IOSCO launches new Alerts Portal to help combat retail investor fraud ( The International Securities & Commodities Alerts Network (I-SCAN) is a unique global system to warn investors of suspicious company activity and is the latest initiative in IOSCO's campaign to improve retail investor online safety. Visit our website to learn more: #InvestorProtection #FraudPrevention #IOSCO #IScan #InvestorAlerts
International Organization of Securities Commissions - IOSCO
Servicios financieros
The international body that brings together the world's securities regulators.
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IOSCO is the leading international policy forum for securities regulators and is recognised as the global standard setter for securities regulation. The organization's membership regulates more than 95% of the world's securities markets in 130 jurisdictions and it continues to expand. LinkedIn Group: Twitter: @IOSCOPress
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- Financial services regulation
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Empleados en International Organization of Securities Commissions - IOSCO
At the Institute of International Finance (IIF) 2025 European Summit in Brussels, which brought together more than 500 participants, IOSCO Chair Jean-Paul Servais made an intervention about the risks of market fragmentation. He spoke about the role of IOSCO and international standard setting in areas where global solutions are most needed. In this context, he highlighted IOSCO's achievements in areas such as financial stability and crypto asset regulation. In particular, Jean-Paul Servais underlined the need for further international cooperation among authorities with different mandates to successfully address financial stability risks posed by non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI). #IOSCO #Fragmentation #NBFI #IIFBrussels
IOSCO Chair Jean-Paul Servais had the pleasure to welcome Gabriela Figueiredo Dias, Chair of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), to the FSMA in Brussels. He also welcomed the many participants to the global roundtables on firm culture and governance that IESBA is organizing as part of its mission to develop high-quality ethical standards and guidance for professional accountants worldwide. Jean-Paul Servais: "Ethical conduct in accounting firms is crucial for maintaining trust in financial markets and protecting investors. This aligns with the goals of #IOSCO and the FSMA. I believe that leadership must set the tone at the top and consistently demonstrate ethical behaviour in order to foster a culture of integrity and accountability."
IOSCO's Committee for Retail Investors came together in Madrid on 17-18 March for two days of fruitful discussion and presentations pertaining to its work program for 2025-2026, which will focus on the development of new innovative outreach strategies to appeal to a younger and more tech-savvy audience. The Committee will also play a key role in the delivery of IOSCO’s RICG Roadmap ( Camille Beaudoin M.A., B.Sc.A., Chair of the Committee and Director, Financial Education Expertise and Partnerships of the Autorité des marchés financiers (Québec), supported by Vice Chair Ana Frasquilho, Senior Associate at the Department of Conduct Supervision and Investor Protection of the CMVM - Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários, Portugal, led a range of discussions which included how members could leverage the recent IOSCO Fintech Task Force report on AI ( to identify investor education opportunities to address issues such as the increase of investment frauds involving the purported use of Advanced AI. Annamaria Lusardi, Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, and Tim Kaiser, Professor of Economics at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, presented findings of their recent paper Assessing Financial Literacy Among the Young. ( Members shared rich examples of their work on investor education/protection initiatives in their own jurisdiction including Gloria Caballero (CNMV), Sivan Carmon (ISA), Rebecca Chua (Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)), Florence Corne (Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) – France), Patrick Hommel (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)), Tushara Jayaratne (SEC SL), Moa Langemark (Finansinspektionen), Dore Li (IFEC - Institut Français des Experts-Comptables et des Commissaires aux Comptes), Antonio Van-Dunem (Angola CMC), and Gerri Walsh (FINRA). Pamela McDonald from the BC Securities Commission also presented their recent AI Investment Fraud campaign. Coinciding with the launch of Global Money Week 2025 (#GlobalMoneyWeek2025), members heard from Yoshiki Takeuchi, Deputy Secretary-General, OECD, and Maria Luis Albuquerque, Commissioner for Financial Services and the Savings and Investment Union, European Commission at the start of the meeting. Chiara Monticone from the OECD - OCDE, whose team oversees this annual event, also presented learnings from GMW as IOSCO makes preparations for its own World Investor Week (WIW) this year; stay tuned! #IOSCO #RetailInvestors #FinancialEducation #InvestorProtection #ArtificialIntelligence #FinancialLiteracy #RICGRoadmap #WIW
Rodrigo Buenaventura, IOSCO Secretary General, wrapped up a productive three days in the US, engaging with regulators, industry leaders and academics. From #FIAboca50 to AIMA - The Alternative Investment Management Association Regulatory Conference, key discussions focused on derivatives margins, liquidity, and global standards. #FinancialRegulation #IOSCO
Very intense and interesting three days in the US, meeting colleagues and stakeholders. I addressed the 50th FIA Boca Raton Conference in Florida to convey IOSCO’s priorities for 2025 and to explain our three reports on derivatives margins together with CPMI and BCBS. It was my first time in Boca and it allowed me to connect with fellow regulators like Caroline D. Pham and also to meet with the full Board of FIA. Thanks to FIA, Inc. , Walt Lukken and Jacqueline Mesa for inviting me and to CFTC colleagues (Mauricio Melara, Nancy Doyle and team) for organizing the very good Regulators Meeting. In New York I spoke at the 25th AIMA - The Alternative Investment Management Association Global Policy & Regulatory Forum. Liquidity management for funds, leverage, the rise of private assets and data reporting were at the forefront of the discussion. I used this occasion to announce the brand new IOSCO Investments Fund Dashboard (you can check it out it here: Thanks to Jiri Krol and Jack Inglis for organizing this. I also had the pleasure of participating at a seminar at Columbia University Law School, thanks to Professors Merrit B. Fox and Lawrence Glosten, who lead the programs on capital markets regulation and law & economics in capital markets, at Columbia. A very intellectually refreshing setting, with academics and students together, discussing openly the challenges of international standards in today’s world. And finally I had the chance of meeting a senior group of members of Investment Company Institute to learn about their concerns on the regulatory sphere and to explain IOSCO’s stance on some key themes. Thanks a lot to Tracey Wingate and Eric Pan for organizing this. Much is changing in the US, for sure. New priorities are clearly emerging. But I also perceived a clear understanding of why having international standards will not only reduce risks, but also reduce costs for investors and firms, by connecting markets with compatible rules, making them more open and building liquidity at global level, which benefits everyone.
IOSCO’s new Consultation Report on Neo-Brokers ( forms part of its overarching initiative to address the rise in retail investor fraud and manage the risks posed by technological advancements. Neo-brokers are a subset of brokers, characterised by providing online-only investment services and by the absence of physical operating branches. Their recent growth is driven by a confluence of technological advancements, which have made investing more accessible, and changed investor demographics. This latest Consultation Report on Neo-Brokers introduces the second wave of activity for IOSCO’s Roadmap for Retail Investor Online Safety (the ‘Roadmap’ which was launched last November with the introduction of three Consultation Reports addressing Finfluencers, Copy Trading and Digital Engagement Practices. IOSCO's Retail Investor Coordination Committee is led by Derville Rowland. IOSCO invites feedback to this Consultation Report by May 12, 2025. #NeoBrokers #RetailInvestorProtection #IOSCO #OnlineInvesting #FintechRegulation #InvestorSafety
IOSCO publishes new report that addresses the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) use in capital markets and its impact on investors globally ( Artificial Intelligence in Capital Markets: Use Cases, Risks, and Challenges identifies five key findings following engagement with IOSCO members and industry participants and invites further feedback by 11 April 2025. AI technologies have recently experienced significant innovations, investment, and interest; generative AI is a particular gamechanger. As market participants explore and test new possibilities, and as AI technologies continue to advance, the range of AI uses in capital markets will continue to expand. This report underscores the importance of understanding the transformative nature of AI in capital markets and the accompanying risks. Tuang Lee Lim #IOSCO #AI #CapitalMarkets #ArtificialIntelligence #Investing #FinancialRegulation #FinTech
IOSCO today announced its Work Program for 2025 (, outlining key priorities to enhance financial resilience, market effectiveness and investor protection in global markets. Jean-Paul Servais, Chair of the Board of IOSCO and Chair of the Belgium FSMA, said: “IOSCO remains committed to supporting its members on issues which resonate with them, working collaboratively with other international organizations and standard setters to address global challenges and support greater alignment in regulatory approaches. This cooperation is essential to fostering cohesive and effective responses to emerging risks in financial markets.” Read the full Work Program here: #IOSCO #FinancialRegulation #InvestorProtection #GlobalMarkets #MarketResilience
IOSCO is pleased to release a new Investment Funds Statistics Dashboard; the first dashboard showcasing aggregated Global Investment Funds data. The dashboard offers a deeper look into individual jurisdictions and regions investment funds industries, providing improved comparability and transparency of investment funds leverage and exposures. Visit to use the dashboard. #InvestmentFunds #GlobalFinance #FinancialTransparency #DataInsights #IOSCO #LeverageAndExposure
Sustainability reporting is gaining momentum in Africa and Middle-East Following two insightful days, IOSCO, in collaboration with the IFRS Foundation, concluded its workshop focused on supporting securities regulators from growth and emerging markets in the Africa/Middle-East region on their journey toward adoption or other use of International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) Standards. Being a key support mechanism for the recently established GEMC Network for Adoption or Other Use of ISSB Standards (, this workshop in Doha marks the fifth joint initiative, building on the success of previous editions held in Cairo, Kuala Lumpur, São Paulo, and Budapest. Over thirty sustainable finance experts from across the region gained a deeper understanding of the ISSB Standards and learned about how to address critical considerations within the context of their jurisdictional arrangements. Key Takeaways: · Securities regulators in the region are committed to consistent, comparable and reliable sustainability reporting for both capital raising and trading, and for the purpose of helping globally integrated financial markets accurately assess relevant sustainability risks and opportunities · Important progress is being made in the region but challenges remain to be addressed, notably regarding resource constraints, data availability, and expertise availability. · Cooperation at both global, regional and local level between all relevant stakeholders is key to progressing on the sustainability journey With many thanks to the IFRS Foundation for the continued fruitful collaboration and to experts from The World Bank, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), the XBRL International, Inc., and other experts from the region for their valuable contributions. Special appreciation to the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority (QFCRA) for graciously hosting us in Doha, Qatar! #sustainablefinance #EmergingMarkets #ISSB #IOSCO #CapacityBuilding #SustainabilityReporting #SecuritiesRegulation #SustainabilityDisclosure #iosconextgen Cecile De Wit Göknil Şenel Nermin Daul Dr Jarlath Molloy Mark Manning