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4 March 2021

Intangible cultural heritage (ICH) education is essential for understanding our own histories and cultures, as well as those of our neighbours, fostering understanding, empathy and a better understanding of our shared humanity. Teachers, education managers, heritage practitioners and the general public now have new resources available in the recent survey report “Teaching and learning with and about intangible cultural heritage in Asia and the Pacific: survey report”.

A joint undertaking between UNESCO Bangkok and the International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICHCAP), the publication presents for the first time a systematic overview of the current state of ICH education in the region as well as general issues and trends. The report covers a wide variety of subjects and activities in which teachers integrate ICH, the types of ICH are the most popular for using in schools, and the most feasible entry points.

The publication also details the challenges that teachers face, the support that is currently available to them, and the imperative to make practices more effective. Case studies give a deeper understanding of how teaching and learning using ICH is currently taking place, serving as an inspiration for other teachers. The publication is a part of ongoing efforts to enhance the safeguarding of the region’s ICH and achieve quality, inclusive education.

The report is accessible at the UNESCO Digital Library.

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