

Recherche et technologie spatiales

Le Haillan, Nouvelle-Aquitaine 14 593 abonnés

Unlocking the Holy grail of propulsion tech.

À propos

HyPrSpace is a french aerospace startup developing a new kind of hybrid rocket engines : the kind that actually works. The propulsion technology we are working on is considered the "Holy Grail" of rocket engines, as it combines all the benefits of existing technologies without their drawbacks. Although studied for over 50 years, this technology was previously locked due to its non-scalability and thus was impractical. However, at HyPrSpace, thanks to a disruptive innovation in engine architecture, we have successfully made this technology scalable and applicable across a wide range of vehicles. Our technology's duality will enable France and Europe to improve their sovereignty in this field. As leaders of a consortium involving three partners, we are also developing a micro-launcher that will utilize this technology, potentially reducing space access costs by up to 75%. This positions France and Europe with a key advantage in the "race against SpaceX." Visit our website at www.hypr-space.com for more information 🌐

Recherche et technologie spatiales
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Le Haillan, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Spatial, Propulsion et Innovation


Employés chez HyPrSpace


  • Voir la page d’organisation pour HyPrSpace, visuel

    14 593  abonnés

    3, 2, 1… Ignition sequence time. 🚀 Or as Clément said it with a sexy, but shaky voice: “Allumage moteur”. Last Thursday we fired Terminator, our stage demonstrator for the very first time, but it is - much more - than just an ignition, it's a first in the world! This test validates HyPrSpace patented hybrid technology at full scale for space applications. The combustion and fluids performance model, the capacity to operate at a full stage scale experimentally confirming the reliability and scalability of our technology. This is a major technological demonstration for the development of our #OB1 launcher, and opens new perspectives for space and defense applications, due to the simplicity and economical advantage of our engine. The rest of the testing campaign will allow a full exploration of the operating range of the technology. Which means more flames to come soon! 🙏 To every single person that trusted us, supported us, followed us on LinkedIn since the earliest days: thank you for being behind us, you’re a real source of motivation. Also, a huge thank you to DGA - Direction générale de l'armement, and more particularely to the #DGAEssaisdemissiles Gironde site and Agence de l'innovation de défense, their team is awesome to work with, compliant and comprehensive. Also, many thanks to our partner SpaceDreamS for their expertise and support ! To. Every. Single. Member of the exceptional team that made this a reality: hands down. You’ve all done an incredible work. You guys are talented geniuses, beautiful smiling souls, as can testify this video. Much much love to you all. ❤️ #godspeed PS: The full video will be available soon on YouTube @hyprspace-tech 😘

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour HyPrSpace, visuel

    14 593  abonnés

    So proud of you Clément Arrat! 🤩☃️ Our (now former) Test Director temporarily left the HyPrSpace adventure for 1 year to fulfill a childhood dream that is fairly close to space in some ways: becoming an Antartica adventurer at the Franco-Italian base camp "Concordia". There, he will be a glaciochemist, collecting and analyzing snow samples and atmospheric sensors in extreme conditions (it can go down to minus 80 degrees celcius!). What a thrilling journey... All the team wishes you the best for this extraodinary experience! Come back to us with the eyes full of stars, we can't wait to hear your freezing tale! ❤🧊

    Voir le profil de Clément Arrat, visuel

    Glaciochimiste DC21 Station Concordia Antarctique

    ✨ Nouvelle aventure en vue ! ✨ Je suis ravi de pouvoir enfin vous annoncer une nouvelle qui me tient particulièrement à cœur : à la fin du mois d’octobre, je m’envole pour la station Franco-Italienne Concordia, en Antarctique, pour un séjour d'un peu plus d'un an en tant que glaciochimiste. ❄️ Ce projet représente l’accomplissement d’un rêve que j’ai depuis plusieurs années. Sur place, je serais chargé de mener des programmes qui comprendront notamment : prélèvements de neige, relevé de capteurs atmosphériques et analyses d’échantillons. 🔬 Un grand merci à Institut polaire français Paul-Émile Victor, IGE, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement et au Laboratoire de météorologie dynamique pour leur confiance. Je suis impatient de commencer ce travail et de pouvoir apporter ma contribution à ces programmes de recherche. Je partagerai régulièrement mon expérience, donc n’hésitez pas à me suivre sur Instagram @clem_antarctique pour en savoir plus sur la vie et les sciences dans cet endroit un peu particulier. 🚀 📸 : ESA

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour HyPrSpace, visuel

    14 593  abonnés

    Hello there! 😁 The recap video of the hotfire test campaign of Terminator is online. 👀 Link to the YouTube video in comments below. 👇 For those that had already seen the 🔥🔥🔥 post in July, there is some unrevealed footages of the transport, installation, preparation. We conducted three tests in two weeks, and learned a lot each time, especially during the second test where we triggered a safety system, highlighting the sturdiness of our technology. As we're actively preparing the next test campaign, we wanted to thank again every person involved in this successful mission, a major step towards a cheaper access to space. #baguetteone #HRE #Innovation

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  • HyPrSpace a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Clément Arrat, visuel

    Glaciochimiste DC21 Station Concordia Antarctique

    Ce n’est qu’un au revoir ! Aujourd’hui, je quitte pour une longue période l’aventure HyPrSpace, pour en rejoindre une autre dont je vous parlerai en détail d’ici peu. Ces quelques années passées au sein de la “space bakery” m’ont tellement appris, sur moi, sur mon métier et sur les autres. Les autres, ce sont les collègues et amis. Des rencontres magnifiques que je n’oublierai jamais. Un immense merci à tous ; Alexandre Mangeot, Sylvain Bataillard et Vincent Rocher pour m’avoir donné cette incroyable opportunité, merci à la team essais, la team Terminator et tant d’autres personnes avec qui j’ai adoré travailler. Merci pour votre confiance, votre bienveillance et vos étoiles dans les yeux pour qu'on essaye, ensemble, d'aller les voir de plus près ! C’est avec un énorme pincement au cœur que je vous quitte, mais également une grande fierté d’avoir participé à cette fabuleuse aventure ! Car il s’en est passé des choses, en seulement 3 ans… J’espère que ces quelques photos en témoigneront ! #GoBaguetteOne

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  • HyPrSpace a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Alexandre Mangeot, visuel

    Cofondateur et PDG chez HyPrSpace

    Merci à La Tribune pour leur invitation au Space Forum 2024 ce mardi, où j’ai pu débattre avec Stanislas Maximin de Latitude et Antoine Fourcade de Sirius Space Services. La table ronde, disponible en replay sur YouTube (lien en commentaire), portait sur le sujet : “Mini lanceurs, maxi ambitions : qui va gagner la bataille des lanceurs ?” Au-delà d’être un sujet à débats passionnants - ceux qui me suivent savent sûrement déjà mon amour pour la question - c’est surtout un enjeu majeur pour la France et l’Europe. Dans cette course effrénée vers l’Espace, la quasi-totalité des concurrents se battent à armes égales en utilisant une technologie certes maîtrisée, mais fortement coûteuse à développer et produire, à tel point qu’aucun n’a réussi à en faire un business rentable à ce jour. Chez HyPrSpace, nous sommes partis de ce constat et avons décidé d’emprunter une autre voie : la propulsion hybride. Depuis plus de 50 ans elle souffre de verrous technologiques, pourtant cette technologie offre un potentiel incroyable de réduction des coûts, d'amélioration de l'empreinte environnementale et de la versatilité d'usage. Avec notre innovation brevetée, la propulsion hybride est aujourd’hui à portée de main ; nous avons cet été réalisé 3 essais de notre moteur pleine échelle en configuration étage qui nous ont permis de valider nos modèles de performance !

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    14 593  abonnés

    Hey everyone, back to school time! We hope you all had a good summer, even though it can't be as good as ours. Sorry. We will post a recap later this month, because we're here for a whole other subject: "Mini launchers, maxi ambitions: who's going to win the launchers battle?" That's the theme of the roundtable on which our CEO Alexandre Mangeot will be debating during the 2024 edition of La Tribune's Space Forum #LTSF2024. Our business developer Abdourhamane Ibrahim Toure will also be representing HyPrSpace during the event. 📅 10/09/2024 - Save the date! 📍 Toulouse - Cité de l'Espace Looking forward to meeting you all, and discuss about the future of the french & international space industry!

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    14 593  abonnés

    If you are still not in holidays, here are some news about our full-scale engine in stage configuration to cheer you up! In 2 weeks at DGA - Direction générale de l'armement, we were able to conduct 3 tests, and to validate:   ✅ The performance models of our innovative engine configuration ✅ Re-ignition capabilities (as you can see, it re-ignites quite well) ✅ Thrust modulation capabilities 💎Pretty mach diamonds   With Terminator, we are breaking through the technological barrier of hybrid propulsion bringing it from the dark side to the light side #newspace #propulsion #innovation

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour HyPrSpace, visuel

    14 593  abonnés

    Help me, [candidate name]; you're my only hope. - Said the person writing this post. Yep, that's a job offer alert. We're recruiting a #communication officer! 😎 Your key objectives and responsibilities: 👉 Manage and develop social networks 👉 Anticipate needs and translate them into communication projects 👉 Defining and implementing participation in external events 👉 Create a range of internal and external communication media 👉 Participate in the creation of innovative content The must have: We're looking for someone with experience in social media management, and who's not afraid of stepping out of the boundaries. Being disruptive not only applies to our technology, but also our way to communicate, our whole identity as a company. You have organisation / structuration skills, and like to work in team. You're bold (not necessarily bald tho 😃), and last but not least: you speak English fluently. Some experience in agency / big company is well appreciated. You will be working side by side with the communication, but also the HR, marketing, sales and strategy teams. Last point: one of your most crucial tasks is to have fun doing all this, it is truly important for us that everyone enjoys this crazy adventure HyPrSpace is! How to apply ? Breathe, relax, and go to our website career page: there is a job offer "chargé de communication" --- Link in comments! LinkedIn, to your CV's... 3, 2, GO! 🚀 Psst, even if you're not interested, some of your friends might be! Don't hesitate to share this! 😉 #HR #Recruitment

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour HyPrSpace, visuel

    14 593  abonnés

    [Hello there] We are thrilled to announce that HyPrSpace has officially joined #Startair, the startup club of GIFAS - Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales! 🎉🚀 Joining GIFAS is a significant milestone for HyPrSpace, aligning us with the crème de la crème of the French aerospace and defense industry. This membership opens new doors for collaboration, innovation, and growth. Being part of this association will enable us to: 🔹 Collaborate with leading aerospace companies 🔹 Contribute to and benefit from industry insights and advancements 🔹 Strengthen our presence in the global aerospace market We're very proud to join such a powerful organisation!! 😁 #Innovation #Newspace

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