Istvan Bakos's team is #hiring Műszaki rajzoló, modellező kollégát várunk generáltervező irodánk villamosmérnök tervezőcsapatának támogatásához. Szeretnéd a 2D és 3D tervezésben szerzett tapasztalataidat elmélyíteni? Szívesen dolgoznál egy olyan generáltervező irodában, ahol az egész csapat closed-BIM rendszerben dolgozik és valóban elsajátíthatod a Revitet? ‼️ Jelentkezz hozzánk, csatlakozz a csapatunkhoz és fejlődj velünk! Téged keresünk műszaki rajzoló munkatársként, ha ✅használtál már bármilyen 2D-3D tervezőprogramot ✅otthonosan mozogsz a 3D-s virtuális terekben ✅szeretsz alkotni és kreatív megoldásokat keresni ✅érdekel a mérnöki gondolkodás, és inkább a gyakorlatban tanulsz, mint elméleti szövegekből, Mi vár Téged a STUDIO IN-EX csapatában? 👉Rugalmas, kötetlen munkaidő, szülinapi szabadnappal 👉Ergonomikus iroda modern hardverekkel és szoftverekkel 👉Folyamatos szakmai fejlődési lehetőség és mentorálás 👉Autocad és Revit profi elsajátítása nagyszabású projektek közben 👉Összetartó közösség, sportos/játékos iroda közös programokkal #jobs #careeropportunity #engineeringdesign #2d3ddesign #revitlearning #autocad #teamwork #professionaldevelopment #creativejobs #revit #designcareers #jobsearch #flexibleworking #workculture #bim
STUDIO IN-EX Architects & Engineers Ltd.
Architecture and Planning
Budapest, Budapest 1 942 követők
International architecture and engineering quality with market-leading BIM expertise
STUDIO IN-EX Architects & Engineers Ltd., based in Budapest, Hungary, provides multidisciplinary planning of a wide range of building types. The studio is one of the first design companies in the area that introduced and use real Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology in everyday engineering work for all design projects. This includes hospitals, large office buildings, industrial real estates, and several restorations and reconstructions of listed buildings, as well as interior design for a large variety of spaces from traditional to modern environments and different styles. Being one of the important firms of the region dealing with digital engineering and planning, Studio IN-EX Architects & Engineers Ltd. employs more than 170 graduated professionals, including architects, engineers, interior designers, and IT professionals with strong foreign language skills and international work experience.
- Weboldal
Külső hivatkozás a következőhöz: STUDIO IN-EX Architects & Engineers Ltd.
- Ágazat
- Architecture and Planning
- Vállalat mérete
- 51–200 munkavállaló
- Központ
- Budapest, Budapest
- Típus
- Privately Held
- Alapítva
- 1997
- Szakterületek
Könyves Kálmán körút 11
Budapest, Budapest 1097, HU
Alkalmazottak a STUDIO IN-EX Architects & Engineers Ltd.
We had the great honour to participate again in the examinations held at the BME as a member of the final examination committee. Thanks to the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zsolt Oláh was invited to be an external committee member for the MSc in Construction Information Technology Engineering to review the students' thesis and attend their final exams. The program is intended as an interdisciplinary transition between the engineering and knowledge in software development, so that the students arrive not only with a background in civil engineers, but a large number of the students also have degrees in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, architecture, software development. The diversity of the students’ knowledge is the main challenge in teaching: students studying computing need to be equipped with engineering knowledge, engineers with IT knowledge. This is something we try to help with during the training. In November, Tamás Déri gave a 2-hour lecture to the students, explaining why, what, and how to develop. He presented his lecture through case studies, which were also useful for the students to brainstorm on topics for assignments or a potential thesis. Read more: #bme #finalexams #civilengineering #constructionit #softwareengineering #engineeringeducation #thesisreview #examinationcommittee #interdisciplinary #knowledgeexchange #studentsuccess #education #technologyintegration
To conclude this series on Norsk Hydro aluminium foundry, we share another interesting fact that presented us with an unusual design challenge. We have strong acoustic requirements to protect the neighbourhood, and that the furnaces generate a lot of heat, which we had to dissipate while minimising noise. Exhaust is provided by a system of air intake louvers on the façade and axial fans on the roof, both with sound attenuators. At peak capacity, 1,000,000 m3 of air per hour is moved without creating drafts or overpressure or depression inside the building that would prevent doors from opening. During the design phase, we explored several concepts on how to dissipate heat the fastest without disturbing the technology and the cranes. Finally, we opted for a concept in which the fans on the roof extract the air above the points most affected by heat build-up and exhaust it to the outside. #aluminium #foundry #engineering #designchallenge #acoustics #heatdissipation #sustainableindustry #industrialdesign #ventilationsystem #innovation #manufacturing #architecture Read more on our blog:
Hydro Extrusion Hungary Kft., led by a Norwegian parent company Norsk Hydro, is building a new aluminium foundry in Székesfehérvár, Hungary, where 90,000 tonnes of aluminium will be produced annually by recycling production and other waste aluminium. In our new blogpost we present some exciting solutions for the support structure. Some of the piles around the casting pits reach down -5.00 m to the bottom of the shafts next to the casting lines, from where they rise to a height of +18.00 m, while they are loaded on both sides with overhead cranes, the access passages of which lead through the reinforced concrete piles. In between these piles, we built a building the size of a family house, which house a kitchenette and the toilets, as well as a control room, while the floor slab had to be sized for a payload of 1t/m2. Since the foundations and the casting pits were already close together, this small building could no longer be separately founded, so the load was placed partly on the process shafts and partly on the diaphragm walls that delimit the working space of the casting pits. This was not only a demanding design task, but also a challenge for the contractor, who had to reconcile the accuracy of the underground engineering and the prefabrication. #hydro #civilengineering #manufacturing #engineeringdesign #BIM #sustainabletechnology #industrialinnovation #recycling #constructionengineering #processengineering #structuralengineering Read more on our blog:
Engineering and what lies behind itn - Career orientation day at Petőfi Sándor Gimnázium A special career orientation day has allowed students at Petőfi Sándor Gimnázium to get a glimpse of a career in engineering. The event aimed to inspire young people, help them plan their careers, and showcase the exciting opportunities in architecture and electrical engineering. During our presentation, we shared our experiences in the engineering profession. The organization of the event was exemplary, the program ran smoothly, and the wide range of presentations provided the students with a chance to learn about different careers. Our colleague Kamilla Zámbó has informed the students about architecture. István Bakos, one of our studio leaders, has introduced them to the field of building electrical design. We are happy to have participated in this day and hope that we were able to provide the students with useful information to help them in their future decisions. Thank you for the invitation and the enthusiastic welcome! #engineering #engineerlife #engineercareer #Careerorientationday
The construction of several buildings of our Nyíregyháza-based project is at such a stage that the electrical team, together with the BMS team, decided it would be worth taking a look at the work in progress. At IN-EX, the management is an absolute partner in giving young, budding engineers the opportunity to gain experience outside the office, as many of us have no prior background in construction. Blog post by Alexandra Takács, our electrical engineer 👇 #bim #revit #engineerlife #engineering #construction
Since autumn 2024, our company has been an active member of the association “Together for Future Engineers” (EJMSZ). The member companies of the association try to assist, support and intensify the relationship between educational institutions, economic operators and representatives of the engineering profession with their direct experience in order to increase the prestige and popularity of the profession. Csenge Tóth, one of our architects, will support her mentor for 7 months as they look to gain more insight into architectural design and the practicalities of the profession. #ejmsz #togetherforfutureengineers #engineering #education #engineercareer
We have previously reported on the general outlines of our Hydro aluminium foundry project in Székesfehérvár. By focusing on the designing process and the aspect of civil engineering, now we would like to briefly present the most interesting part of the technology, namely the casting pits. During the casting process, the molten aluminium is cleaned of dissolved gases and other physical impurities, and the molten metal is then fed through channels to one of two casting stations. During the crystallising process, heat is removed here by cooling water to create the circular aluminium ingots. This process is served by the two casting pits, which are made up of the following units from bottom to top: between -25 m and -12 m, the hydraulic working cylinder of the casting table is housed in a closed steel tube with a diameter of 1.10 m, which is fixed by concrete lining in an external steel tube with a diameter of 1.80 m. The outer pipe was required to contain the working area and was inserted into a 2.00 m diameter drill hole, followed by 5.00 m of concrete backfill with slurry support to prevent floating and finally the concrete-lined “utility pipe” to contain the working cylinder. Read more on our blog 👇 #hydro #castingtechnology #civilengineering #manufacturing #engineeringdesign #sustainabletechnology #industrialinnovation #recycling #constructionengineering #foundry #technologyintegration #aluminiumindustry #processengineering #greenmanufacturing #projectmanagement #BIM
We were delighted to welcome the students attending the BIM specialization of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) in our office: First of all, our HR-generalist Bányász Andrea explained how our general design office is structured, what kind of projects we have had in the past years. Then our project coordinator Bence Emődi took the floor and introduced the key role of project management. Next came a presentation by our BIM expert Zita Zsoldos, who showed the students the functionality and benefits of our unique applications that support BIM design. After a short lunch break, structural engineer Gábor Pljesovszki gave a comprehensive technical presentation on the relationship between structures and BIM. The day was closed with a joint presentation by Zsolt Oláh, Gábor Pirnát and Péter Bodnár on “BIM-based design for engineering”, which showed how to minimise design errors, increase efficiency and support the entire project cycle from design to construction. It is of paramount importance for us to support and inspire the next generation of engineers. We always welcome enthusiastic young people who are interested in the profession, and we are proud to be able to guide them with our experience and knowledge. We believe that through shared experience and knowledge sharing, we shape the professional community of the future. #BIM #CivilEngineering #BME #Budapest #CareerDevelopment #Engineering #NextGenEngineers #KnowledgeSharing #BIMDesign #ProjectManagement #StructuralEngineering #FutureofEngineering
Hydro Extrusion Hungary Kft., led by a Norwegian parent company, is building a new aluminium foundry in Székesfehérvár, Hungary, where 90,000 tonnes of aluminium will be produced annually by recycling production and other waste aluminium. Compared to the production from bauxite, this means 95% less energy consumption. It is a site-specific feature that since the first halls were built, the city has grown around the area, this is why the protection of the area against noise and dust was a key concern; therefore, the entire production and storage process is located in an enclosed space inside the building. One half of the hall is used for the storage and the preparation of aluminium scrap, which is then transferred from here to the production side. Here the material is melted, cleaned of other metals and impurities, and then transferred to casting pits more than 10 m deep (altogether 25 m, including the hydraulic work cylinder) below floor level. In these casting pits, 8 m long aluminium billets are produced using vertical casting technology. The billets are then cut to size by machines in the sawing area. The sawing machines have been isolated by using the house-in-house system in order to protect the workers from high noise exposure. The hall also includes the office building, where the changing rooms and canteen are located, in addition to the workplaces for the administrative staff. The roof surfaces and the parking area have also been designed to be suitable for the installation of solar panels, so that in addition to supplying all the energy for the office building, part of the production can also be covered by renewable energy. More information and pictures in our blog post 👇 #bim #generaldesigning #HydroExtrusionHungary #aluminiumfoundry #Székesfehérvár #aluminiumrecycling #sustainability #greenindustry #energyefficiency #renewableenergy #solarpower #innovation #industrialdevelopment