Spiritual support during Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)
 © National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO

Spiritual support during Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)

National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO

Traditionally sacred sites and pilgrimage practices have always included praying for Mother Earth, people and animals, as well as spiritual offerings for ancestor spirits and guardians, especially during calamities.
During these difficult times for the whole humanity related to the spread of COVID-19, Aigine Cultural Research Center together with the network of traditional practitioners and sacred site guardians have been organizing praying sessions and conducting individual offering rituals by continuing the ancient traditions.
The words of wisdom, support and praying for the wellbeing of humanity by our practitioners came from different corners of the Kyrgyz Republic in a form of video and audio messages.
These messages were spread to the people through social networks and social messaging. Our sacred site guardians are conducting offering and praying rituals at the sacred sites asking the spirits for speedy recovery and restoring the natural balance.
The staff members of the Aigine CRC coordinated participation of a spiritual practitioner from Alai, Zulfiya Ibraim kyzy in a global event, We Heard You Mother Earth, Prayer to take an oath to live in harmony, organized and hosted by the International Center for Cultural Studies on May 9, 2020 with a 3 minute praying.
Aigine CRC mobilized members of the Ensemble of 1000 komuz players from around the country, who played the melody of Mash Botoi to alleviate the lockdown mood and remind people about the beauty of life and music.
As a reminder of spiritual roots and wisdom of our ancestors, Aigine CRC was able to broadcast two short documentaries about the sacred sites of Alai-Kuu region and remind our fellow citizens that one can always tap into our heritage and ancestor spirits to obtain inner strength and peace of mind.
Every day, the center also broadcasts recitation of the epic trilogy – Manas, Semetei, Seitek, a 67-hour long recitation of all the trilogy episodes in chronological chanted by contemporary Manaschy. It is believed that the recitation of Manas drives away all the negative energies and evil spirits and purifies soul of the listener.
The Kyrgyz traditional and spiritual practitioners hold a strong belief that the rich intangible cultural and spiritual heritage of humanity will overthrow all the negative and dark energies and people will collectively start returning to their roots restoring balance and harmony in the world again.

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