11 March 2013 - 15 March 2013


Dominican Republic on the road to the implementation of the 2003 Convention

11 March 2013 - 15 March 2013
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
Capacity-building workshop

More than 25 specialists from governmental and non-governmental institutions, universities and community representatives of different regions of the Dominican Republic will participate in the first workshop on the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage that will be held in Santo Domingo from 11 to 15 March.

Conducted by the UNESCO-trained facilitators, Ms Adriana Molano from Colombia and Mr Edis Sánchez from Dominican Republic, the workshop intends to provide an overview of the objectives and key safeguarding concepts of the 2003 Convention as well as the national obligations of States Parties and the mechanisms for international cooperation. Its goal is to create a critical mass of both governmental and civil society actors to lay the first foundations of a sustainable framework for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in the long term.

With this activity, the Regional Office for Culture for Latin America and the Caribbean of UNESCO, with the collaboration of the Dominican National Commission for UNESCO, launch in Dominican Republic the regional project for strengthening capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in the Caribbean which will be implemented throughout 2013, with the funding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund thanks to the generous contribution of Norway.

