Time To Stand Up For Israel🎗️

Time To Stand Up For Israel🎗️


Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly now, Love mercy now.

Over ons

After eight years as a grassroots organization in the Netherlands, TTSUFI has evolved. In January 2014, our founder Sabine Sterk established TTSUFI as a registered NGO dedicated to advocating for Israel. Founded in the Netherlands, we are ambitious, establishing partner organizations globally. *Our Objectives Include:* - Affirming Israel’s right to exist and defend its state, boundaries, and citizens. - Countering misinformation and disinformation through diligent truth-finding, both verbally and in writing. - Ensuring the integrity of news gathering and dissemination. - Highlighting Israeli innovations across multiple sectors such as medical and information technology, agriculture, security, military technology, arts, sports, and culture. - Facilitating connections between investors and Israeli businesses. - Advocating for Israeli interests within various political arenas. - Developing educational materials on topics like the Holocaust and the history of Israel, and promoting Israeli tourism. - Managing our website and organizing voluntary activities. - Recruiting sponsors to support our initiatives in funds, materials, expertise, and labor. - Collaborating with educational institutions, government bodies, and the business community to further our mission. - Hosting debates and various events both online and in-person. We are committed to building partnerships with other pro-Israel organizations and stakeholders to amplify our impact. *Get involved in three main ways;* 1) Inviting advocates of Israel to join the page and comment and share the posts! 2) Join the official Time to Stand up For Israel Telegram Group; https://t.me/timetostandforisrael (We will never Direct Message you) 3) for Email us at ttsufi@gmail.com for potential partnerships. We look forward to positively advocating Israel with you.

2-10 medewerkers
Connecting people, Innovation, Connecting companies, Fight Antisemitism, Lectures, education about Israeli/ Jewish History, truthfinding, Creating awareness, Fighting lies and desinformation, Pro Israel events en News gathering



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