Xhubleta, skills, craftmanship and forms of usage

  • Financial assistance:
    • US$ 91,092 granted in 2022
  • Dates of implementation:
    • 28/12/2023 - 31/12/2025

Benefitting country(ies): Albania


This two-year safeguarding programme aims to support efforts to enhance the practice and transmission of Xhubleta craftsmanship in northern Albania. It has three main objectives: ensuring the needed infrastructure for the revitalization of the craft, enhancing the capacities of bearers to make Xhubleta and increasing the visibility of Xhubleta and of intangible cultural heritage values among the community. The proposed activities include identifying and creating a network of bearers, establishing a training centre, acquiring the necessary weaving looms and materials, and producing audiovisual documentation of the activities to support future safeguarding efforts as well as project assessment and sustainability. To enhance the capacities of key stakeholders, the programme will organize four workshops for bearers, community members and textile university students on intangible cultural heritage. Increasing the element’s visibility will entail developing a brochure and digital platform containing interviews with participants and educational materials, and organizing a local event where bearers can exchange knowledge, demonstrate the art of making Xhubleta to communities and raise awareness nationally and internationally. The programme will be implemented by the Ministry of Culture, in collaboration with the Municipality of Malësi e Madhe, the ‘Jehona e Kelmendit’ Association, the ‘Gruaja tek Gruaja’ association and ARTE Foundation.

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