Elaboration of an inventory of national intangible cultural heritage

  • Financial assistance:
    • US$ 99,230 granted in 2023
  • Dates of implementation:
    • 01/12/2023 - 30/06/2025
  • Documents:

Benefitting country(ies): Rwanda


Implemented by the Rwandan National Commission for UNESCO, this eighteen-month project aims to develop the first inventory of the intangible cultural heritage of Rwanda and to support the government’s national safeguarding efforts. The project involves: (a) implementing a capacity-building training workshop about the Convention and the importance of intangible cultural heritage, including training on relevant techniques and tools; (b) conducting community-based inventories; (c) collecting and analysing information on intangible cultural heritage in the communities; and (d) organizing awareness-raising meetings in the communities. Other activities include consulting over 300 project stakeholders, including community members, government entities and researchers. Fieldwork will also be conducted to inventory intangible cultural heritage throughout the country, and the collected materials and data will be digitalized. The project is expected to contribute to the strengthening of existing resources in the field of living heritage. It will benefit communities and cultural professionals in Rwanda, who will be able to carry out safeguarding activities in the future. It is also intended that national authorities use the results of the inventories to prepare a nomination file for inscription of an element on the Representative List.

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