Beyond numbers and monetary gains, in Pesisir Lestari, we celebrate collaboration with multiple stakeholders. It is proven that our recent achievement in building the map of potential OECM sites in Indonesia is resulted from meaningful collaboration with multiple stakeholders. The collaboration is very worth to be celebrated by everyone that is involved in this. Barakalla Robyn Dieri Tarau Beby Pane Faridz Rizal Fachri Agriani Dewinta Galih Nur Fitriyani Armyanda T. I Made Dharma Jaya Aryawan Felin Sri Wahyuni Karya #inclusiveconservation #communityledconservation #oecm #collaborationforchange #sustainablefuture
Social Innovation Strategist | Founder of Open Innovation Hub | Chairperson of Pesisir Lestari -- Achieving sustainable impacts with Social Innovation approach.
Personal lessons that I learned this week: True success in an organization isn’t always measured in numbers or monetary gains—sometimes, it’s about the impact we create together. 🌍💙 Recently, Pesisir Lestari team reached a significant milestone by mapping thousands of potential OECM (Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures) sites, thanks to contributions from multiple stakeholders. These data points were digitized into hundreds of polygons, culminating in a new and updated map that reveals potential economic values of natural resources in Indonesia’s coastal areas, all managed inclusively by the local communities themselves. 🌿 This achievement, however, isn’t just about data or potential financial gain—it’s about the power of collaboration and collective action. Governments, academia, NGOs, and community groups worked hand-in-hand to build the OECM framework in Indonesia. In a world that often prioritizes financial outcomes, it’s so important to remember that achievements like these—those that foster sustainability, protect ecosystems, and uplift communities—are worth celebrating even more. 🎉 To everyone involved, take pride in this remarkable achievement. You’ve helped create something lasting and impactful, and that’s worth more than any monetary success. 🙌 #CommunityLedConservation #OECM #ImpactOverProfit #CoastalConservation #CollaborationForChange #SustainableFuture #PesisirLestari