One thing keeps coming to me over and over again: "But Adrian, do you really think this will work? There are so many obstacles in the way – I doubt this can ever be the future."
I agree there are a ton of obstacles, a ton of non-believers, a ton of reasons for this to fail. But my answer to all those out there thinking I'm crazy is this:
Cars were invented 130 years ago (in 1885).
Trains were invented 200 years ago (in 1825).
Airplanes were invented 120 years ago (in 1903).
If you lived in 1885 and you saw Bertha Benz riding the first ever automobile next to you, would you have thought that this invention would ever be able to change the world as profoundly as it did? Would you believe that cars would replace horses, create markets, and shape societies?
If anyone today thinks that the flying taxis we see today are the last step of the industry’s evolution, you're wrong. They're the beginning of something much larger.
If you think flying taxis are crazy, think again, because that's the same thing the common man would have said about the first car when it rolled by.
It's crazier to think cars are the last step of mobility evolution than it is to think air taxis are the future.
Sarla Aviation
#DontBeCrazy #UddKeJaunKya #SarlaAviation #AirTaxi #ViksitBharat