Bring Them Home Now

Bring Them Home Now

Civic and Social Organizations


We are the families and friends of hundreds of innocent abductees from 25 nationalities taken hostage by Hamas. We are not a political organization - the entire headquarters are operating on a completely voluntary basis We formed the Hostage and Missing Families Forum Less than 24 hours after the horrific attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7th, in which thousands of innocent civilians were murdered and taken hostage by Hamas. The Forum is focused on bringing the hostages back home to their families, to us. The forum offers families holistic support and professional assistance and advances the ongoing efforts through all channels, locally, regionally and globally, to bring the hostages and the missing back home to their loved ones. Demanding the release of innocent hostages does not require bravery, it is not political either. Many of the hostages are children, women and the elderly. We demand to bring them home now. Counting thousands of volunteers and supporters, the Hostage and Missing Families Forum includes family members and friends of the hostages alongside top security, law, media and diplomacy experts who are donating their time to the cause. #Bringthemhomenow

אתר אינטרנט
Civic and Social Organizations
גודל החברה
1,001-5,000 עובדים
משרדים ראשיים
Tel Aviv


עובדים ב- Bring Them Home Now


  • צפייה בדף הארגון של Bring Them Home Now, גרפיקה

    15,584 עוקבים

    Sukkot 2023 Look how joyful the families were, gathered together to celebrate and rejoice. The sukkah isn’t very big, so everyone sits shoulder to shoulder, singing, laughing, praying, and enjoying the feast. At this point, they are naïve to what is about to happen on October 7th. Sukkot 2024 Most of the sukkahs were burned to the ground, and those that remain standing depict the void and devastation left after the massacre and abductions. We can’t rebuild or celebrate until all our hostages are back home. Bring them all back home. Now!

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
  • צפייה בדף הארגון של Bring Them Home Now, גרפיקה

    15,584 עוקבים

    "We are the parents of Omer Neutra, a dual Israeli-American citizen who has been held hostage by Hamas for the past 377 days. We've heard the news about the killing of Yahya Sinwar, the head of the Hamas organization in Gaza. This is a critical, time-sensitive development as it relates to the hostages. Their lives are in great danger now more than ever.” Earlier today, Orna and Ronen Neutra, the parents of Israeli-American hostage, Omer Neutra, responded to News of Sinwar's Elimination: “We're calling on the Israeli government and the US administration to act swiftly and do whatever is needed to reach a deal with the captors. We are at an inflection point where the goals set for the war with Gaza have been achieved, all but the release of the hostages. Sinwar, who was described as a major obstacle to a deal, is no longer alive. It is critical that all attention is now focused on achieving the goal of a deal which will secure the release of our son Omer and the rest of the hostages. We are fully aware of a few missed opportunities to reach a deal throughout the year. Omer is in the hands of ISIS-Hamas terrorists. This time, the opportunity must be seized; all hostages must be released in one deal immediately."

  • צפייה בדף הארגון של Bring Them Home Now, גרפיקה

    15,584 עוקבים

    We must not forget the horrific moments from October 7th, the moments Matan Zangauker was abducted into Gaza. On that Black Saturday, Matan and his partner, Ilana Gritzewsky, took shelter in the safe room of their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz, which also served as their bedroom. For the first three hours of the attack, they remained relatively calm. Matan kept his mother, Einav, updated through text messages. Their nightmare began at around 9:30 a.m., when they heard terrorists shouting "Allahu Akbar" and gunfire erupted nearby. At 10:06 a.m., Matan sent his mother one final message: "They're trying to get in." His frightened mother reassured him that the army was already in the kibbutz, but just two minutes later, at 10:08, all communication was cut off. In his last message to his uncle, Eliran, Matan had only one plea: "If, God forbid, something happens, please help Mom, Shani, and Tatu" (his sisters). When the terrorists attempted to break down the door of the safe room, Matan and Ilana made the desperate decision to escape through the window. They jumped out and Ilana froze in fear under a tree when she saw dozens of armed terrorists firing wildly. Meanwhile, Matan ran forward and hid beneath another tree. Matan's abduction was later reconstructed from videos taken by Hamas, and from interrogations of the terrorists who abducted Matan, and were later captured by the Israeli army. One of those terrorists recounted: "I saw a man hiding in the trees. He said his name was Matan. I took him away. He told me he was from Ofakim and just a tourist in the kibbutz. He gave us water, Nutella, and Coca-Cola." The terrorist continued: "When Matan, Ahmed, and I went out, two terrorists arrived in a big Jeep. There were at least fifteen of them in the vehicle. They took him from me, threw him into the Jeep, and drove straight to Gaza." A few days later, Matan's family received a devastating video showing him being transported in Khan Younis, likely after being moved to another location. In the footage, Matan is dragged on a motorcycle, flanked by two men, one of them armed. A mob of people in Gaza is seen shouting and celebrating as they surrounded him. Matan's phone was also traced to Gaza, and it was eventually returned to his family. Ilana, Matan's partner, endured 55 days in captivity before she was finally released. During her time in Gaza, she never saw Matan, despite pleading with the terrorists to allow her to meet him. Shortly before her release, she encountered another hostage, Ofer Kalderon, who reassured her that he had seen Matan alive and in good health, without any injuries. Matan Zangauker, 24, is held hostage in Gaza for more than a year. We must not forget Matan and all the hostages who are still held captive in Gaza. We must bring them all home, Now!

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
  • צפייה בדף הארגון של Bring Them Home Now, גרפיקה

    15,584 עוקבים

    We must not forget the horrific moments from October 7th, the moments Keith Siegel was abducted into Gaza. From the early hours of that Saturday morning, Keith and Aviva Siegel made sure they hear from all their family members every 20 minutes. The couple sent their last message at 10:15 a.m. and since then no one heard from them, or from any other family in their small neighborhood in the Kibbutz. Their family had no idea what happened to Keith and Aviva for more than 24 hours, until they heard from one of their neighbors who saw them being taken at gunpoint. Aviva, who was released from captivity on November 23rd., shed some light on the brutal attack that morning: “Hamas terrorists pulled us out aggressively through the window. They pushed and shoved us forcefully, didn’t stop shooting, pulled and tore Keith’s shirt, shot his arm and knocked him down to the floor breaking his ribs. We were captured when we were in our pajamas so they gave us our pants and sandals. We were lucky because the other hostages were taken without shoes and got pieces of glass stuck in their feet. They put us in their car and asked my husband for the car code. He didn’t want to give it to them and told me ‘Let’s run’. I replied ‘They’ll kill us, can’t you see they are holding riffles?’… Even when we were driving in Gaza, he tried to convince me to escape. There was one terrorist with a knife in my face, another one with a gun and the third one was driving”. Several days after the abduction, Hamas published a video on Telegram, showing Keith and Aviva in their car, being threatened from every direction by the terrorists, transported into Gaza. In a heart-wrenching testament, Aviva shared the suffering Keith endured during the 51 days they were held captive together: “Because of his fractured ribs, Keith was in severe pain for 5 weeks. I couldn’t touch him. He could barely breathe or sit and was constantly ordered, by the terrorists, to stand up. Keith and I were moved 13 times while in captivity, to houses and tunnels. We were told to dress up. One of our capturers told us we needed to practice changing our clothes, so he would tell us to change, looked at us changing and made fun of us. Many times, we were threatened at gunpoint as if they are about to execute us as a joke. One day one of the terrorists got very angry at Keith and threatened him with his gun. Keith was depressed for several days. He didn’t speak to me and we cried without letting them see. On another day the terrorists told Keith to shave his whole body. He was very embarrassed and they made fun of him.” At the end of April this year, Hamas published a video of Keith and Omri Miran, addressing their families. Keith looks skinny, his eyes dented, his hair is all white and his face pale. Keith Seigel, 65, is held hostage in Gaza for more than a year. We must not forget Keith and all the hostages who are still held captive in Gaza. We must bring them all home, Now!

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
  • צפייה בדף הארגון של Bring Them Home Now, גרפיקה

    15,584 עוקבים

    "Starting Watch": Installation Simulating an Observer Command Center Inaugurated in Hostages Square Yesterday, an installation simulating an observer command center was set up in Hostages Square. It features five stations, representing the five female observers who have been held hostage in Gaza for over a year: Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa, Liri Albag, Naama Levy, and Karina Ariev. The installation is operated by former observers who conduct themselves as if on a real shift in an observer command center. The message is clear: "We won't close our eyes until they return! We won't leave our sisters behind!" As part of the installation, recordings of the observer command center's radio communications from the morning of October 7th are played. The public is invited to visit Hostages Square and participate in the watch at the installation. During the Sukkot holiday, a similar installation will travel between Jerusalem, Haifa, and Be'er Sheva. Photo credit: Dana Reany

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
  • צפייה בדף הארגון של Bring Them Home Now, גרפיקה

    15,584 עוקבים

    Updated intelligence, gathered by Security Forces, indicates that the Hamas terrorists guarding the hostages have been ordered to worsen their conditions and have become more violent. Surviving the circumstances in which the six murdered hostages were held seems almost impossible, and now the situation is even worse. They can’t take any more! We need Hamas to release them; we must bring them all home. Now!

    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו
    • אין תיאור טקסט חלופי לתמונה הזו

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