7 October 2013 - 11 October 2013


Training on the use of the mechanisms of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage

7 October 2013 - 11 October 2013
La Havana
Capacity-building workshop

From 7 to 11 October, the Regional Bureau for Culture in Latin America and the Caribbean is organizing a capacity-building workshop on preparing nominations to the Lists of UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The workshop will bring together about twenty participants from Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic who already benefited in their respective countries from an intensive training on the implementation of the Convention at the national level, within the regional project for strengthening national capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage, funded through the generous contribution of Norway to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund.

Facilitated by two UNESCO-trained experts, Adriana Molano Arenas from Colombia and Fabián Bedón Samaniego from Ecuador, this workshop is to provide participants with additional training on the preparation of nominations as processes of mobilization of the wide range of stakeholders involved in safeguarding intangible cultural heritage - and first and foremost communities - as well as of design of safeguarding plans tailored to the specific contexts and conditions for practising a given intangible cultural heritage element.

