At Avatar Mobilité, we fully support this initiative! 🚀 The future of sustainable mobility must include lightweight, efficient, and accessible vehicles like the Microlino and Ulive. The European Commission must recognize the crucial role of microcars in reducing emissions and offering a real alternative to oversized EVs. We stand together to push for fairer policies! ⚡🌍 #Microcars #FairMobility #SustainableTransport
We need your help! On the 5th of March, the European Commission will present its Action Plan to support the European Automotive Industry. We demand that Microcars that are made in Europe are being included in the new Action plan and not just big and heavy electric SUV’s! One example, so far Microcars like the Microlino are not part of the CO2 fleet emission compensation scheme, which allowed manufacturers like Tesla to trade their emission certificates and earn over 9 billion EUR since 2009. Find our detailed demands in our position paper and help us spread the word: