

Sécurité informatique et des réseaux

Paris, Île-de-France 789 abonnés

Anticipez vos risques cyber et sécurisez votre entreprise

À propos

Le risque cyber est constant et évolutif, il peut intervenir sans signal d’alerte. La seule défense est la mise en place de solutions capables d’analyser le niveau d’exposition et de donner des indications efficaces pour la correction des failles. Menaya propose deux solutions parfaitement complémentaires pour assurer la protection de votre entreprise : Le Cyber Security Rating & le Cyber Web Detection. Grâce à des analyses exhaustives, elles détectent et évaluent rapidement les zones de risques pour la sécurité de votre Système d’Information. Menaya vous offre ainsi la sécurité dont vous avez besoin et la tranquillité d’esprit que vous méritez, quelles que soient la taille de votre entreprise ou votre niveau de connaissances en cybersécurité. Ensemble, nous améliorons la robustesse de vos performances en matière de cybersécurité. Avec Menaya, protégez vos données et sécurisez votre entreprise !

Site web
Sécurité informatique et des réseaux
Taille de l’entreprise
11-50 employés
Siège social
Paris, Île-de-France
Fondée en
website security, website online scanner, website applications vulnerabilities scan, website cloud computing security, SaaS online security scan, online website appication scanner, cloud computing security, web vulnerabilities scanner SaaS, cyber insurance, Cyber Security, Web application firewall , DDoS, Malware detection, Website protection, WAF, DDoS Protection et web application Firewall


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    🏢 Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are increasingly targeted by cyber threats. But how can SMBs protect themselves without the resources of a large enterprise? 💡 AI-driven cyber scoring is a huge part of the answer! Cyber scoring, powered by AI, is leveling the playing field for SMBs: ✅ Quantifying Risk: AI-powered cyber scoring assesses your organization’s cybersecurity posture, giving you a clear, quantifiable score that reflects your risk level.  ✅ Prioritizing Security Investments: AI helps identify the most critical vulnerabilities, so you can allocate resources where they’re needed most. ✅ Automated Monitoring: AI continuously monitors your systems, updating your cyber score in real-time as threats evolve. This ensures that your security measures stay effective as your business grows. ✅ Accessible Expertise: You don’t need a full in-house cybersecurity team to benefit from cyber scoring. AI brings expert-level analysis to SMBs at a fraction of the cost. ✅ Proactive Defense: Rather than reacting to breaches after they occur, cyber scoring allows SMBs to take a proactive approach, addressing potential weaknesses before they become serious problems. ➡ Regularly review your cyber score and take action on the insights provided. Even small, incremental improvements can make a big difference in reducing your overall cyber risk. Any question? Contact our experts: #Cybersecurity #SMBs #ArtificialIntelligence #CyberScoring  

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    🧠 Ever Heard of Model Inversion? Model Inversion is a sneaky technique where attackers reverse-engineer an AI model to recreate the private data it was trained on. That means if a model was trained on sensitive information—like medical records or personal details—hackers could potentially reconstruct that data. Why it matters? 🔍 Privacy at Risk: If your AI model holds sensitive data, Model Inversion could expose it, leading to privacy breaches. Think of it as someone piecing together a puzzle of your personal info. 🔒 Protecting Your Models: It’s crucial to implement strong security measures to guard against these attacks. Techniques like access control and regular monitoring and retraining can help keep prying eyes out of your data. 💡 Tip: Always question what data you’re feeding into AI models. Consider anonymizing or encrypting data to add an extra layer of protection. #AI #Cybersecurity #ModelInversion #DataPrivacy

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    With the rise of Artificial intelligence, traditional threat-hunting methods can only go so far. The sheer volume of data and the sophistication of modern cyber threats demand a new approach—enter AI-powered threat hunting. 🕵♀️ Here’s how AI is revolutionizing the #ThreatHunting process: 🔸 Speed and Efficiency: AI processes vast amounts of data in real time, allowing for faster identification of potential threats. It automates routine tasks, freeing up security teams to focus on more complex issues. 🔸 Behavioral Analysis: AI continuously learns from #data, enabling it to detect anomalies in user behavior and network traffic that might indicate a threat. It spots patterns that might be missed by human analysts. 🔸 Reduced False Positives: One of the biggest challenges in #ThreatDetection is the flood of false positives. AI refines detection criteria over time, reducing noise and ensuring that alerts are more accurate. 🔸 Proactive Threat Hunting: AI doesn’t just react to known threats—it predicts and uncovers new attack vectors by analyzing trends and behaviors, allowing organizations to stay one step ahead of #cybercriminals. 🔸 Scalability: As your organization grows, so do your security needs. AI scales effortlessly, adapting to increasing data loads and more complex networks without compromising performance. Is your organization leveraging AI to enhance its threat-hunting capabilities? If not, it might be time to explore how #AI can transform your security strategy. You can contact our team to learn more 👉

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    🎒 September isn’t just for students heading back to school—it’s also a time for professionals to reset and refresh their routines. As you jump back into work, take a moment to ensure your cybersecurity habits are up to date. Here’s a checklist to help you start the new work year securely: ✅ Update Your Passwords: Make sure all your passwords are strong and unique. Consider using a password manager to keep track. ✅ Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Add an extra layer of protection by enabling MFA wherever possible, especially for sensitive accounts. ✅ Patch and Update Software: Ensure all your devices, apps, and software are up to date with the latest security patches. ✅ Be Wary of Phishing: Stay vigilant for suspicious emails and links. Phishing attacks often spike after holiday seasons. ✅ Review Access Controls: Reassess who has access to what in your organization. Ensure that only those who need access to certain information have it. ✅ Backup Your Data: Regularly back up critical data and ensure backups are secure. This is your last line of defense against ransomware attacks. ✅ Refresh Cybersecurity Training: Consider a quick refresher course for your team on current cybersecurity threats and best practices. 🎓 Pro Tip: Treat September as a cybersecurity "reset" period. Small actions now can prevent big headaches later on. #Cybersecurity #BestPractices #DataProtection #PhishingPrevention 

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    Zero-day vulnerabilities continue to pose significant risks to organizations, with an increased number of cases reported in recent years. 🔐 These critical flaws, often exploited before they can be patched, highlight the urgent need for enhanced security measures. Stay informed and protect your systems by exploring the latest statistics and trends in zero-day vulnerabilities. 🔍 Check out VPNRanks' report here 👇 #ZeroDayVulnerabilities #Cybersecurity #Stats #DataProtection

    Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: VPNRanks Predicts People’s Republic of China to Maintain Top Exploiter Status by 2024

    Zero-Day Vulnerabilities: VPNRanks Predicts People’s Republic of China to Maintain Top Exploiter Status by 2024

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    789  abonnés

    🏊♂️ Are you still in vacation mode? Whether you've just wrapped up your getaway or are heading back soon, it's time to take a fresh look at your digital security. Let’s be real, when we’re off having fun, we often let our defenses slip a bit. Avi Bartov, CEO of Menaya, shares some important tips to help you safeguard your systems and data as you ease back into work mode. #Cybersecurity #Summer #BacktoWork

    Voir le profil de Avi Bartov, visuel

    CEO and Co Founder | Cybersecurity @ Menaya

    As the summer winds down and we return to our regular routines, it's easy to let our guard down when it comes to cybersecurity. However, this is the perfect time to reassess and reinforce your digital defenses. With new threats constantly emerging and the potential for increased vulnerabilities after a period of relaxation, ensuring your cybersecurity measures are up to date is more crucial than ever. In this article, we’ll explore key steps you can take to protect your systems and data as you transition back from vacation mode.

    Back from Summer Vacation: Reinforce Your Cybersecurity Protection

    Back from Summer Vacation: Reinforce Your Cybersecurity Protection

    Avi Bartov sur LinkedIn

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    In its latest report, VPNRanks predicts that by 2025, phishing is expected to be the entry point for 82.5% of ransomware attacks. Ransomware attacks can originate from various entry points, as cybercriminals take advantage of different vulnerabilities to infiltrate systems. Frequently used tactics involve utilizing weak passwords, unpatched software, and compromised remote desktop protocols. You can read the full report here 👉 #Phishing #Ransomware #Cybersecurity

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    According to a recent Ransomware report by VPNRanks, the expected ransomware recovery cost for 2025 is approximately $1.79 million. While this figure highlights a potential future scenario, it's a stark reminder of the growing cyber threats we face. 🛡️ Organizations, big and small, need to ramp up their cybersecurity measures to safeguard their future. Don't wait for an attack to wake up to the risk. You can read the full report here 👉 #cybersecurity #ransomware #cyberthreat

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