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Pulse Audition

Pulse Audition

Fabrication d’équipements médicaux

Sophia Antipolis, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 2 488 abonnés

Enhance the speech, not the noise.

À propos

With our artificial intelligence-based speech enhancement technology, Pulse Frames glasses allow people with hearing loss to choose what they want to listen to in noisy environments and no longer suffer from social exclusion.

Fabrication d’équipements médicaux
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Sophia Antipolis, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
Société civile/Société commerciale/Autres types de sociétés
Fondée en
Artificial Intelligence, Digital signal processing, Speech processing, Embedded Systems, Acoustics, Embedded AI et Speech enhancement


Employés chez Pulse Audition


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    2 488  abonnés

    To ring in the New Year, we have a huge announcement to make!   🎊 Pulse Audition is officially a part of EssilorLuxottica !! 🎊   By joining the world’s most influential group in glasses R&D, design, manufacturing and distribution, our cutting-edge speech enhancement technology has a very bright future. ☀️   We are so grateful for this opportunity to collaborate with the leading minds in smart eyewear. Million thanks to everybody who supported and drove this acquisition : Francesco Milleri, Paul du Saillant, Fabio Borsoi, Stefano Genco, Denis Cohen-Tannoudji, Marie Loré, Cyril Chapulut, Yoni Hertzberg, Ori Goren, Tami Harel-Arbeli, Massimo Reineri, and everybody else ! 🙏   This means better speech perception will reach consumers faster, within an internationally established network, and we couldn't be more excited about this ✨   While this is a huge milestone in the story of hearing glasses, it is just the beginning. Let’s get started !! 🚀🚀   Now, we can proudly say  #WeAreEssilorLuxottica

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    2 488  abonnés

    Yesterday, our embedded AI team attended a seminar where Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, Thales and Inria presented the vision that drives the embedded AI platform Aidge, and we are onboard !    We particularly want to thank the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives and ANR, the French National Research Agency for their support on the #DeepGreen project, Pulse Audition is grateful ! 🙏 ⁠

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    2 488  abonnés

    Pulse Audition gives a very warm welcome to our new CTO, Jonathan Piat! Get to know him a little better: 🧠 He has a PhD in signal processing, was an Associate Professor at University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France) and a researcher in robotics at LAAS-CNRS for 6 years 🔊 He was CTO at Waves System, crafting products for creative people from 2021 to 2024 🏓 His hobbies include building mechatronics systems, learning new skills, hacking tech and playing table tennis “I have been working with Pulse Audition since 2022 on the design and development of the Pulse Frames, from electronics to embedded software, and I immediately connected with this project because it gave meaning to my skills. Today, I want to fully commit and contribute to the collective effort that will bring Pulse Audition's technology to those who need it.” We are truly happy to include you as a part of the core team, Jonathan!

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  • Pulse Audition a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Manuel Pariente

    Co-founder of Pulse Audition | PhD

    Giving a technical talk to most audiologists in France ?... 🤯   I definitely didn't expect as many of them when I was invited to give a talk at the Audio EPU 2024 on the advances of AI-based speech enhancement algorithms and their potential for assistive listening devices, and in particular for hearing glasses as we develop at Pulse Audition !    Thousands thanks to Nicolas Wallaert, Matthieu DEL RIO, Stéphane LAURENT and the Collège National d'Audioprothèse for the invitation, it was an honor to present (and a lot of fun 😎), and I learned a ton from the great presentations through the two days ! 🙏

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    2 488  abonnés

    We’re very happy to welcome Noé back to the Pulse Audition team, this time as a PhD Researcher! 🔍 During his internship, we were amazed by his work on the latest AI-based solutions for speech enhancement. 🗣️💬 Luckily, we didn’t have to say goodbye after his internship. Now he embarks on a new adventure with the team to set up Pulse Audition’s first industrial PhD ! ⛰️ We are excited to see where he takes his new research project on low complexity AI-based speech enhancement algorithms.

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    2 488  abonnés

    Pulse Audition has a new AI Engineer on the team - welcome, Noé Gutierrez! Let's get to know him a bit better 👀 🔎 He's a recent master's graduate 🎓 "I am taking this 6 months internship at Pulse Audition as my end-of-study internship." He is passionate about using AI for good 😌 "I was really seduced by the motivations of the project as I seriously wanted to work with AI for medical purposes." He's a musician 🎶 "Usually, AI is mostly used to achieve computer vision tasks related to the medical field but here we are working on audio processing. This raised my interest even more, as I enjoy playing musical instruments." He is a nature enthusiast 🏔 "I am happy to be in the southern coast of France, as I can spend time in the mountains, either riding my bike or going hiking, or just take advantage of the sea to go sailing." "I am really happy to take part to the journey with this awesome team at Pulse audition." The feeling is mutual. 😃 Can't wait to see what you contribute, Noé!

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    2 488  abonnés

    This Friday November 29th, our co-founder Manuel Pariente will give a presentation at the Conference of Post-Graduate Training in Audioprosthetics (Audio EPU) in Paris at La Villette (Cité des sciences et de l'industrie). He will speak about the recent advances in AI-based speech enhancement and how its integration in innovative audio solutions like hearing glasses provide new possibilities for listening in noise, in the “Solutions and Innovations in Audiology” session. If you’ll be there, check out his talk from 14h30 to 15h00!

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    2 488  abonnés

    Pulse Audition is a winner of the Institut Choiseul’s Classement Choiseul Sud 2024! 🏆 This highly anticipated ranking indicates the 100 most promising business leaders of the Région Sud - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Our co-founder Manuel Pariente was chosen for this award. Together with Pulse Audition co-founder Thibaud Moufle, they enable the whole team to strive hard every day to make our startup’s mission come true: to improve the social inclusion of hearing-impaired individuals thanks to hearing glasses powered by cutting-edge AI technology. Congratulations to all those who have been recognized by this award, and to each person who works every day to create a more inclusive, durable and innovative world.

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    2 488  abonnés

    Pulse Audition is 2 years old! 🎈 Since being founded in 2022, we are grateful for all of the moments we’ve shared with our supporters and project partners. In two years, we have come a long way in the journey towards achieving our mission: to stop social isolation caused by difficulty perceiving speech in noise. Our progress has been a tremendous team effort - cheers to the entire Pulse team (past and present) for your incredible contributions to this project 🎉🙏 The adventure continues…! We can’t wait to see what the future holds for Pulse Audition as we move ever closer towards delivering crystal-clear speech intelligibility in a sleek pair of glasses: the Pulse Frames 👓.

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    2 488  abonnés

    Last Wednesday, we attended the Danish Sound Cluster's insightful webinar titled “Hearing Loss and Dementia”, with speakers Manuella Lech Cantuaria, Jesper Hvass Schmidt, and Søren Riis: leaders in the field of hearing research. 🧠👂 The speakers emphasized the importance of social interactions, and discussed the significant connection between hearing loss (especially untreated) and dementia. However, they call for more longitudinal research - on an international scale! By improving speech intelligibility and therefore the quality and ease of social interactions, the Pulse Frames are a great solution for individuals with light to moderate hearing loss who struggle to follow conversations in noisy environments. 🔗 Find the links to the webinar and the SDU researchers' article in the comments!

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  • Pulse Audition a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Manuel Pariente

    Co-founder of Pulse Audition | PhD

    C'est une grande fierté de voir Pulse Audition lauréat du Classement Choiseul Sud 2024 de l’Institut Choiseul 🏆 Un classement qui révèle les jeunes décideurs économiques les plus prometteurs de la Région Sud - Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur ! Un grand merci à La Provence, La Tribune, Amazon, KPMG France, NGE - BTP, SKEMA Business School, Transdev, Groupe Upperside pour cette initiative qui nous permet, nous jeunes dirigeants, de nous rencontrer, d'échanger, et de renforcer nos réseaux. Ce classement est bien plus qu'une reconnaissance personnelle ; il met en lumière le potentiel économique de notre région Sud et les nombreux talents qui contribuent à son attractivité, à la fois au niveau national et international. 🌍✨ Un grand merci à mon associé, co-fondateur de Pulse Audition, Thibaud Moufle 💪 avec qui j'ai partagé ces dernières années, qui porte aussi le mérite cette récompense ! C'est une reconnaissance de l'importance de la mission que l'on porte chez Pulse Audition : améliorer l'inclusion sociale des personnes malentendantes grâce à des lunettes auditives dopées à l'IA 🕶️🤖 Félicitations à tous les lauréats et à toutes celles et ceux qui, chaque jour, œuvrent pour un avenir plus durable, plus innovant et plus inclusif.

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