

Services et conseil en informatique

Open Source Metering & Usage-Based Billing

À propos

Open Source Metering & Usage-Based Billing The best alternative to Chargebee, Recurly and Stripe Billing. For usage-based, subscription-based, and all the nuances of pricing in between.

Services et conseil en informatique
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Billing, OSS, SaaS, Pricing et Invoicing


Employés chez Lago


  • Lago a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Anh-Tho Chuong, visuel

    CEO @ Lago | We raised $22M led by FirstMark!

    The internal tagline of Lago is "The Open Revenue Hub" We keep it internal because it's not self explanatory (yet). A quick explanation: 1️⃣ We focus on solving the metering and billing challenges as "Step 1" 2️⃣ We connect, support, help orchestrate revenue ops as "Step 2", by leveraging the metering and billing data and system we've helped our users to build. "Step 2" can't happen without "Step 1", because you can only orchestrate RevOps if you can rely on accurate usage and billing data. That's why I'm SO excited about our Launch Week! Because Raffi Sarkissian couldn't only fit one news per day: - We have 2 new integrations (check out the video in the link!): NetSuite and Xero - We've also made sure our community could experiment and leverage AI - and are pleased to offer $2,500 of OpenAI to our users, can't wait to see what is built! 🙌

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    3 476  abonnés

    It's day 1 of Launch Week II Starting with... 2 integrations! 🔥

    Voir le profil de Raffi Sarkissian, visuel

    Co-Founder @Lago (YC S21)

    🚀 Lago Launch Week II Day 1: Double Feature! 🚀 Who said one day of launch week equals one feature? Not us! Today, we're excited to unveil two new Lago native integrations: NetSuite and Xero. Yes, you can now connect Lago billing engine to your preferred accounting tool. Here's how it works: 1️⃣ Connect: Link your Lago account with your preferred accounting tool. 2️⃣ Map: Align your items to ensure your products follow your accounting and revenue recognition rules. 3️⃣ Sync billing data: Seamlessly sync invoices, fees, discounts, credit notes, and payments in real-time. Your accounting team will thank you! Congrats team Ivan Novosad Lovro Colic Alexandre Monjol Michael Ponrajah 👏

  • Lago a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Anh-Tho Chuong, visuel

    CEO @ Lago | We raised $22M led by FirstMark!

    MYTHS BUSTING about the French 🇫🇷 🥖 and how they spend their summer 1️⃣ The Olympics! Most Parisians already left Paris a while ago because the Olympics have a huge impact on our daily lives, how we commute, etc. So most non-French people I know will experiment more of the Olympics than the "locals". 2️⃣ Two months off! We don't take two months off. I mean, maybe if you're a teacher and your students are on vacation... but no, we don't have unlimited PTO! Also we're not necessarily big fans of the "côte d'Azur" , so Cannes, Nice etc, are places most of my American friends know, but I've never been for instance. 3️⃣ Wait... they're not necessarily staying in Europe?! Most entrepreneurs I know actually try to find a quiet place to work from, or spend the summer in the US. I've done it twice since starting Lago, and this summer (I actually moved in the Bay, so I'm already here!), we're flying part of the 🇫🇷 team to work with the 🇺🇸 team here. A pretty active and fun summer in perspective at Lago!! Also, I'm so happy to join and speak at in-person events in the coming weeks (nothing beats 'in-person'), we're still brewing additional things, but you can meet us at: 1️⃣ Y Combinator Open-Source Meetup - July 26th, San Francisco 2️⃣ Startup School by Y Combinator, look at this line up! 🤩 I'm so excited - July 27th, San Francisco We'll prep a fireside chat with Nicolas Dessaigne about our journey Lago (YC, pivot, EU vs US, all of it!), can't wait to connect/catch with other founders: Marty Kausas 🦔 james hawkins Christina Cacioppo Han Wang and many more! 3️⃣ Fintech Devcon by Moov - August 8th, Austin. Two years ago we were honored to be featured there by Joel Taylor from GitHub, so it's quite special to be speaking there this year! If you're wondering, we're still hiring and ping Alison Eastaway for more info!

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  • Lago a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Anh-Tho Chuong, visuel

    CEO @ Lago | We raised $22M led by FirstMark!

    IF AI agents replace one or several FTEs (aka "full time equivalent humans"), how should they be priced? It's too soon to say for AI agents that are mostly priced "per seat" at the moment (i.e., a fixed price per user, regardless of the task the agent is performing, the value it brings, or the compute price it costs to run the agent). Copilots pricing might be a good proxy or at least data point to think about AI agents pricing, and I found Tomasz Tunguz analysis and charts the most useful. TLDR: The Variance between the AI versus Base price ratio is high, meaning... it "depends". Our take at Lago is that: 1️⃣ Pricing is as much science than art (humans choose products and react to pricing, and humans... aren't fully rational!), especially in such a "new" field (i.e., what agents can do today is nothing like what they'd be able to do in a few months). 2️⃣ Velocity is key: so the most important is to be able to iterate quickly on pricing, to make price match value, and anticipate/react to market shifts: cost of compute, demand, competition, just to name a few dimensions. 3️⃣ To offer pricing velocity and flexibility: we've built Lago to be developer first-, agnostic, and transparent (open-source). There's no big secret there: if you understand our code and how we built our API, and have a community of users around you, you're able to use it, build on top of it, and customize it faster and better. Once again we're both proud and humbled (weirdly enough you can combine both feelings 😅) to serve leading teams and companies, such as Mistral, Groq, Together, and many others! (*Copilot vs Agents: Agents are supposed to automate entire tasks versus "copilots" support "pilots/humans".) Source:

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  • Lago a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Anh-Tho Chuong, visuel

    CEO @ Lago | We raised $22M led by FirstMark!

    *34* ! 👏🥳 Is it Raffi's age? Mine? 😆 Not really... It's our #34 product update, we sent the first one 24 months ago, this means we shipped new releases more than once a month for two years now! So proud of the team! Mathieu Déjean Michael Ponrajah Jérémy Denquin + team 🫶 Looking back, we've followed our plan exactly as we visualized it: 1️⃣ We were first laser focused on: "pure" usage metering and billing features, to build the foundations of our product. These were not the most visible parts or shiniest part, but we intentionally invested a lot of efforts into building for robustness, as we'd built for scale at Qonto previously. 2️⃣ More recently, we've been working on more "collaboration" features: - Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) - Sigle Sign-On (Okta) And of course: the integrations with the rest of the stack: Netsuite, Salesforce etc anyone? :) That being said: I didn't expect to have Alison Eastaway jumping in in the Product Update though! 🤣 You can find all our product updates on our website: link in the comments and happy to demo in-person as well! 🙌

    • Product update Lago #34, billing, RBAC, Shipping address, invoices at zero, hiring
  • Lago a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Anh-Tho Chuong, visuel

    CEO @ Lago | We raised $22M led by FirstMark!

    My fav question in interviews? "What did you dream of being when you were a kid?" So... Jim dreamt of becoming an Astronaut 🧑🏻🚀 when he was a kid, to explore the far reaches of the galaxy. Guess what? He didn’t! Unless Apple and Kodak built rockets in their early days 🤔 Instead he spent 30 years in Go to Market, within the most successful companies on the planet. His latest ‘stint’ was as the CMO of Stripe, where Claire Hugue Johnson (yes, the author of Scaling people) recruited him, after being CMO & VP Growth at New Relic, VP Communities at Yahoo!, VP at @Kodak and founding its own venture! How did Go-To-Market approaches evolved over time? What are the differences between early and late-stage pricing iterations? What happened when Lew Cirne asked him to lead New Relic’s Commercial Sales teams after a year leading product? What are the go-to resources every Go-To-Market leader should read? Full interview here:

  • Lago a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Anh-Tho Chuong, visuel

    CEO @ Lago | We raised $22M led by FirstMark!

    "My parents never understood what my company is about" -- say most B2B founders. 🙈 In 🇫🇷, we'd say Lago solves the "facturation" challenge (means "invoicing") but the English is more precise. Raffi Sarkissian made this awesome mini-app to explain what "metering" and "billing" are, in plain words/images! 🤩 TLDR: Lago solves for: 1️⃣ Metering: measuring consumption, it's complex when it's by the second, minute, etc. For instance in the case of measuring electricity consumption. 2️⃣ Billing: how much a customer should pay, based on pricing, consumption, and any other element of context. Do you have a subscription, does it include usage, did you have a coupon, is there a pricing for peak hours etc 3️⃣ Invoicing: issuing the legal document that is going to be used for accounting and audit purposes and needs to comply for local requirements: taxes, special mentions Is it really a pain? How did you come up with such a "random" idea?! 🙃 Well we lived it first hand and built a home-grown billing system at the time at Qonto! You can also ask our users: Mistral, Swan, Fintecture, Together, Groq :)

  • Lago a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Anh-Tho Chuong, visuel

    CEO @ Lago | We raised $22M led by FirstMark!

    Lago hit #1 on Product Hunt: Cheese *AND* Desserts as the 🇫🇷 say: Product of the Day, Week, *AND* Month. Here's 9 tips if you're serious about winning on Product Hunt and we *open-sourced* our handbook on Github! 1️⃣ Budget a month of preparation Start prepping 4+ weeks before if it’s your first launch. Read best practices, find a hunter, create an account and be active, prepare the visual assets, wording and communication. Keep reading for our free Notion template. 2️⃣ Define what ‘success’ is for your launch Go beyond the goal of ‘getting the maximum number of upvotes’. Sales > Upvotes Figure out a # goal and shoot for it. Then track your goal ruthlessly. 3️⃣ Create a teaser for your launch. Teasers notify subscribers when you launch! We had dozens of subscribers pre-launch. It's totally free to do on Product Hunt, so don't skip it. 4️⃣ Copy is key We reworked our copy at least 5 times. Concision and precision are key. When posting on social media about your launch, only include 1 CTA linking to your launch page. Keep the focus high. 5️⃣ Don’t spam I get way too many spam random requests from strangers. These don’t work and are disrespectful of the recipients’ time. Rely on your existing community: Twitter or Linkedin followers, newsletter, etc. Skip the spam. Do the work of personalization, it compounds. 6️⃣ A day is 24 hours, and this applies to your launch day too. It’s the ‘number of upvotes per hour’ that counts. Make sure to post and engage all day long, with different messages and contents. We scheduled posts to continue posting at night. 7️⃣ Comments are king Product Hunt values interaction, so talking to the commenters is a MUST. Have people from your team manning the comments throughout the day. Answer questions, ask questions, engage! 8️⃣ It takes a village Tell the whole company early, keep them informed, and include them in the launch. We asked every team member to fill a list of friends or contacts that would resonate with the launch Don't they look awesome on this pic?! 9️⃣ Make it fun! Launching can be pretty stressful so you've gotta make it fun. Our Mascot Maneki was a big part of it! Try to be IRL with your team if you can. And make sure you've got coffee, Red Bull, and memes ready for posting! -> Handbook here 🫶:

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  • Lago a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Anh-Tho Chuong, visuel

    CEO @ Lago | We raised $22M led by FirstMark!

    When we pivoted to building an "open-source usage-based billing API", I was warned that "it was like building 2 companies, 2 motions": 1️⃣ Open-source, community-led 2️⃣ A more commercial/B2B SaaS one -> Twice as difficult The reality is (as usual) more nuanced than that. But it's definitely intense :) (and Raffi Sarkissian, Jérémy Denquin, Mathieu Déjean can testify) And the feeling we have when we see the Github stars take off (6,400 ⭐️!!!), and when community members respond to each other on Lago's Slack is all worth it 🫶!!! Thanks Karl Kloppenborg, super grateful for the community, and proud of the team 🙌

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  • Lago a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Anh-Tho Chuong, visuel

    CEO @ Lago | We raised $22M led by FirstMark!

    AI IS EXPENSIVE 💸 For many SaaS applications, if a user doesn’t pay, it’s not a big deal. Sure, that implies that they are churning, which translates to lost revenue, but the cost of the service was likely minimal. However, with AI, this isn’t exactly the case. AI is expensive. If a user racks up a massive AI bill and doesn’t pay, then the entire customer account may be unprofitable to the business. Thankfully, there are a few pricing models that mitigate this risk. We support leading AI cos with implementing the relevant pricing systems from day 1 at Lago, for instance: 1️⃣ Prepayment The obvious solution to a customer not paying is to request prepayment. If users pre-purchased tokens (or whatever unit) in advance, there is no risk of a lack of payment. The credits are just consumed over time. This creates a new challenge, however. Customer accounts cannot just grind to a halt if credits are exhausted. That would be punishing the best users. Rather, companies need to automatically top-up credits whenever they run dry or tolerate some level of negative balances. 2️⃣ Threshold charging The other solution is to bill customers whenever usage crosses a reasonable threshold. For instance, if a company can tolerate a $5,000 loss, then they can bill the client whenever they reach $2,500 in costs. If they reach another $2,500 tranche without paying the last invoice, then service can be cut-off. This is particularly reasonable if the payment method is set to auto-pay. While this does introduce some risk, it may be preferred over prepayment if there are concerns that prepayment will negatively impact sales. It also transparently provides the customer with a reminder of their spending rate. ⚠ There is a complication with this strategy, however. Some customers may reach the billing threshold really slowly. Hypothetically, some might never reach it. To address this, customers should still be billed at a monthly (or yearly) cadence. That way, their balance is wiped out, restarting the cycle. 3️⃣ Spending minimums Sometimes, metered pricing may also have spending minimums. This is independent of a subscription tier—the minimum is applied to units (e.g. tokens) used. For example, if the minimum is 5M tokens / month, and the user only used 3M tokens last month, then they’ll still be charged for the full 5M. Spending minimums might often equal one base unit. For instance, if the rate is $5.00 / 1M tokens, and 1M tokens was the minimum, then any value below a single base unit (e.g. 800K tokens) would round up. 4️⃣ Enterprise contracts AI companies often offer enterprise contracts with negotiated prices. This rises the need to tailor prices, thresholds, and packages for each individual enterprise customer. This personalization can sometimes be expensive; maintaining unique pricing for each contract naturally leads to a bigger administrative overhead. It also mandates for a more flexible billing system to account for the variations.

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