Photo de couverture de Antalis Packaging
Antalis Packaging

Antalis Packaging

Fabrication d’emballages et conteneurs

Boulogne-Billancourt, Île-de-France 20 657 abonnés

Europe’s leading distributor of packaging in 28 countries. #SmartPackagingSolutions

À propos

Antalis Packaging is the European leader in providing #SmartPackagingSolutions. We strongly believe that Packaging is about service – so we’ve built our business around tailoring our products & services to meet each customer’s diverse needs. This could be anything from creating bespoke solutions, customised packaging, or working with a business to achieve efficiencies and cost savings by giving you access to our industry experts. The widest product range in the industry, cutting-edge technology and the ability to create bespoke solutions means that whatever challenges tomorrow will bring for your business, we have a solution that will work for you today. Working as partners, we believe our #SmartPackagingSolutions inspire our customers to go further and exceed their own goals. About Antalis Packaging: - Represented in 32 countries - Over 56,600 customers - Over 438,000 e-commerce orderlines - Over 86 logistics centres globally

Fabrication d’emballages et conteneurs
Taille de l’entreprise
1 001-5 000 employés
Siège social
Boulogne-Billancourt, Île-de-France
Fondée en
Packaging, Customised Packaging et Bespoke Solutions


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