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How to Fix UVs for Objects Sharing Seams

Psymon edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 5 revisions

So sometimes there are points where upon export your UVs get shot in weird directions. This is because the exporter cannot handle edges that share vertices. For example, if you have a cube, each corner is shared with 3 separate planes. For Monster hunter, you need to force it to have three separate vertices in that corner, so each plane gets its own.

  1. Open a second viewpower by dragging the symbol in the top right of your 3d viewport to the left

[Image 1]

  1. In the new viewport select “UV/image editor” in the window options.

[Image 2]

  1. Next select editor mode in the “3D View” viewport

[Image 3]

  1. In the UV viewport, select Keep UV and edit mode mesh in sync, as well as the edge select, as shown.

[Image 4]

  1. Press “a” over the uv view to unselect everything.

  2. Select edges that may be seams. You can tell if when you select a single edge, other parts get selected as well.

[Image 5]

  1. Once one is selected, under UV hit Seams from islands

[Image 6]

  1. Next hover over the 3d viewer and hit space. It should bring up a dialogue window, type “select similar” and hit the command highlighted below.

[Image 7]

  1. Another dialogue will appear, hit seam

[Image 8]

If you do not get the seam option, you need to be in line selection mode [Image 9]

  1. All seams will now be highlighted in the uv viewer now.

[Image 10]

  1. Hover over the 3d space and hit space, then search for “edge split”.

  2. If the edge split command didn’t work, hover over the 3D viewer and hit “v” then “esc”. This will separate these vertices.

  3. Uvs seams should now be split.

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