Bring Them Home Now

Bring Them Home Now

Civic and Social Organizations


We are the families and friends of hundreds of innocent abductees from 25 nationalities taken hostage by Hamas. We are not a political organization - the entire headquarters are operating on a completely voluntary basis We formed the Hostage and Missing Families Forum Less than 24 hours after the horrific attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7th, in which thousands of innocent civilians were murdered and taken hostage by Hamas. The Forum is focused on bringing the hostages back home to their families, to us. The forum offers families holistic support and professional assistance and advances the ongoing efforts through all channels, locally, regionally and globally, to bring the hostages and the missing back home to their loved ones. Demanding the release of innocent hostages does not require bravery, it is not political either. Many of the hostages are children, women and the elderly. We demand to bring them home now. Counting thousands of volunteers and supporters, the Hostage and Missing Families Forum includes family members and friends of the hostages alongside top security, law, media and diplomacy experts who are donating their time to the cause. #Bringthemhomenow

אתר אינטרנט
Civic and Social Organizations
גודל החברה
1,001-5,000 עובדים
משרדים ראשיים
Tel Aviv


עובדים ב- Bring Them Home Now


  • צפייה בדף הארגון של Bring Them Home Now, גרפיקה

    15,300 עוקבים

    What an awful joke! Nominating UNRWA as a candidate for the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE? UNRWA Commissioner-General was presented with clear evidence that ties workers at a Palestinian aid agency in Gaza to violent acts during Hamas terror attack on Israel: An UNRAW teacher was recorded kidnapping women, another is said to have handed out ammunition to terrorists. A third was described as taking part in the massacre at a kibbutz, where 97 people were murdered. One of their social workers was captured taking the body of 21-year-old Yonatan Samerano in UNRWA’s truck into Gaza. UNRWA admitted that 9 of its employees may have been involved in the October 7th attacks. Terrorists don't get prizes.

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
  • צפייה בדף הארגון של Bring Them Home Now, גרפיקה

    15,300 עוקבים

    As the eve of Yom Kippur approaches, Ziv Abud wrote a heartfelt letter to her beloved partner, Eliya Cohen, who has been held hostage in Gaza for over a year: "Baby, Yom Kippur is in two days. Last year, the two of us spent the day with Amit and Karin. This year, I’m left alone. Every year, we sit together and reflect on the past year. We talk for hours about what went on that year— the things we want to change in ourselves; the things we want to keep the same. We talk about self-fulfillment, our partnership, and how we’ll take it to the next level. We dream of reaching new heights together, setting goals that will bring us closer to the summit. Baby, what am I going to do this year? Who will I talk to? What will I say? Should I say that this has been the worst year of my life? That I’ve been forced to learn endless lessons about faith? Every year, we wish each other an easy and meaningful fast. This year, I’m focusing on ‘meaningful.’ Let’s pray that this Yom Kippur brings the greatest meaning of all—that all injustice disappears. I pray that you come home. I’m waiting for you at home."

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
  • צפייה בדף הארגון של Bring Them Home Now, גרפיקה

    15,300 עוקבים

    The Nobel Peace Prize will be announced tomorrow, and UNRWA is one of the nominees. The idea that this organization may win a Nobel Peace Prize is unthinkable. Over the past year, since the horrific events of October 7th, evidence against UNRWA has been mounting. This includes footage of an UNRWA social worker taking the body of 21-year-old Yonatan Samerano, recordings of UNRWA teachers who kidnapped women, and UNRWA itself admitting that 9 of its employees may have been involved in the October 7th attacks.

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
  • צפייה בדף הארגון של Bring Them Home Now, גרפיקה

    15,300 עוקבים

    We must not forget the horrific moments from October 7th, the moments Nimrod Cohen was abducted into Gaza. Nimrod, the gunner in Tank #3 of battalion 77, joined the tank crew only 2 months prior to the day of the attack. Just like his friends, he was not expecting to fight for his life at 6:29 that morning. Only 2 tanks were located by a small base on the Gaza border, covering the 20 kilometers (13 miles) between Nir-Oz and Nirim. When the terror attack burst, the tanks split in order to defend the border as best as they could, to stem the tidal wave of destruction coming from Gaza. One tank headed north and Nimrod’s crew in tank #3 headed south. After a short while they had to turn back and head up north to assist the other tank that had been hit. Suddenly, Nimrod’s tank couldn’t move faster than 10 kph (6 mph) because of a breaks defect. At this paste, it was easy for the terrorists to put explosives on the tank, and indeed Hamas did that and fired an RPG missile at it. On a video published by Hamas that morning, tank #3 is seen smoking, surrounded by many terrorists and people who came dancing from Gaza, to join the celebration. As it is clearly seen on the video, that moments before the soldiers were choked in the burning tank, they were brutally pulled out by the terrorists. Yehuda, Nimrod’s father, talks about the abduction: “There are two phases to the abduction. You have the first phase that includes the abduction of Omer, Nimrod and Oz, because they came out of the tank, and the second phase when the mob steps into the tank, finds the body, and abducts it. The first phase is being executed by ‘regular terrorists’ and the second phase is done by the civilians who came from Gaza and joined like vultures, feeding from the leftovers”. On that video Nimrod is seen alive when taken by the terrorists. Captivity survivors, who came back, told his family that they saw him in Gaza and he is alive. Nimrod Cohen, 20, is held hostage in Gaza for nearly a year. We must not forget Nimrod and all the hostages who are still held captive in Gaza. We must bring them all home, Now!

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו

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