Aspect de l'épopée maure T'heydinne
© DPC-Ministère mauritanien de la culture
17 October 2013

As part of a larger project concerning Morocco, Mauritania and Tunisia, the UNESCO Rabat Office is organizing its first training workshop on the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Kaédi, Mauritania, from 22 to 26 October 2013.

This workshop, organized thanks to a generous contribution from Norway to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund, will be jointly led by Mr Ahmed Skounti and Mr Mohamed Ould Mohamed Lemine Beijeu, both UNESCO facilitators in the field of intangible heritage, and will be attended by around twenty participants including officials from the Ministry of Culture, NGOs, and representatives of the local communities concerned.

The primary aim of this first activity is to ensure that the key concepts of the Convention are well understood and integrated by the various stakeholders for the safeguarding of the living heritage of Mauritania; it will be followed by a series of other targeted activities over the next months.
