Trigonometry with traditional ladder making

APCEIU, ICHCAP & UNESCO (2022). Bringing living heritage to the classroom in Asia-Pacific: a resource kit. Bangkok: UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Bangkok.
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This mathematics lesson plan is tailored for 9th-grade students in Nepal, focusing on the exploration of geometric properties of triangles and trigonometric functions. It aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-life applications. The lesson plan encourages students to work in small groups alongside local artisans from the local community. During this collaborative experience, they will observe and actively participate in the ladder-making process, which involves taking precise length and angle measurements. This hands-on approach allows students to compare the theoretical formulas they’ve learned in the classroom with practical, real-world applications. The ultimate goal is to empower students to leverage their understanding of trigonometric functions to calculate, draft blueprints, and construct ladders with various triangle angles. This approach not only enhances students’ math skills but also underscores the practical relevance of trigonometry in their lives.

Country: Nepal

Pages in document: 178-179

Related project or programme: Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in Formal Education in Asia and the Pacific

English | Khmer | Nepali | Russian | Thai
