Opening ceremony of the sixteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
© UNESCO/Christelle ALIX

The sixteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage was held fully online from 13 to 18 December 2021.

Mr Punchi Nilame Meegaswatte, Secretary-General - Sri Lanka National Commission for UNESCO, chaired this annual gathering which brought together hundreds of participants – representatives of States Parties, non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions and other stakeholders – from across the globe.

Committee Members

Bureau: composition & meetings

Azerbaijan, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Czechia, Djibouti, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Morocco, Netherlands, Panama, Peru, Poland, Republic of Korea, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland and Togo


Files presented for this session

Inscriptions: see the new elements inscribed

  • 18 reports on an element inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List (item 7.a)
  • 28 reports on the implementation of the 2003 Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List by States Parties in Latin America and the Caribbean (item 7.b)
  • 1 report by States non party on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List (item 7.c)
  • 6 nominations to the Urgent Safeguarding List (item 8.a)
  • 48 nominations to the Representative List (item 8.b)
  • 5 proposals to the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices (item 8.c)
  • 1 request for International Assistance (item 8.d)
  • 46 accreditation requests submitted by NGOs (item 15)
  • 66 activity reports of accredited NGOs for review (item 15)

Agenda and documents

 Item of the agendaDocumentsRecordings*
1Opening LHE/21/16.COM/INF.1: English|French
General Information 
2021-12-13 10:15: English|French|VO (video)
2Adoption of the agenda


LHE/21/16.COM/2 Rev.2: English|French

LHE/21/16.COM/INF.2.1 Rev.4: English|French
Provisional timetable
LHE/21/16.COM/INF.2.2 Rev.10: English|French
Provisional list of documents 
2021-12-13 10:50: English|French|VO (video)


LHE/21/16.COM/3: English|French
2021-12-13 11:12: English|French|VO (video)
4Adoption of the summary records of the fifteenth session of the Committee


LHE/21/16.COM/4: English|French
Summary Records of the fifteenth session of the Committee 
2021-12-13 11:25: English|French|VO (video)
5.aReport by the Committee to the General Assembly on its activities (January 2020 to December 2021)


LHE/21/16.COM/5.a Rev.: English|French
2021-12-18 12:57: English|French|VO (video)
5.bReport by the Secretariat on its activities (January 2020 to June 2021)


LHE/21/16.COM/5.b Rev.: English|French
2021-12-13 11:30: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-13 14:15: English|French|VO (video)
6Modification of the name of an inscribed element


LHE/21/16.COM/6: English|French
2021-12-13 14:30: English|French|VO (video)
7.aExamination of the reports by States Parties on the current status of elements inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding LHE/21/16.COM/7.a: English|French
See the 18 reports 
2021-12-13 14:38: English|French|VO (video)
7.bExamination of the reports of the first cycle of periodic reporting on the implementation of the Convention and on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by States Parties in Latin America and the Caribbean


LHE/21/16.COM/7.b: English|French
See the 28 reports 
2021-12-13 15:15: English|French|VO (video)
7.cExamination of the reports by States non party on the current status of elements inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity


LHE/21/16.COM/7.c: English|French
See the report 
2021-12-13 17:00: English|French|VO (video)
7.dReports by States Parties on the use of International Assistance from the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund


LHE/21/16.COM/7.d: English|French
2021-12-14 10:15: English|French|VO (video)
8Report of the Evaluation Body on its work in 2021


LHE/21/16.COM/8: English|French

Order of files Rev.5 / Ordre des dossiers Rev.5: English|French
2021-12-14 11:50: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-14 14:15: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-16 11:55: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-16 14:15: English|French|VO (video)
8.aExamination of nominations for inscription on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding LHE/21/16.COM/8.a Add.: English|French
See the 6 nominations 
2021-12-14 14:51: English|French|VO (video)
8.bExamination of nominations for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity LHE/21/16.COM/8.b Rev.2+Add.3: English|French
See the 48 nominations 
2021-12-14 16:30: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-15 10:10: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-15 14:15: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-16 10:25: English|French|VO (video)
8.cExamination of proposals to the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices LHE/21/16.COM/8.c Rev.: English|French
See the 5 proposals 
2021-12-16 11:20: English|French|VO (video)
8.dExamination of requests for International Assistance


LHE/21/16.COM/8.d: English|French
See the request 
2021-12-16 11:42: English|French|VO (video)
9Report of the non-governmental organizations forum


LHE/21/16.COM/9: English|French
2021-12-17 10:15: English|French|VO (video)
10IOS Evaluation (2021) of UNESCO’s action in the framework of the 2003 Convention


LHE/21/16.COM/10 Rev.: English|French

LHE/21/16.COM/INF.10 Rev.: English|French
Evaluation of UNESCO’s action in the framework of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (final report) 
2021-12-17 11:50: English|French|VO (video)
11Follow-up on elements inscribed on the Lists of the Convention


LHE/21/16.COM/11 Rev,: English|French
2021-12-17 14:15: English|French|VO (video)
12Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund: voluntary supplementary contributions and other issues


LHE/21/16.COM/12: English|French
2021-12-17 14:27: English|French|VO (video)
13Draft plan for the use of the resources of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund in 2022–2023


LHE/21/16.COM/13: English|French

LHE/21/16.COM/INF.13.1: English|French
Financial report for the period 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2021
LHE/21/16.COM/INF.13.2: English|French
Implementation report of the spending plan for the ‘other functions of the Committee’ 1 January 2018 to 30 June 2021 
2021-12-17 14:48: English|French|VO (video)
14Reflection on the listing mechanisms of the Convention and proposal for related revisions to the Operational Directives


LHE/21/16.COM/14: English|French

LHE/21/16.COM/INF.14: English|French
Summary Records of the Open-ended intergovernmental working group meeting in the framework of the global reflection on the listing mechanisms of the 2003 Convention (Part I and Part II) 
2021-12-17 15:25: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-18 10:15: English|French|VO (video)
15Accreditation of new non-governmental organizations and review of accredited non-governmental organizations


LHE/21/16.COM/15: English|French
See the 46 accreditation requests and the 66 activity reports for review 
2021-12-18 11:10: English|French|VO (video)
16Establishment of the Evaluation Body for the 2022 cycle


LHE/21/16.COM/16 Rev.3: English|French
2021-12-14 11:36: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-16 10:15: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-17 15:10: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-18 12:32: English|French|VO (video)
17Date and venue of the seventeenth session of the Committee


LHE/21/16.COM/17: English|French
2021-12-18 12:41: English|French|VO (video)
18Election of the members of the Bureau of the seventeenth session of the Committee


LHE/21/16.COM/18: English|French
2021-12-18 12:47: English|French|VO (video)
19Other business:
- Request by Haiti to examine the nomination ‘Joumou soup’


LHE/21/16.COM/19: English|French
See the nomination 
2021-12-16 15:00: English|French|VO (video)
2021-12-18 12:56: English|French|VO (video)
20Adoption of the list of decisions  2021-12-18 13:16: English|French|VO (video)
21Closure  2021-12-18 13:19: English|French|VO (video)