Thank you to Enterprise Ireland and Eoghan O'Briain for always going above and beyond for Irish businesses both at home and abroad. St. Patrick's Day above all days is such a great opportunity to spread the word of Irish tradition and innovation. Thank you to our Combilift Brasil team on the ground in Brazil who work hand in hand with our customers and Enterprise Ireland alike to grow our brand and provide the safest, most efficient and cost effective solutions in the material handling space. #Combilift #LiftingInnovation #StPatricksDay #Partnership #Irish #Brazil
It was an honour to welcome Minister Sean Canney to Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro this week to mark St. Patrick's Day. We were delighted for the Minister to meet Irish companies with major operations in Brazil including Combilift and Kerry Group as well as the many others in the Irish business community and their partners who attended events. A huge thank you to Ambassador Fiona Flood, Consul Robert Jackson and the whole team at the Irish Consulate in Sao Paulo!