Safeguarding and inventories of children's tales and narratives in Mauritania

  • Financial assistance:
    • US$ 87,460 granted in 2023
  • Dates of implementation:
    • 04/12/2023 - 30/06/2025
  • Documents:

Benefitting country(ies): Mauritania


Implemented by Association Maison des Théâtres, this eighteen-month project aims to safeguard children’s tales and narratives in Mauritania by creating an inventory and ensuring the transmission of the practice to future generations. The project involves the implementation of community workshops on how to develop participatory inventories, followed by the identification and inventorying of children’s tales and narratives across Mauritania. The tales identified during the inventorying process will be transmitted through a series of workshops targeting youth. Existing storytellers will organize a series of theoretical and practical workshops on how to recite tales and narratives for children. The participants of this workshop will transmit the practice within their communities in the future. Communication materials will be created to spread awareness about living heritage and to disseminate the collected stories and narratives in writing. This project is expected to revitalize the practice of children’s tales and narratives and to contribute to the safeguarding of Mauritania’s intangible cultural heritage in general. The workshops will increase national capacities to plan and conduct inventorying activities. By supporting opportunities in education and theatre, the project will provide resources for educational activities among the communities concerned.

07/10/2020 - 31/07/2025 – Capacity building for stakeholders involved in safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage in Burkina Faso01/12/2023 - 30/06/2025 – Elaboration of an inventory of national intangible cultural heritage
