Libur panjang sudah di depan mata! Sebelum mudik, pastikan kamu sudah melakukan beberapa hal ini agar perjalanan lebih tenang dan nyaman🚗✨ #teamcimbniaga
CIMB Niaga
Jakarta, DKI 343.779 pengikut
Your journey starts from You #KejarMimpi
Tentang kami
CIMB Niaga was established as Bank Niaga in 1955. CIMB Group holds around 97.9% of the stakes in CIMB Niaga (including PT Commerce Kapital 1.02%). The Bank offers a comprehensive suite of both conventional and Islamic banking products and services, through an expanding delivery channel network of 919 network channels all over Indonesia as at 30 June 2015, including 563 branches, 271 Mikro Laju units (excluding 18 co-located), 65 cash/payment points (including 21 Digital Lounges) and 20 mobile branches. CIMB Niaga has 15,078 employees as at 30 June 2015. CIMB Niaga consistently continue to innovate in the midst of competitive market. CIMB Niaga put customer centric approach to strengthen its positioning in Indonesia banking industry. And for that reason, CIMB Niaga introduced the new brand positioning ‘Inovasi dari Hati’ at the beginning of the year 2015. The new brand positioning also encourages people to share high growth and take advantage of all the potential that the South-East Asia regions bring – in line with CIMB Group’s brand positioning: “ASEAN for You”. CIMB Group is Malaysia’s second largest financial services provider and one of ASEAN’s leading universal banking groups. It offers consumer banking, investment banking, Islamic banking, asset management and insurance products and services. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, the Group is now present in 9 out of 10 ASEAN nations (Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos). Beyond ASEAN, the Group has market presence in China, Hong Kong, Bahrain, India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the US, UK and Korea. CIMB Group is listed on the Malaysian stock exchange via CIMB Group Holdings Berhad. As at 30 June 2015, the Group had a market capitalization of USD46.4 billion and about 44,000 employees located in 17 countries.
- Website
Link eksternal untuk CIMB Niaga
- Industri
- Perbankan
- Ukuran perusahaan
- 10.001+ karyawan
- Kantor Pusat
- Jakarta, DKI
- Jenis
- Perusahaan Publik
- Tahun Pendirian
- 1955
Graha CIMB Niaga
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 58
Jakarta, DKI 12190, ID
Karyawan di CIMB Niaga
What happens when you put inspiring alumni, fun activities, and hundreds of passionate TCBs in one room? Magic✨ Meet Alanii, one of our The Complete Banker trainees who participated in this insightful event. Read to find out more about her experience! #teamcimbniaga #thecompletebanker
CIMB Niaga membagikan ini
Midday musings for The Complete Banker™️Associates from CIMB Niaga and CIMB Thai Bank with Novan Amiruddin, Group CEO of CIMB! Providing a space for our young talents to get up close and personal with our Group CEO during their regional rotation in Malaysia in key to maxisiming their growth and expanding their personal horizons ✨ We are excited to be part of their growth, and can't wait for more. Interested to be a part of this experience? Visit 🔗 #MovingForwardWithYou #KITABAGIJADI #ForwardYourCareer #EPICC
THE COMPLETE INTERN IS HIRING!🚀✨ Kesempatan magang terbaik buat kamu yang ingin belajar, berkembang, dan terlibat langsung dalam proyek nyata. Jangan sampai ketinggalan, yuk daftar sekarang! #teamcimbniaga #thecomoleteintern
Kelola keuangan dengan cerdas, masa depan pun makin mantap! Yuk intip 3 tips jitu agar dompet tetap aman dan finansial makin sehat✨ Swipe untuk tahu rahasia nya⏭️ #teamcimbniaga
Larangan Gratifikasi kepada Manajemen & Karyawan CIMB Niaga Sesuai dengan Komitmen Antisuap & Korupsi CIMB Niaga dan menghindari tindakan gratifikasi serta penyalahgunaan wewenang jabatan, maka kami menghimbau Bapak/Ibu untuk tidak memberikan parsel/bingkisan, tunjangan hari raya atau hadiah dalam bentuk apapun kepada Komisaris, Direktur serta seluruh karyawan CIMB Niaga, termasuk keluarga tanpa terkecuali. Laporkan kecurigaan pelanggaran melalui Whistleblowing System kami di Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, silahkan kunjungi situs web CIMB Niaga. #CIMBNiaga #AntiSuapdanKorupsi #AntiGratifikasi
Mau apply kerja? Yuk, maksimalkan peluang diterima dengan 4 tips penting ini✨ Persiapkan diri sebaik mungkin dan raih karier impianmu bersama CIMB Niaga! #teamcimbniaga
CIMB Niaga membagikan ini
Fresh grads, your journey starts here 🌟 CIMB Niaga’s Enterprise Business Banking Development Program offers the opportunity to learn, grow, and make a real impact. Build your career through mentorship and hands-on experience. 🚀 Apply now to kickstart your career! Feel free to connect and DM for more details. #Banking #FreshTalent #CIMBNiaga #BankingCareers #BusinessBanking #Bankers #JobVacancies #NowHiring #CreditAnalyst #TalentReady #LowonganKerja #DevelopmentProgram
🚀 Welcome Onboard, CIPTA IT 2025! 🚀 Saatnya berkreasi, berinovasi, dan membangun masa depan bersama. Bersiaplah untuk perjalanan penuh tantangan, kolaborasi, dan terobosan baru di CIMB Niaga! #CIPTAIT #teamcimbniaga
Di CIMB Niaga, ada banyak jalan untuk berkembang! Plan A, Plan B, atau Plan C, semua dirancang untuk talenta muda dengan potensi besar! Pilih jalur yang paling cocok untukmu dan mulailah perjalanan karirmu bersama kami🚀#teamcimbniaga