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Bilendi & respondi

Bilendi & respondi

Technologie, information et Internet

Innovative Solutions for Data Collection.

À propos

Bilendi&respondi offers innovative solutions and advanced technologies to collect and manage data across a varied range of transactions (web traffic, point of sale, reviews, etc.). We collect and manage data in two complementary divisions: * Services for Customer Engagement and Loyalty Bilendi offers omni-channel solutions for collecting and analysing data in order to win new customers and develop brand loyalty. This division incorporates bespoke loyalty programme design and management activities, as well as the brand (coalition loyalty programme), Tellmewhere (recommendation and footfall generator) and Fabuleos (cashback). Bilendi currently operates customer engagement and loyalty services for over 8 million users across 4 European countries. * Services for Market Research Bilendi helps the market research industry to collect data for market research studies. In particular this business offers services such as sampling and survey programming, panellist recruitment, passive measurement of digital research, online advertising campaign effectiveness measurement and mobile collection solutions (consumer diaries, product tests, etc.). Bilendi&respondi currently has access to more than 2,5 million proprietary panellists in 13 countries (France, UK, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Spain, Danemark, Norway, Finland, Netherlands and Sweden) and services further countries through a network of partners. Bilendi currently has offices in France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Sweden, Denmark and Finland.

Technologie, information et Internet
Taille de l’entreprise
201-500 employés
Siège social
Société cotée en bourse
Fondée en
mobile solutions, passive measurement, survey full service, footfall generator, customer engagement, data collection and processing, geolocation, cashback et loyalty


Employés chez Bilendi & respondi


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    22 661  abonnés

    🎓 Bilendi supports academic research with the BILENDI X SIM Award 🎓 We are pleased to announce the first edition of the BILENDI X SIM Award, an initiative that supports the scientific community of the Italian Marketing Society.   The award offers a CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing) market research study, helping to achieve the most deserving research project submitted by SIM researchers.   This reflects our commitment to fostering innovation and advancing academic research in our industry. #Bilendi #SIM #AcademicResearch #MarketingResearch #Innovation ---------------- 🎓Bilendi sostiene la ricerca accademica con il Premio BILENDI X SIM🎓 Siamo lieti di annunciare la prima edizione del Premio BILENDI X SIM, un’iniziativa a supporto della comunità scientifica della Società Italiana Marketing.   Il premio offre la fornitura di una ricerca di mercato CAWI, contribuendo alla realizzazione del progetto di ricerca più meritevole fra quelli sottoposti dai ricercatori SIM.   Un impegno concreto per sostenere l’innovazione e lo sviluppo della ricerca accademica nel nostro settore.

    Voir la Page de l’organisation de Società Italiana Marketing

    11 724  abonnés

    Prima edizione del premio Bilendi per SIM! Bilendi & respondi - panel provider internazionale - sostiene la SIM supportando una research competition rivolta ai soci della Junior Faculty (dottorandi, post doc e ricercatori). I vincitori della competizione si aggiudicheranno un premio che consiste nella realizzazione a titolo gratuito di una raccolta dati tramite survey su un campione di 1.000 soggetti reclutati in Italia. C'è tempo fino al 30 maggio 2025 per presentare un progetto! Tutte le informazioni sono disponibili a questo link: #SIM

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    22 661  abonnés

    🏀 Sport, Analysis, and Innovation: A Winning Combination! 📊   Measuring the #economic and #social #impact of sporting events is essential to highlighting their role and benefits for local communities. That’s why we are proud to have provided Bilendi & respondi’s #technology and expertise to support STAGEUP’s analysis of the #Final8 of the Coppa Italia di Basket, organised by LBA. A heartfelt thank you to Giovanni Palazzi, Federico Gaetano, and Federica Cozzi for this inspiring collaboration. When expertise and passion come together, the results can only be outstanding!

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    22 661  abonnés

    It is also important to look at the smallest things. 💡 Olga Rook and Hub Zwart conducted a study, initiated by the International Human Microbiome Coordination and Support Action (IHMCSA) consortium to investigate the level of awareness of the human microbiome and possible preferences of the population regarding monitoring and improving their own microbiome health. The human microbiome consists of trillions of symbiotic microbial cells occupying the human body, notably the gut and is crucial for their functioning and health. The survey was conducted with 2,860 participants from France, Germany, South Korea and Taiwan. We at Bilendi assisted with the recruitment and data collection of panellists from Germany and France and drew additional panellists from our partners' panels in South Korea and Taiwan Read the study report here:➡️ #Bilendi #BilendiAcademics #Marketresearch

    Voir le profil de Olga Rook

    Researcher | artist

    Happy to share a new publication! We may think of ourselves as ecosystems. The human microbiome is an essential factor of physical and mental health, yet most people know very little about it. We conducted a survey with 2,860 participants from France, Germany, South Korea, and Taiwan to explore public familiarity with the human microbiome and potential public preferences related to monitoring and improving one’s microbiome health. We also wondered, if recognizing the role of microbial communities for one's body could affect how people view microorganisms in general. Our study findings suggest that stronger awareness of one's microbiome could contribute to healthier lifestyles, but also to more encompassing environmental perspectives. Many thanks to my co-author Hub Zwart and to the International Human Microbiome Coordination and Support Action (IHMCSA) consortium for initiating this project. The link to the article (open source):

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    22 661  abonnés

    #AI-support from A-Z for #qualitative projects with #BARI 💥 We are excited to announce that we have introduced a new feature to BARI, the Bilendi Artificial Research Intelligence. BARI is seamlessly integrated into #BilendiDiscuss, the multichannel qualitative #research platform.  With this enhancement, the platform now offers full best-in-class AI support, covering every stage of the research process from start to finish. 👉BARI supports researchers with:  - Creating and scripting complete discussion guides - A Multilingual moderation: 24/7 with equal-to-human skills - Automated Coding - Translations - Audio/video transcriptions - Sentiment analysis - Summaries and analysis including supportive verbatims - Final reports and impactful presentations Find out more in our press release and contact us for a free demo! 👉

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    22 661  abonnés

    🎉We've proudly maintained #ISO certification! 💪Bilendi & respondi first achieved ISO certification in 2022, recognising the quality of our panels, privacy practices and services. After a rigorous audit this year, we are proud to announce that we have once again met the strict criteria of ISO 20252:2019. 🤓 ISO 20252:2019 is a certification standard for market, opinion, and social research, ensuring high-quality processes throughout the entire research process. This re-certification highlights the success of our comprehensive #quality programme at Bilendi & respondi. 🤗 We would like to thank our employees for their commitment and first-class service, and to our clients who count on our high-quality panels and services.

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    22 661  abonnés

    72,000 surveys, conducted across 110 regions across the 27 EU member states - the World Justice Project #Eurovoices maps out national and local variations in how people in the EU experience and perceive key aspects of their society as for example democratic governance, fundamental rights, justice systems, public safety, corruption levels and the overall business climate. Daniel Cunill has attended the presentation of the research. If you want to know more about the project, reach out to Daniel!

    Voir le profil de Daniel Cunill Romero

    Market Research Director & Global Head of Mobile

    Today I had the opportunity to attend the presentation of the World Justice Project. A project which Bilendi & respondi run a big part of the fieldwork for. On this collaboration, we helped the the World Justice Project collecting 72,000 surveys accross 110 regions across the 27 EU member states Just last year we run online data collection projects for over 200 academic institutions worldwide. As a leader in data collection, it makes us really proud taking part in projects which play such an important role in society as well as in the academic world. Thanks to Alejandro Ponce, Chief Research Officer at World Justice Project for trusting on us to run this project. Thanks as well for the invitation, for such an interesting conversation and for the kind words to the Bilendi team. #mrx #worldjusticeproject #datacollection

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    22 661  abonnés

    We are happy to announce that we are once again sponsoring the Italian Market Research Forum 2024, organised by Assirm, the largest association for the Italian market research industry. During the event, together with Spice Research, we will show how #artificial #intelligence is transforming the market research industry. Using a real-world case study, we will showcase how our virtual #AI assistant, #BARI, has been employed in both the quantitative and qualitative phases of research exploring parents’ perspectives on snacks for their children. Get in touch if you want to know more! 👉 #MRF24 #assirmforum #ricerchedimercato #marketresearchforum

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    22 661  abonnés

    Il Market Research Forum 2024 sta per arrivare e siamo felici di partecipare anche quest’anno come sponsor! Durante l'evento, insieme a SPICE Research, mostreremo come l’intelligenza artificiale sta trasformando il mondo delle ricerche di mercato. Attraverso una case history concreta, illustreremo come integrare l’AI per ottenere insight più rapidi, ricchi e accurati. Vieni a scoprire il futuro del nostro settore! Iscriviti ora al MRF24 e unisciti a noi. 👉🏻

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