Cyber Citizen

Cyber Citizen

IT Services and IT Consulting

The Cyber Citizen initiative is creating a practical cybersecurity learning model and a learning hub for all EU citizen.

About us

Cybersecurity involves everyone. Let’s build together a safer and more secure European Union! Competent and confident citizens are more willing to use digital services. By improving our attitudes and skills, we are developing a more sustainable and competitive European Union. Cyber Citizen Initiative Duration: 2022–2024 Funding: Five million euros from the EU recovery instrument for a three-year period Commissioner: Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications Executor: Aalto University Project Director: Professor of Practice Jarno Limnéll, Aalto University

IT Services and IT Consulting
Yrityksen koko
11–50 työntekijää


Työntekijät Cyber Citizen


  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Cyber Citizen, kuva

    793 seuraajaa

    Our Cyber Citizen project is part of the Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibition, which highlights experimental and creative concepts developed using research from Aalto University. The exhibition showcases radical, holistic approaches to addressing various societal challenges. This year, the exhibition theme is Agents of the Impossible. In the Cyber Citizen project, we explored how cybersecurity is taught and learned across the EU. We discovered that while games are becoming an increasingly popular way to learn, many current cybersecurity games focus on education at the expense of being fun and entertainment. To address this, we are developing the Cyber City Tycoon game, with a strong emphasis on creating a fun gaming experience while also providing insights to the cyber threats we all face. Additionally, to accommodate different learning preferences, in November 2024 we are launching the SecPort learning portal, which will offer Europeans a wide range of cybersecurity information. SecPort provides the resources and interactive tools to help people better protect their personal data and devices while enjoying the benefits technology can bring to our everyday life.    The Cooler Planets exhibition is one of the three main events of Helsinki Design Week, and the exhibitions will be open at the Otaniemi campus in the new Marsio building from September 6 to October 3, 2024. We invite you to visit and explore our project along with many other innovative exhibits: #CyberCitizenProject #CyberCityTycoon #CoolerPlanet2024

    Designs for a Cooler Planet | Aalto University

    Designs for a Cooler Planet | Aalto University

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Cyber Citizen, kuva

    793 seuraajaa

    Our team had an incredible experience #Gamescom 🎮 and it was very rewarding for both our Cyber Citizen project and our Cyber City Tycoon game! According to our game lead, Antti Orasvuo, "Players' reactions to the game have been overwhelmingly positive. They clearly had a great time with it. Beyond the entertainment, people have really appreciated the concept: a free game without any hidden profit-driven elements. The ad feature has also been seen as innovative - rather than promoting other games for profit, we provide educational content about cybersecurity. Plus, offering the game in all official EU languages has been a big hit." Gamescom 2024 was a big success with 335,000 visitors from around 120 countries and over 32,000 trade visitors from all over the world. Showcasing our game has provided our team with a fantastic opportunity to engage in broader conversations about our project and cybersecurity among people. We’ll keep these discussions going! A big thank you to everyone who visited our booth and to #Gamescom organizers for making this incredible event possible! #CyberCityTycoonGame #Gamescom2024 #GameDevelopment #Cybersecurity #CyberCitizenProject

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    • Kuvalle ei ole vaihtoehtoista tekstikuvausta
  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Cyber Citizen, kuva

    793 seuraajaa

    Our Game Lead Antti Orasvuo and the game development team is heading to #Gamescom this week! 🎮 We’re thrilled to be part of this vibrant community that celebrates all things gaming. While our Cyber City Tycoon game is designed to entertain, it also has a deeper purpose: raising awareness about cybercrime and helping people recognize it in their daily lives. If you’re attending, let’s connect and discuss how we can collaborate. You’ll find us at Hall 10.1, F022. Looking forward to meeting you at Gamescom! #Gamescom2024 #GameDevelopment #CyberCitizen #CyberCityTycoon

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Cyber Citizen, kuva

    793 seuraajaa

    Cyber Citizen -hankkeemme kehittää uutta kyberturvallisuuspeliä, joka on suunnattu kaikille eurooppalaisille ja tulee olemaan saatavilla kaikilla EU-kielillä. Cyber City Tycoon tarjoaa käyttäjilleen helpon ja hauskan tavan tutustua kyberuhkiin ja oppia niistä lisää. Haluaisimme kutsua sinut mukaan kehitystyöhön! Lataa peli Android-laitteellesi tästä 📱: Tavoitteenamme on tarjota paras mahdollinen pelikokemus, ja siksi arvostamme suuresti palautettasi. Jätäthän kommenttisi ja kehitysehdotuksesi täällä: Kiitos avustasi ja panoksestasi Cyber City Tycoon -pelin kehittämiseen! #CyberCitizen #Cybersecurity #CyberCityTycoon #AndroidGames #GameDevoplement #Kyberturvallisuus

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Cyber Citizen, kuva

    793 seuraajaa

    Our Game Lead, Antti Orasvuo, recently participated in the Secure Systems Demo Day 2024, organized by the Secure Systems research groups at Aalto University and the University of Helsinki, in collaboration with the Helsinki-Aalto Institute for Cybersecurity (HAIC).   This event brought together local academia, students, and industry professionals to showcase ongoing research in information security within Finland’s capital area. Our goal for participating was to present our game and gather valuable feedback.   The received feedback was very positive and insightful. Both professionals and students provided us with excellent comments that will help us enhance our Cyber City Tycoon game further. Watch the game trailer here:   Thank you to everyone involved! We look forward to the next steps in our journey! 🚀 #SecureSystemsDemoDay2024 #CyberSecurity #GameDevelopment #AaltoUniversity #HelsinkiUniversity #HAIC

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Cyber Citizen, kuva

    793 seuraajaa

    Cyber City Tycoon -pelin testiversio on nyt julkaistu! 🚀 Kyberturvallisuusteemainen mobiilipelimme, Cyber City Tycoon, testiversio on nyt saatavilla Android-laitteille Suomessa. Pelin tarkoituksena on yhdistää viihdyttävä pelaaminen ja lisätä tietoisuutta tosielämän kyberturvallisuushaasteista. 🎮 Katso pelin traileri: Peli pähkinänkuoressa: 👾 Roolipelaaminen: Astu huijarirobottien saappaisiin ja suorita monipuolisia kyberhyökkäyksiä. 👾 Pelimekaniikka: Kyberhyökkäystekniikoita esitellään tehtaiden ja niiden johtajien kautta. 👾 Tavoitteet: Avaa ja kehitä tehtaita, pelaa jännittäviä minipelejä ja kerää mahdollisimman paljon dataa. Haluamme parantaa peliä vielä käyttäjäpalautteiden perusteella ja tarjota parhaan mahdollisen pelikokemuksen, joten arvostamme suuresti palautettanne, jota pääset antamaan tästä: 📲 Lataa Cyber City Tycoon Android-laitteellesi täältä: Hyppää siis mukaan seikkailuun, pelaa ja auta meitä tekemään Cyber City Tycoonista entistäkin parempi! P.S. Kannattaa myös tutustua peliaiheeseen Cyber Scoops -blogiimme, johon pääset tästä: #CyberCityTycoon #Mobiilipeli #Kyberturvallisuus #CyberCitizen 

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Cyber Citizen, kuva

    793 seuraajaa

    Cybercrime has evolved to become one of the most significant threats we face, affecting not only businesses but individuals as well. This isn't just about sophisticated attacks on large corporations; it's about people becoming targets through their household devices and online interactions. How can we better protect ourselves and our loved ones? In our latest blog post, the human side of cybersecurity is explored, delving into the challenges faced by all and the importance of raising public awareness through engaging learning methods. The Cyber Citizen project is making strides with engaging tools like the Cyber City Tycoon game and the learning portal, designed to make cybersecurity knowledge accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Read the full blog post here 👉 #Cybersecurity #DigitalSkills #Gameplay #Awareness #CyberCitizen

    Cyber Scoops: The human side of cybersecurity  - Cyber Citizen

    Cyber Scoops: The human side of cybersecurity  - Cyber Citizen

  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Cyber Citizen, kuva

    793 seuraajaa

    Our Project Manager Marianne Lindroth and Game Lead Antti Orasvuo had the privilege of visiting the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) last week.   During their visit, they showcased our project's outputs, including our engaging game and a learning portal that compiles cybersecurity information. They also gained valuable insights into ENISA's awareness and education activities. Futhermore, they laid the groundwork for future collaborations, ensuring continued synergy and success.   The collaboration will continue to be excellent in the future as well! 🤝 #cybercitizenproject #cybersecurity #collaboration #ENISA #teamwork

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  • Näytä organisaatiosivu: Cyber Citizen, kuva

    793 seuraajaa

    📣 Interviewees needed for a study on smart phone control! Take part in Joel's Master's thesis study examining data collection's role in our everyday smart phone relationships. No expertise required. Interested? Contact the researcher for more info! Feel free to share with others!

    Näytä profiili: Joel Ylitalo, kuva

    Master's Student of Information Networks at Aalto University

    Take part in a study! I’m looking for adult participants for my Master’s thesis study that examines the role of data collection in people’s everyday relationships with their smart phones. During the study participants will get a chance to critically reflect on the role of smart phones in their everyday lives and to hopefully learn something new in the process. Taking part doesn’t require any expertise on the topic. Both English and Finnish speakers are welcome to take part! Taking part in the study consists of two 30-60 min interviews and a period of self-documentation during which participants are instructed to do 3 tasks in total, that take about 30-45 min each. The timing and practicalities of each task are agreed upon in the first interview. The tasks and responses will be sent via email or in WhatsApp or Telegram. Self-documentation can be done using a smart phone, a computer, or voice recordings. The tasks include documenting your phone use, mapping and thinking about your digital footprint, and getting familiar with settings on your phone and in some applications. In the concluding interview, experiences of completing the study are discussed. Interviews will be held between May and August via Microsoft Teams. It is possible to partake with or without video. The interviews will be recorded, transcribed, and pseudonymized. Participants will not be identifiable from the final study. If you recognize yourself as someone who would like to participate or you need additional information, reach out to me through the link below. Feel free to share this message to anyone you think would be interested in it!

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