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ALTA Advocates

ALTA Advocates

Jasa Hukum

Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 1.383 pengikut

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ALTA Advocates is an Indonesian law firm that offers a wide range of corporate, commercial and technology legal services. Our services include matters related to general corporate, merger & acquisition, investment, capital markets, banking & finance, debt restructuring, startups & venture capitals, privacy and data protection, cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence (AI), web3, TMT, ESG, fintech, and intellectual property. With our solid expertise and experience, and combined with the good understanding of local knowledge, we are fully committed to deliver high quality, innovative and practical legal solutions. We also maintain close relationships with reputable regional and international law firms to allow us to deliver seamless service to clients having cross-border transactions. We believe in building long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with our clients.

Jasa Hukum
Ukuran perusahaan
2-10 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
Tahun Pendirian


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    Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.45 - 46 3, RT.3/RW.4, Karet Semanggi, Kec. Setiabudi

    Sampoerna Strategic Square - North Tower, 12th Floor #1203

    Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12930, ID

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Karyawan di ALTA Advocates


  • Today marks our first anniversary -- A significant milestone for us! As we celebrate this, we extend our deepest gratitude to our valued clients, partners, and team members for their trust and support throughout this journey. Moving forward, ALTA Advocates remains committed to serving our valued clients with integrity, ingenuity, and compassion, to become the law firm of choice and beneficial to society. Here’s to many more years ahead! Onward and Upward! #ALTAAdvocates

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  • ALTA Advocates held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to discuss "Enforcement of Penal Provisions in Law No. 27/2022 on Personal Data Protection" on February 5, 2025. The discussion was moderated by our Partner, Raditya Kosasih, and featured the following speakers: 1. Prof. Dr. Sinta Dewi Rosadi, S.H., LL.M. (Professor of Personal Data Protection Law at Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran); 2. Tuaman Manurung, SH, MH, CLA, C.Med (Head of the Sub-Team for Regulation and Policy within the Policy Strategy Team for Informatics Application Governance and Personal Data Protection at the Ministry of Communications and Digital Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia / Ketua Sub tim Regulasi dan Kebijakan, Tim Strategi Kebijakan Tata Kelola Aplikasi Informatika dan Perlindungan Data Pribadi, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital RI ); 3. Dr. Ratih Andrawina Suminar, S.H., M.H. (Coordinator at Banten High Prosecutor Office); 4. Marsya Mutmainah Handayani, S.H., LL.M (Criminal Law Lecturer at Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia); and 5. Pahrur Dalimunthe (Managing Partner at DNT Lawyers). The FGD was also attended by representatives from the following institutions: 1. Ministry of Communication and Digital of Republic of Indonesia;  2. The Directorate of Cyber Crime of Criminal Investigation Agency of Indonesian National Police or Direktorat Tindak Pidana Siber Bareskrim Polri; 3. National Cyber and Crypto Agency or Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara; 4. Indonesian Telecommunication Providers Association (Asosiasi Penyelenggara Telekomunikasi Seluruh Indonesia - ATSI); 5. Indonesian Information Technology Lawyers Association (Perkumpulan Advokat Teknologi Informasi Indonesia - PERATIN); 6. Association of Financial Sector Personal Data Protection Practitioners (Perkumpulan Pegiat Pelindungan Data Pribadi Sektor Keuangan); 7. Law firms; and 8. Lecturer team from Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia. We are committed to actively engaging in ongoing discussions and collaborative efforts to strengthen personal data protection, address emerging challenges, and contribute to the development of policies and frameworks that ensure the privacy and protection of individuals' personal data. #ALTAAdvocates

  • Congratulations to Orange Dental on securing US$1.5 million in funding, led by Northstar Group. Led by our partner Dimas Triandhanu Utomo, alongside associates Dyah Ayu S. and Daffa Ridho, ALTA Advocates is proud to have advised Orange Dental on this milestone as it continues reshaping the future of dental care in Indonesia. The ALTA team remains committed to supporting Orange Dental in expanding its footprint, developing innovative clinic concepts, and advancing its mission to provide ethical, transparent, and affordable dental care across Indonesia. Onward and upward. #ALTAAdvocates

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  • Constitutional Court decision over Employment Law amendments in the Job Creation Law Judicial Review Summary – ALTA Insight The Job Creation Law was intended to create job opportunities for the Indonesian populace. This includes several significant amendments to the original Employment Law, i.e. Law No. 13 of 2003. However, the Constitutional Court (Mahkamah Konstitusi) of the Republic of Indonesia has decided that these significant amendments have caused more harm than good for employees and did not accommodate for constitutional rights of citizens of Indonesia pursuant to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The Constitutional Court pursuant to its Decision No. 168/PUU/XXI/2023 (“MK Decision 168/2023”) had partially granted the petitioner’s claims, particularly on the issues of: (a) prioritisation of local talent, (b) fixed-term employment agreement, (c) outsourcing arrangement, (d) wages, (e) mandatory rest days, (f) termination of employment, and (g) severance payment. The MK Decision 168/2023 has given the instruction to the legislators to not only amend, but issue a completely new employment law, considering that its current form has gone through multiple judicial reviews and amendments. In the meantime, companies and employers shall ensure that its employment and human resources policies have complied with the amendments to the Employment Law under the MK Decision 168/2023. Read more about the MK Decision 168/2023 on and stay connected for upcoming ALTA Insight

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  • Our Partner, Raditya Kosasih, were invited by to provide training to PT Pertamina Hulu Energi on the importance of Records of Processing Activities (ROPA) in the implementation of Personal Data Protection (PDP). ROPA is not merely a list of personal data that is being processed by data controller or processor; but it also serves as an evidence to achieve transparency and accountability of data processing activities to data subjects. Through this discussion, the company gained insights into the significance of ROPA and the best practices for its implementation within the industry. If you are interested in discussing personal data protection in Indonesia, please feel free to contact us! #ALTAAdvocates #dataprotection #dataprivacy #pdp #dpo

  • The Ministry of Communication and Digital (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Digital or Komdigi) recently issued the Ministry of Communication and Digital Regulation No. 1 of 2025, which regulates the functions, the new organizational structure, including the roles and responsibilities of each function within Komdigi. President Prabowo Subianto wants Komdigi to focus on digitalization while also fighting for the eradication of online gambling. This new organization structure will also provide clarity on the unit that will be responsible in ensuring the implementation of personal data protection, amidst the unclarity of the Personal Data Protection Authority (Lembaga PDP) mandated by PDP Law. Read more about the new organizational structure of Komdigi below, and stay connected for the upcoming ALTA Regulation Alert. You can access and download the PDF version of the Regulation below. #ALTAAdvocates

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  • Congratulations to HLA on the Opening of the First Branch in Indonesia! We are delighted to celebrate this significant milestone with HLA!  As HLA continues its expansion across Southeast Asia, the opening of the very first branch in Indonesia marks the international brand’s commitment to providing high-quality menswear products that bring color to Indonesia’s fashion industry. Fronted by our Managing Partner Dimas Triandhanu Utomo, and supported by Agnes Galuh Simamora and Daffa Ridho with guidance from our Partner I. Fajar Ramadhan, we are honored to have played a role in the structuring and legal framework that made this expansion a success. At ALTA Advocates, we believe in growing together with our clients. Supporting HLA Indonesia in this remarkable journey is both a privilege and a source of pride for our team. Here’s to the beginning of an exciting chapter in Indonesia and many more achievements to come! #ALTAAdvocates

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  • We had the honor of conducting Personal Data Protection (PDP) awareness session, led by our Partner, Raditya Kosasih, for PT Lautan Luas Tbk. The session provided general awareness on the PDP Law in Indonesia and practical implementation by Indonesian public companies. PDP awareness session is essential not only for raising awareness within your internal team, but also for introducing the framework and compliance requirements of PDP Law. It emphasizes the urgency for employees to take necessary steps to protect personal data, including understanding the risks and potential consequences of mishandling personal data. If you are interested in organizing an in-house training on Personal Data Protection in your organization, please do not hesitate to contact us. #ALTAAdvocates #dataprotection #dataprivacy #pdp #dpo

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