Rob Surgical

Rob Surgical

Fabricación de equipo médico

El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona 3566 seguidores

Universalising high-precision surgery

Sobre nosotros

Rob Surgical was created with the aim of universalizing precision surgery and bringing its benefits to all hospitals, surgeons and patients around the world. The technology company offers an open, flexible and versatile platform consisting of a column of four arms, which allow the movements of the surgical instruments to be controlled with sub-millimetre precision. Rob Surgical’s value proposition is based on three pillars: high precision and safety that benefits the patient, superior usability for the surgeon and a significant reduction in the total cost per surgery that benefits hospitals, as it does not require a dedicated operating theatre, it needs fewer staff, no prior training is required, and it allows for hybrid surgeries. The differentiating factor lies in this last point, the possibility of performing hybrid surgeries, alternating between manual and high-precision robot-assisted manoeuvres. All this thanks to the use of the same instruments and flexible robotics that allow the robot to intervene only in the most delicate parts, which reduces the time and the cost of each operation. The company, a spin-off created 12 years ago by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and the Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC), has raised over 20 million euros between private investors and public funding. The founding team is made up of Dr. Josep Amat, Dr. Alícia Casals, Dr. Manel Frigola and the entrepreneur, Jaume Amat.

Fabricación de equipo médico
Tamaño de la empresa
De 11 a 50 empleados
El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona
De financiación privada
Minimally Invasive Surgery, >Robotic Surgery, MIRS, High-Precision Surgery, Open Robotic Platform y Hybrid Surgery


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    Autovia de Castelldefels C-31 · Km 190,5

    El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona 08820, ES

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