youthtaskforce

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  • Take a look at our Pride event "Defending Diversity in Challenging Times", where we discussed strategies from various European countries to counter populist narratives, which challenge LGBTIQ+ rights. These strategies include promoting education, fostering dialogue, combating hate speech, encouraging media literacy, and engaging in political activism. But above all, that came out as a clear result of the debate, unity is the key to safeguarding diversity! We are deeply grateful to our distinguished guests and hope to see you all during Pride 2025 in Madrid: Eva Diaz, founder of Shaping The New, with 30 years of experience in innovation and business operations. . Ayan Yuruk, host of Queer Eye Germany on Netflix and founder and CEO of SHOWZ Berlin. Yuri Guaiana, Senior Campaigns Manager at All Out, who has led numerous global campaigns for LGBTQ+ rights. Mireya Diouri Bravo, from Talento para el Futuro, our fantastic panel moderator, who empowers young people to take an active part in democracy. Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in the discussion! Your insightful questions enriched the debate and showed a strong commitment to fostering a more inclusive society. Together, we are building a future that celebrates diversity and upholds the rights of everyone!

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Friedrich Naumann Foundation Madrid, gráfico

    1357 seguidores

    Tomorrow is the day/Mañana es el día ❤️🏳️🌈 Join our flagship pride event “Defending Diversity in Challenging Times” on Wednesday, July 3. / Ven a nuestro evento flagship del orgullo este miércoles 3 de Julio! 🌈 Meet Yuri Guaiana / ¡Conoce a Yuri Guaiana! Yuri Guaiana is the Senior Campaigns Manager at All Out, a global movement for LGBTQ+ rights. With a strong background in political activism and human rights, Yuri has led numerous campaigns to promote LGBTQ+ rights worldwide. Yuri Guaiana es el Senior Campaigns Manager en All Out, un movimiento global por los derechos LGBTQ+. Con una sólida trayectoria en activismo político y derechos humanos, Yuri ha liderado numerosas campañas para promover los derechos LGBTQ+ en todo el mundo. Join us on July 3rd at the Ticui rooftop in Madrid to hear Yuri Guaiana share his insights and experiences in fighting for equality and against discrimination. Únete a nosotros el 3 de julio en el Ticui rooftop en Madrid para escuchar a Yuri Guaiana compartir sus ideas y experiencias en la lucha por la igualdad y contra la discriminación. Register here/ regístrate aquí: 📅 July 3rd / 3 de julio 🕒 18:45 📍 Ticui rooftop (C. de Cedaceros, 6, 28014 Madrid) Enjoy food and drinks afterward! / ¡Disfruta de comida y bebidas después del evento! #PrideMadrid #LGBTQ #Freedom #Diversity #YuriGuaiana

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Friedrich Naumann Foundation Madrid, gráfico

    1357 seguidores

    Join our flagship pride event “Defending Diversity in Challenging Times” on Wednesday, July 3. / Ven a nuestro evento flagship del orgullo este miércoles 3 de Julio! Meet our speakers, meet Eva Diaz  / ¡Conoce a Eva Díaz! Eva Díaz is the founder of Shaping The New and has 30 years of experience in innovation and business operations. She has held senior positions at Accenture, Deloitte, and KPMG. Eva's journey as a transgender woman is a testament to resilience and leadership. Eva Díaz es la fundadora de Shaping The New y tiene 30 años de experiencia en innovación y operaciones empresariales. Ha ocupado altos cargos en Accenture, Deloitte y KPMG. El viaje de Eva como mujer transgénero es un testimonio de resiliencia y liderazgo. Eva is dedicated to transforming traditional leaders into digital leaders and promoting female talent through the hashtag #FemaleForward program. Eva está dedicada a transformar líderes tradicionales en líderes digitales y promover el talento femenino a través del programa hashtag #FemaleForward. ¡Únete a nosotros para escuchar a Eva hablar en nuestro evento el 3 de julio en el Ticuí en Madrid! Register here/ regístrate aquí: 📅 July 3rd / 3 de julio 🕒 18:45 📍 Ticuí (C. de Cedaceros, 6, 28014 Madrid) Enjoy food and drinks afterward! / ¡Disfruta de comida y bebidas después del evento! #PrideMadrid #LGBTQ #Freedom #Diversity #EvaDíaz

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Friedrich Naumann Foundation Madrid, gráfico

    1357 seguidores

    Join our flagship pride event “Defending Diversity in Challenging Times” on Wednesday, July 3. / Ven a nuestro evento flagship del orgullo este miércoles 3 de Julio! Meet our speakers, here's Ayan Yuruk from Berlin! / ¡Conoce a Ayan Yuruk de Berlín! He is well-known as a host of Queer Eye Germany on Netflix, helping everyday heroes transform their lives. Ayan Yuruk is also the founder and CEO of SHOWZ Berlin, a creative agency that brings brands and people together through technology and design. El es uno des los hosts on Queer Eye Germany, ayudando a los héroes cotidianos a transformar sus vidas. Ayan Yuruk también es el fundador y CEO de SHOWZ Berlin, una agencia creativa que une marcas y personas a través de la tecnología y el diseño. Join us on July 3rd at Ticuí in Madrid to hear Ayan Yuruk speak about his experiences and insights. Únete a nosotros el 3 de julio en Ticuí en Madrid para escuchar a Ayan Yuruk hablar sobre sus experiencias y perspectivas. Register here/ regístrate aquí: 📅 July 3rd / 3 de julio 🕒 18:45 📍 Ticui (C. de Cedaceros, 6, 28014 Madrid) Enjoy food and drinks afterward! / ¡Disfruta de comida y bebidas después del evento! #PrideMadrid #LGBTQ #Freedom #Diversity #AyanYuruk

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  • Ver la página de empresa de Friedrich Naumann Foundation Madrid, gráfico

    1357 seguidores

    🌈✨ You are invited! / ¡Estás invitado! ✨🌈 Register here/ regístrate aquí: We are excited to invite you to our special event during Pride Week in Madrid! Together with Eva Diaz, Ayan Yuruk, Yuri Guaiana and moderating the conversation Talento para el Futuro, we will talk about the meaning of Pride and how to continue defending LGTBIQ+ rights in Europe in times like these. Join us and share your vision with us! ¡Estamos emocionados de invitarte a nuestro evento especial durante la Semana del Orgullo en Madrid! Junto con Eva Diaz, Ayan Yuruk, Yuri Guiana y moderando la conversación Talento para el Futuro, hablaremos sobre el significado del Orgullo y cómo seguir defendiendo los derechos del colectivo LGTBIQ+ en Europa en tiempos como los actuales. ¡Únete y comparte tu visión con nosotros! 🗓 Date: July 3rd / Fecha: 3 de julio 🕒 Time: 18:45 - 21:30 / Hora: 18:45 - 21:30 📍 Venue: Ticui (C. de Cedaceros, 6, 28014 Madrid) / Lugar: Ticui (C. de Cedaceros, 6, 28014 Madrid) Join us for food and drinks afterward to wind down the evening! / ¡Únete a nosotros para disfrutar de comida y bebidas después para terminar la noche! #PrideMadrid #FNF #TalentoParaElFuturo #LGBTQ #Freedom #Diversity

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  • Are we really a diverse society? 👫🧑🤝🧑👭👬 Diversity is a concept and an idea that is currently in vogue. There is no sector of society that is not working towards it in some way, from private enterprise to public policy, from the arts to the media. So, for Anti-Hate Speech Day, we would like to share with you this documentary, which perfectly reflects our vision of what a truly diverse society should look like. Do you share it? You can watch the full documentary here #fnfmad #freedompartners #Diversity #DiverseSociety

    Are we really a diverse society? - Documentary film HD ENG subtitles

  • If you are in Madrid, come join us tomorrow, Tuesday 18, at 6 p.m. at Schiller International University (Pº de Recoletos 35), where we will be discussing the EU election outcome with Talento para el Futuro and analyze the impact for youngsters (in Spanish language). We are looking forward to an insightful event with Mireya Diouri Bravo Sarah Pérez Santaolalla Juan Antonio Carrera Muñoz Irune Ariño ! 🙏🇪🇺🇪🇸

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